Introduction of complementary foods and lures, weaning
If the baby is still weak, awkward and unable to suck the right amount of mother's milk, in this case breastfeeding should be supplemented with expressed milk. Weak baby should be fed until it gets stronger. But sometimes it is necessary to feed and healthy, well sucking and well developing child, if the mother does not have that amount of milk that he needs. If the baby is not full, it is easy to determine: sucking the milk to the last drop, he behaves restlessly and continues to make sucking movements with his lips. But what to feed your baby mom with reduced lactation? Breastfeeding children until the age of 3 months, if possible, should be fed only breast milk. It is especially important to follow this rule during the first month. Immediately before feeding, the mother expresses milk from one breast;A bottle with expressed milk is placed in a vessel with warm water. After feeding the baby, she should weigh it and give him the right amount of expressed milk. If the child sucked enough-
exactly, the expressed milk can be stored in the refrigerator until the next feeding, after having cooled it to room temperature.
As a last resort, if there is no other way out, a child under the age of 6 weeks should be fed breast-fed donor milk mixed in half with a cow;children over 6 weeks of age can already be fed with a mixture of cow and breast milk in a ratio of 2: 4. If the child did not need supplementary nutrition during the first 3 months of life, then it is better to breastfeed with vegetables, not cow's milk.
The baby should be supplemented only in accordance with the prescription of the child's doctor, who can correctly determine not only the amount of complementary food, but also to assign one or another of its kind. The amount of supplementary feeding is determined as follows: if a weak baby consumes 400 grams of mother's milk per day, this amount should be increased to 450 g per day. In the future, every 2-3 days the amount of supplementary nutrition should be gradually increased until the child begins to gain weight. If this rule is observed, the baby becomes stronger, actively sucks and adds weight, so in most cases, feeding becomes unnecessary after 2-3 weeks.
When feeding a child who sucks well, one must adhere to the following rule: if a child is breastfeeding 4 times a day, its
should be fed only once, and if 3 times a day - it should be fed 2 times.
Give extra food right after breast-feeding;at large intervals between breastfeeding and feeding the child receives food 10-12 times a day instead of 5-6 times, so his stomach does not rest. In addition, the rhythm of breastfeeding is disturbed, the baby will suckle the breast languidly, lazily, since he has not yet got hungry after a recent meal.
The theory states that mother's milk or an adapted milk formula can meet the baby's needs during the first year of life. But practice shows that early introduction to the diet of a variety of products only contributes to the psychomotor development of the child and the awakening of his intellect. It is no longer a secret that children who have "sat on porridges" for too long develop slower compared to those whose food included meat and fish.
Thus, already at the age of four months, it is possible, by continuing breastfeeding, to introduce a variety of foods rich in energy, protein, vitamins, fiber, microelements and other biologically active substances.
There is still no consensus on the timing of the introduction of the first and the benefits of early complementary foods. So, some doctors say that a baby who has the opportunity to eat mother's milk for a year can not get along without food, because
that his body at such a tender age is not yet ready to learn more complex food, does not even know how to chew it and do the necessary pushing movementslanguage with swallowing movements, resulting in more dense food than breast milk or milk formula, can cause vomiting and its subsequent inhalation. Yes, indeed, up to 3-4 months for a baby, when a thick and solid food gets into the mouth, the tongue makes ejecting movements, but by 4-5 months this protective reflex is weakened, and the child can already eat more dense food.
Also, doctors note that it is at 4-5 months of age that the baby actively develops, both mentally and mentally and physically, that all organs and systems are being improved, including the digestive system is preparing for a change in the diet of the "host".Already in 5-6 months the baby has well-coordinated reflexes of swallowing and ejecting food, he learns to chew, getting used to the fact that the teeth have appeared, crushing the pieces of food that enter the mouth.
Nevertheless, the readiness of the baby to receive complementary foods can be determined only by the doctor, as all children develop differently, and one it's time to give lure, and the other with it is worth waiting, because the body is not yet ready for changes in the diet.
If the doctor has decided that the baby can be fed, making his diet more diverse -
, then it does not mean that the child can immediately give meat, fish and, without limitation, vegetables and fruits. Still, this requires a certain training of the body, the habit of processing and absorbing food, different from the mother's milk or milk formula. Therefore, before the introduction of the main types of complementary foods in the baby's diet, fruit juices and purees are first introduced, which have a liquid consistency, are easily digested, have good taste qualities and do not require significant effort from the motility of the digestive tract and enzymes. To do this, it is best to start with the juice of green apples, very rarely causing allergies. When the baby gets used to his taste and my mother sees that he drinks juice with pleasure, there is also no negative reaction from the digestive system, other juices can be given, for example, pear, plum, apricot, and from 5 months - cherry, blackcurrant, pomegranate, carefully following the reaction of the body to the expansion of the assortment of fruits. I would like to give some advice on the addition of juices fruits and vegetables: first, acidic and tart juices are better for beginning to boil with boiled water;secondly, the juices of red berries, citrus, brightly colored vegetable crops, which are highly allergenic, should be given taking into account the tolerance and preferably not earlier than 7-8 months. The introduction of the first complement does not mean that giving the juice to the baby for the first time, it is necessary to replace one of the feedings with it. First, they give him just a few drops of juice after one of the morning feedings to track the child's reaction to the introduction of a new product. In the absence of vomiting, allergic rash on the face and body, liquid stools, the amount of juice can be gradually increased within 6-7 days and bring to a volume of 20-40 ml. In future, the number of juices should be increased by 10-15 ml per month, and by the year the volume of daily drunk juice will be 100-120 ml, i.e. 10 ml for each month. Note that each new juice should be injected only after the child has become accustomed to the previous one. In a daily diet, it is advisable to give no more than 2-3 different juices, it is better not to mix them.
