  • Reading lessons

    Do the following exercises for reading:

    When reading, the following rules should be observed:

    1. If the eye is covered with a bandage, make sure that it remains open during reading.

    2. Read aloud to be sure that you are breathing. People with eyes prone to stress usually hold their breath during visual work.

    3. Keep the font right in front of your face and move your nose from field to field with an easy, gentle turn of the head.

    4. You do not need to coordinate these turns with your reading. They are only a means of achieving relaxation of the eyes. Carry out these turns slowly, in short movements and rhythmically, but let the eyes move as fast as they can. The nerve of the retina should move at a rate of 70 times per second.

    5. Try to close your eyes and give them rest, and then make head turns at the end of each paragraph. If you rest beforehand, even before the onset of fatigue, you will never deplete yourself. Minute rest never takes time, as rest prolongs the working period.

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    6. Beware of cheating with your eyesight! Do not make yourself an idiot, trying in some unnatural way to make the font clearer, for example, squinting, tilting your head, looking askance and many other ways that the tense eye finds increasing visual acuity. These tricks will lead you to collapse. You only need a free, wide, open and easy look, i.e.relaxed look. If you feel that you are using tricks, then close your eyes, relax first the upper, then lower eyelids, and then relax the back of the eyeballs. Then, with a deep exhalation, open your eyes and you will see the letters. Perhaps you will be surprised at the way that allows you to achieve vision.

    7. Remember that depending on the way you look at it, whether the font is clear or vague depends. Look at him straining, and he will seem indistinct to you. Look at it easily, taking a deep breath, and the font will become clearer.

    8. Our rule for successful reading is to blink at every point of the text and close your eyes at the end of each paragraph. While you are working with the exercise table, make prolonged closing of the eyes at the end of each paragraph for a real, effective stress relief, turning your head from one shoulder to the other. Then take a deep breath and, opening your eyes, look at the last word on which you finished reading. These words should become clearer.

    Read your daily table. Every day you should read a font of smaller and smaller size. The last line you reached will never be immediately visible. However, you can check your progress by returning to strings with larger letters that were somewhat vague before. Now they need to be clearer than it was the first time. If you find that one eye sees( reads) better than the other, then give the weaker eye more work, making regularly frequent short rest periods during exercise by solarization and palming. To get rid of all kinds of stresses, the eyes must be players of the same team while working at both near and long distances. After working out the eyes individually, always do solarization and palming before you combine them together.

    Every time you finish your work with the training table, read the smallest font that you can see without any tricks. After that, rest and reward yourself with some text of good, normal size. In this case it will be found out that the greatest difficulties you will have only when reading the newspaper font.