  • Possible problems: "rejection" of the breast, "not enough milk"

    Different children behave differently during breastfeeding. Some forcefully draw in a sucking-nosed circle and eagerly suck until they are full. There are also small lazy people who quickly fall asleep during feeding, although at the beginning of this event they "worked" very actively. There are babies who immediately after birth do not take the mother's breast or suck very thinly. Most often they are premature babies or injured during childbirth. Therefore, until the child is stronger, it is better to express the milk and feed it from a spoon.

    In general, as in adults, babies, even newborns, have their own little quirks that manifest themselves during feeding. But there are things that nobody likes. For example, if you hold the baby by the head and point toward your chest, then most likely it will start to break out. Do not

    squeeze his cheeks to open his mouth, because, following the instinct to turn his head in the direction with which something warm and pleasant touched his cheek, he becomes confronted with the choice of where to turn and becomes angry.

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    Compliance with proper feeding techniques, including the feeding regime - strictly by the hour at a certain time, complete emptying of the breast by expressing the milk remaining after feeding, guarantee the correct development of the child, contribute to resistance to his illnesses, and also ensure that you produce enough milk.

    But there are cases when the baby refuses from the breast due to any congenital pathology or disease. To such diseases it is possible to carry a rhinitis and thrush. So, with a cold in the baby, the act of sucking is much more difficult, because in the first months of life it breathes only with the nose, because the large tongue actually completely closes the oral cavity and squeezes the epiglottis. Therefore, the mother should always remember the need to maintain free nasal breathing in the child in general and especially when feeding. Difficulty breathing causes him a sharp discomfort, he begins to choke, choke on milk and quickly becomes tired, there is anxiety during wakefulness, sleep is disturbed. Thus, the clean nasal passages of the baby are the key to successful and comfortable feeding.

    Breast cancellation can occur if the child has a thrush - a fungal disease of the oral cavity that looks like milky foam that adheres to the mucous membrane of the mouth and is not removed if they are rubbed. If you remove the top film, then under it the skin begins to bleed a little and becomes inflamed. In this case, the child is sick to suck. Therefore, if you suspect a thrush, you should immediately show the baby to the doctor, and he will prescribe the treatment. Before the examination of the doctor, after each feeding, give the child a little boiled water, which will wash the mouth of milk and will not give the fungus thrush nutrient medium.

    It is not uncommon for a baby to refuse to take a breast after suffering an ear infection as a result of a cold, because he still has some time remaining pain in the entire jaw.

    Very rarely, but still children are born with intolerance of human milk, which can be recognized by the presence of dyspeptic phenomena, less often - skin allergic reactions. The cause of this pathology is a violation of the digestion and absorption of lactose in human milk. In such cases, the babies are transferred to mixtures containing maltose and sucrose instead of lactose or completely non-dairy mixtures.

    It is very difficult for babies born with defects of the lip or the sky( the so-called "hare's lip" or "wolf's skies") not only to grasp the nipple well, but to draw and swallow milk, while the

    starts to choke, sneeze, but eventually adaptto the act of sucking. To facilitate the process of feeding the infant with the uncombed sky, the mother should press his nose to the chest, but after breastfeeding it still needs to be fed up, because, as a rule, during sucking, it gets tired and does not eat up. If the baby can not suck, it is better to feed it with expressed milk from a spoon. In the case of inability to feed the baby in traditional ways, the doctor prescribes feeding through the probe.

    Some babies are born with an incorrect bite, or prognathism, when the lower jaw is small or, conversely, too large. Such babies usually still adapt to the act of sucking, and if not, then, as in the previous case, you need to either feed from a spoon, or inject milk through a probe.

    But a healthy child can give up the mother's breast for certain reasons.

    Some mothers have flat or elongated nipples, which greatly complicates breastfeeding, especially in easily excitable children. If the baby is looking, but can not find the nipple, he screams and throws his head back. In this case, mom can be advised to attach it to the chest immediately after he wakes up before he begins to get angry. You can make a light nipple massage or use special pads before feeding. The pads are rubber nipples, put on a glass cone, on the

    placed on the chest. When the kid sucks a rubber tip, a vacuum is created in the cone, into which a sucking-in circle is drawn, and milk is squeezed out of the chest. But it is advisable to use it only 2-3 minutes at the beginning of each feeding, since this time is enough for the nipples to stretch.

    Instead of lining, you can use the corrector and the shape of the nipple, which is sold at the pharmacy. With its help, the nipple changes easily and painlessly by gradually stretching the milk ducts, which can then keep the nipple in the correct position without affecting its basic functions. The shape of the nipple can be corrected after 3 weeks, if you use the device every day for 8 hours. The device works on the creation of rarefied air inside the cap, which is put on the nipple. A syringe is attached to the cap, which helps to remove air from the cap. Use this device can even the future mother, but only in the second half of pregnancy, but 2 months before the expected delivery, because at this time any stimulation of the breast can provoke the appearance of premature labor.

