  • Bather

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    The is one of the favorite and unpretentious garden plants. It is associated with many legends and folk legends, which indicates the popularity of this flower. In the central strip of Russia, a bathing-place is called bells, in the north - balabolka, in Siberia - fries. The blossom belongs to the family of buttercups, it is a long-term short-fruiting plant that forms a compact shrub 50-100 cm high with a root rosette of palmate-lobed petioles and erect stalking stems, ending with 1-2 large globular flowers. The flowers of the bathing-house, like all buttercups, are distinguished by glossy, like lacquered, petals of bright sunny colors: lemon yellow, golden yellow, bright orange. Flowers in different species can be round or flattened.

    In the wild nature of the bathing suits are widespread throughout the European part of Russia, in Siberia, in the Altai, it grows on forest glades, meadows, along the wet shores of reservoirs. Most types of bathing-houses bloom in May-early June, but there are also late species blooming in July-August. Flowering lasts 2-3 weeks.

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    Bathers are planted by separate curtains among the lawn, in mixborders, in curbs, at the foot of the Alpine hills. Especially well looked bathing suits, planted in large groups in a shady garden, on the north side of the house, under the trees, among the lawn, along the banks of the reservoir. These plants can also be grown for cutting. Flowers do not fade for a long time if they are immediately put in water.

    Types of

    Many varieties and garden forms have been identified, most of which are hybrids of the widespread types of bathing suits: Asian, European and Chinese.

    European Blinds. As a decorative garden culture is most often grown it. It forms dense bushes with numerous peduncles 50-70 cm high. Flowers almost spherical in diameter 5 cm with lemon yellow and dense yellow bright glossy petals that burn in the sun, which gives the plant a very elegant live appearance. The most promising varieties of European bathing suits are Lightball, Irlist of Ol, Lemon Queen. The European blossom blossoms for 3-4 weeks, starting from the end of May.

    Asian asian bath is very similar to the European one. More often it is called Siberian fry because of the bright orange large flowers. The sepals are less concave and more open, and because of the numerous petal-nectaries flowers seem almost double. Blooms from the end of May for 2-3 weeks.

    The Altai mussel, like the Asian one, has bright orange large flowers, but the difference is a dark spot inside the flower, in the center. This contrasting middle is created by brownish anthers. Blooms not too long in June.

    The Chinese bath features an unusual flower shape and a taller bush. The color of the flowers is bright orange, the shape is flattened, the leaves of the flowers are not as rounded as the European and Asian bathing suits, elongated, arranged in 2 rows along the edge of the flower. An unusual shape of the flower is attached to the long petals-nectaries, located in the center. They are twice as long as the sepals, they rise above the flower like feathers, giving it an open-work appearance, and swinging in the wind. Blooms considerably later than other species - in July. It is very similar to a swimsuit Chinese swimsuit Lebedur.

    Cultivation and care

    Bathers should be grown on a fairly humid, but at the same time well-drained soil. In general, these plants grow well on any fertile soils, except for dry sandy soils. A place in the garden for them is chosen slightly shaded, because on sunny open areas the bathing-houses are diminished and too quickly bloom. In a dry summer, plants, especially young ones, need to be watered abundantly. Propagation of the bathing house is mainly the division of the bush, as the seeds germinate extremely slowly, unevenly and unevenly. The excavated bush should not be shaken off from the ground, because thin delicate roots dry quickly when dried, and so plants do not get well. Bathers can grow long in one place and do not like frequent transplants.

    The best time for transplant is mid-summer, when plants are at rest after the end of flowering. At this time, the bushes are excavated and divided into small deklenki( 3-4 buds each) with a sharp knife. Such rejuvenated chicks already in the second year form large bushes with 5-6 peduncles. All types of bathing suits bloom annually and abundantly. The cesspools are winter-hardy and do not require shelter for the winter.

    Useful and curative properties of the Siberian, Asian( fire)

    perennial herbaceous ornamental plant 30-60 cm high with lapchaty-five-parted leaves and mostly single( sometimes 2-3) bright orange flowers such as rosettes, from 3 to 5 cm indiameter. Blossoms from the middle of May to July. Fruits - prefabricated leaflets with small twisted shiny seeds.

    Distributed in the forest and forest-steppe zones of Siberia. In the Altai in the alpine belt, in the sub alpine and alpine areas of the

    belt and in the tundra, a close view is growing - the Altay bathhouse( Altai flame), which is distinguished by the smaller Mi and narrow petals of flowers.

    In folk medicine, infusion of flowers is taken as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antiscorbutic agents, and root extract is used to treat dropsy, epilepsy and scabies( followed by oat infusion with honey).

    The plant is poisonous!

    Useful and medicinal properties of European

    bathing Perennial rather high herbaceous plant with fibrous roots. Leaves are glabrous-dissected into 5 sharp-toothed lobes, lower on petioles, upper erect. Flowers single, large, 2.5-3 cm in diameter, globose, from 12-15 light-yellow sepals, which overlap one another;petals narrow, orange, half as long as the leaves;fetus - collective leaflet. Blooms in May-June.

    Grows on forest glades, in bushes, on damp meadows.

    In fresh grass contains protoanemonin( anemonol), traces of alkaloids, in leaves - saponins. It's poisonous!

    Water decoction of grass in folk medicine is drunk with gastric diseases;ointment, prepared from fresh herbs with any fat, is used for abscesses.