If, within two weeks after the first supplementary feeding, the juvenile has not shown signs of poor tolerance, its diet can be expanded by introducing fruit puree from similar fruits and preferably in the same sequence as juices were introduced. Therefore, start with apple puree. For children with unstable stools it is useful to give puree from apples and bananas that have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, or fixing juices such as pomegranate, blackcurrant, blueberry. For constipation, mashed potatoes, beet and cabbage juices are useful for babies.
It is best if the mother herself prepares juice for the baby or fresh fruit puree. In the absence of such parents, they will have to buy them
in the form of canned food, while carefully monitoring the shelf life of the product, its composition and recommendations for use. All this information must be indicated on the label.
So, making sure that the baby is carrying the juice well: it drinks with pleasure, the chair is good, there are no skin allergic rashes, - it's time to give the first lure. As we have already said, it will be apple puree or, even more often, mashed potatoes. Over time, you can use cabbage, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, the last - green peas and tomatoes.
If the first lure is given in the amount of 3-5 g, i.e., less than a teaspoon, then with good tolerability during a week, this amount of spoons can be brought to 4-5.And it is customary to give a lure to a baby before the daytime breastfeeding or milk formula. As for diversity, it is better to teach the child first to one kind of vegetable or fruit puree, and then introduce to another vegetable or fruit, ie, other purees to introduce gradually, like juices. Only when the child gets used to various vegetables and fruits, the mother will be able to determine which of them the child likes more, and which fewer, she can combine several vegetables or fruits in one puree, combining favorite babies and not very much, although useful for his organismvegetables and fruits.
It takes about a month to learn to mash, that is, it will be 5-6 months, when the used to
juices and mashed potatoes the baby will be ready to try and prepared by the mother of soup exclusively from fresh vegetables. In this case, you need to closely monitor the reaction of the child's body to the introduction of each new element of the diet. If the baby has a reddish rash on his face or digestion is upset after using mashed potatoes or a soup made from a vegetable, you should temporarily stop giving lure and consult a doctor for advice.
It is better to immediately breastfeed a baby from a spoon and a cup, while the mother must learn to keep the baby's right while feeding. To master this simple science it is possible and on pictures( see figure)
For feeding of the child always it is necessary to take on hands. His head rested on his mother's shoulder;The body is slightly elevated so that food does not get into the respiratory tract. The child should see the spoon approaching his mouth with food( see picture)
To teach the child to eat from a spoon, it is necessary to attach it to the lower lip of the baby and at the moment when he begins to produce sucking movements, insert a spoon into his mouth. The spoon can not be injected too deeply;If the spoon touches the palate, the child may experience vomiting. Take care that the spoon does not get under the tongue( see the picture)
Pressing the tongue slightly with the tip of the spoon, raise its handle slightly upward: so the mushy food slips off the spoon more easily.
Fig. Position of the child during feeding: and - correct; b - Wrong
Fig Beginning of feeding
Fig Feeding process
The child closes his mouth while preparing to swallow food;at this point, pull out the spoon, pressing it to the upper lip( see picture)
Fig. Ending the feeding
If there are food leftovers in the corners of the mouth, you can not pick it up with a spoon and feed it, you have to put it on a saucer. So teach the child to eat carefully.
When the kid has learned to eat vegetable puree with pleasure, he "understands" the sense in fruit co-ordinates
, his body reacts well to supplements in the diet, 3-4 weeks after the introduction of vegetable puree in the baby's diet, you can enter and cereal lure - milk porridge, which will become an additional source of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. For starters, porridge is boiled in half-diluted milk, in consistency slightly thicker than the milk mixture or milk. But to teach the baby to the porridge, too, you need in a certain order: first with rice, and then you can boil buckwheat, oatmeal, corn, wheat and barley porridge. The groats chosen for the porridge of the baby must first be washed and dried, then grinded on a coffee grinder, and then added to milk. Of course, you can feed the baby and ready-made porridges, which are usually a lot in the retail chain, but there is nothing better and more useful than a dish prepared by one's own hands, especially since it does not contain various chemical additives such as flavoring or perfume, baking powder and so on., and even more so preservatives. Thus, the mother, preparing porridge for her child at home, prevents the development of allergic reactions and other ailments in him. It is terrible, but fakes are not rare in children's food. Therefore, if the mother is forced to take ready porridge, then it is necessary first to properly study the information on the labels and boxes, the quality certificates and the availability of special labeling of the manufacturer confirming the quality of the products.