    Another reason for the baby's failure from the breast is the swelling of the nipple mug. The cause of this phenomenon can become overflowing milk ducts, located under the nipple circle, in which milk is collected. In this case, the mother usually does not experience any inconvenience, but the

    circle becomes rigid. Therefore, the child can not take it in his mouth and squeeze the gums, then he is forced not to suck, but to chew, why the nipple begins to ache. To swollen and hardened okolososkovy circle was soft, you need to squeeze a little milk. Then you can squeeze a nipple and insert it into the baby's mouth to help him start sucking. Usually, this swelling is characteristic of the second half of the first week after childbirth and lasts 2-3 days, no longer repeating if breastfeeding is normal.

    It happens that a healthy baby refuses to take a breast, when the mother has a menses. These days it can be fed from the nipple, but the woman should not forget to decant the remaining milk so that its stock does not decrease. If the mother stops giving the baby a bottle after the end of the critical days, he will return to the breast again and the amount of breast milk will be restored.

    As for the problems of feeding the baby to my mother, there are too many of them.

    In the first week after childbirth a woman can feel painful spasms in the abdomen during breastfeeding. The appearance of pain is explained by the fact that the act of breast sucking causes a contraction of the uterus, as a result of which it returns to its previous dimensions. These spasms will soon cease.

    Often in the first few seconds of breastfeeding, mother feels a sharp pain in the nipples, which will also eventually pass.

    Milk stasis causes chest pain, often with fever. When there is a balance between secretion and the amount of sucked milk, these phenomena disappear. If this does not happen, you should resort to decanting or sucking out milk or increasing the number of baby's attachments to a full chest. Additional measures may be anti-inflammatory alcohol compresses on the mammary gland, breastfeeding mother should drink more, breast massage will also help. In more severe cases, a woman needs to seek help from a doctor, who in this case usually prescribes analgesics, and sometimes antibiotics to prevent mastitis.

    Cracks and abrasions of the nipples are one of the most frequent and serious complications of breastfeeding. They appear already in the first week of lactation and can lead to the development of mastitis. The causes of these inconveniences can be various anomalies of the nipple, injury during feeding, poor compliance with the rules of hygiene by the mother. Damage can be a radial crack, erosion of the tip of the nipple or even an ulcer, complete erosion with an inflamed nipple, etc. Naturally, these complications cause serious difficulty in feeding the baby. Therefore, in the presence of their mother should temporarily limit the number of applications to the affected breast or refrain altogether from feeding, but 2-3 times a day to release the breast from the

    of accumulating milk by hand. Each feeding should give the baby a second breast.

    During the treatment of nipple lesions, drugs are prescribed that promote skin epithelization. These include ointments with anabolic hormones, disinfectants, vitamin A, anesthesin, etc. You can also use lotions with a solution of sodium chloride and antiseptics, the corresponding medicinal aerosols. It is also recommended to irradiate the gland with a mercury quartz lamp.

    For the prevention of cracks and abrasions of the nipples, you must follow the rules of care for them and the mammary gland, monitor the hygiene of the breast before and after feeding, and also correctly apply the baby so that it captures not only the nipple, but also the areola, and the feeding should last about 10-12 min.

    Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland, usually caused by infection of the nipple crack from the outside, i.e. its development is promoted by violations of hygiene rules, lack of careful care of the mammary gland or stagnation of milk.

    The infection that develops in the body of the mother leads to the appearance of signs of intoxication and fever. The treatment of mastitis is based on the use of antibiotics and the mandatory and sufficient expression of milk from the affected breast. In more severe cases, surgical intervention is necessary.

    With regard to breastfeeding, the application of the baby to her depends on the general condition of the mother, the increase in temperature and the changes in the expressed milk. With severe intoxication and fever, the baby can not be applied to the breast, and expressed milk can be used for nutrition only after receiving the results of microscopic and bacteriological studies. In some cases, it is allowed to boil milk, expressed from a sick chest, before giving it to the baby. If the mastitis is delayed and the baby can not be applied to the breast, then it is necessary to organize supplementary feeding with donor milk or transfer the baby to mixed or artificial feeding.

    Prevention of mastitis includes careful care of the mammary gland, proper attachment of the baby to the breast, prevention of stagnation and delay of milk in the chest, proper and thorough treatment of nipple cracks.

    As for healthy mothers, they often complain about a small amount of milk, not knowing that the lack of milk production is, in fact, very rare and is due to mammary maldevelopment or increasing physical exhaustion, as well as the experienced mental shock. In the last two cases, milk can appear again if the nursing woman creates normal conditions.

    Most often, this is a reduction in lactation, which may be caused by insufficient nutrition as well as by

    , overfatigue, lack of sleep, and uneasy conditions in the family. Therefore, during breastfeeding a woman especially needs attention and help from relatives. For her, a sufficient sleep is necessary - 7-8 hours a day, a full meal with at least 1 liter of milk, diluted 1 liter of tea, or the same amount of fermented milk products. More details about increasing lactation you can learn from a special section dedicated to this topic.

    Well, when we have figured out the peculiarities of breastfeeding the baby, we can move on to such a serious issue as the feeding regime.