First time it is not necessary for the baby to feed porridge from a large plate, it is necessary for the baby to be taught to her "the same way as to puree and juices - starting from 1-2 hours, only after 1-2 weeks gradually increasing the volumeporridge up to 130-150 g with a normal reaction of the digestive system of the baby for this kind of complementary feeding.
To my 7 months old baby can taste very much already: juices, mashed potatoes, egg yolks, cottage cheese, vegetable soups. Mom by this time can determine that her child has grown fond of more, and that - less. Now it is time for the child to try and more "serious" food - meat. To prepare a new dish for the baby, it's best to buy rabbit meat or veal. Naturally, the meat dish for the first time will not be served in the form of steak with blood, but boiled and twice passed through a meat grinder and added to vegetable purée. As usual, start with a small portion - 1/4 teaspoon, bringing up to 30 days in a week. When the child becomes older, he can already eat meatballs, and at the end of the year also steamed burgers made from beef liver or tongue. All innovations need to be introduced, carefully following the reaction of the baby's body: did he appear diathesis, was the chair normal and regular, did he improve his weight, etc.
Do not forget that lure with porridges by the timecoincides with the appearance of teeth, while the gums and chewing muscles need a load that promotes intensive and proper development. In this case, drying, crackers or a stale piece of bread will prove useful. But give them to the child should also following several rules: first, the baby should be in an upright position;secondly, the softened cracker or drying should be replaced with a new hard one, so that the child does not choke on the crumb.
Should separately tell about the fish, which can be introduced into the diet of a baby who has reached 10 months and responds well to other complementary foods. For the preparation of fish dishes you need only use low-fat fish, sea or river. From sea fish, it is better to choose cod, hake, sea bass, perch, perch, pike, the meat of which is carefully separated from the bones, from the river. The first dishes of fish from a baby can be boiled her pieces or steam cutlets.
It should be noted that allergic manifestations may appear in children with hypersensitivity when introducing fish dishes into the diet. This also applies to the introduction of whole cow's milk into the baby's diet.
As we have already said, by the year the baby has four meals a day, so the mother of
can try to diversify his nutrition, while increasing the amount of food, but not at the expense of cereals. In porridges contains a large number of carbohydrates, the excess of which leads to the appearance of excess weight, which prevents active movement. Do not also add a lot of sugar and salt to the dishes, the excess of which will also affect the baby's health.
When it comes to feeding, the question arises for moms: when is the child to be weaned? In fact, weaning begins with the moment when you give the lure of a baby, replacing one breastfeeding. The withdrawal is considered complete when the baby no longer receives a breast. It will be better for the mother and the child if the withdrawal is not sudden. If the baby is weaned gradually, he gets used to other food, which he receives instead of milk, and then this process goes on without complications and complications. But do not forget that the earlier a child stops sucking a breast, the more danger it is exposed. It is not recommended to begin the process of weaning during the hot summer months, because during this period the danger of infection increases and the resistance of the organism of the infant, which badly transfers heat, decreases. It is not recommended to begin weaning and during the period when the baby's teeth are chopped or after preventive vaccinations.
But if for any reason the mother has to give up breastfeeding, then
can do it in several ways. For example, if she has little milk, it is quite easy to take the baby from her breast - stop breastfeeding, and that's all. But with the appearance of painful sensations in the mammary glands it will be better to apply the baby to the breast for 15-30 seconds, while he will suck out the excess milk, and the unpleasant sensations will disappear, and this will not lead to increased lactation.
If a woman produces a moderate amount of milk, you can first breastfeed your baby more than once, replacing her own milk with an artificial mixture. If the breast does not swell, then breastfeeding can be stopped. And with the appearance of painful sensations, you can apply the baby for 30 seconds to the chest.
"Dairy" moms will have more difficult, at first it is better to skip one breastfeeding, and after a week - two, etc. In this case, the pain does not arise, but if they do, it should be the same as in the first two cases.
If a woman had to give up breastfeeding "at one time," she should wear a tight bra or bandage the chest with a wide bandage and limit the intake of fluid. In this case, after 2-4 days milk production usually stops.
In addition, doctors recommend that during weaning you do not make any additional changes to your baby's life, such as traveling, separation or moving, or even accustoming to a pot, as a reduction in the diet of mother's milk always affects his state of health and mood. Therefore, these days your child requires more attention, love and affection.
After the cessation of breastfeeding, a woman needs to follow the rules of her care: take a daily cold shower on the chest and perform physical exercises for the muscles that support it.
Proper care is very important for a newborn baby. That's why Mom needs to know how to do this so that the baby is always healthy and happy.
Care is a fairly broad concept. It includes a whole complex of various activities that are not only useful for the baby, but also bring him pleasure. With the help of mother's hands, toys for the bathroom, a simple bath towel, the baby learns the world around. He learns to feel, listen, begins to feel his small body.