
Raglan with knitting needles from above: master knitting class from the neck

  • Raglan with knitting needles from above: master knitting class from the neck

    Raglan with knitting needles from above: a master class with diagrams and a description of

    work. Today we will try to knit a sweater with knitting needles, using the general rule of knitting the sleeves of raglan starting from the top( from the neck) and ending at the bottom. For this purpose our master Raglan class was created with knitting needles from above.

    This technique has one advantage: it allows you to try on our sweater in the course of knitting, making the necessary corrections. If you suddenly notice errors, do not dismiss the whole product or some of its large parts, it will be enough to dissolve only a few rows.

    Attention on the video:

    When knitting a sweater, we do not need a pattern at all, it will simply be replaced by our frequent fitting. And this will be a great advantage for beginner needlewomen to master the knitting of raglan from the neck.

    Many "handy" needlewomen believe that it is knitting raglan from above for women that allows you to create a really beautiful thing that looks great on a fragile female figure.

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    Our sweater will distinguish the presence of wide patterns on the shoulders( strips), which will avoid the seams on the shoulders, often disfiguring the product. The width of the shoulder pattern of a women's sweater can be from 5 cm to 10 cm. The male models of a sweater have a larger width of the shoulder pattern, it can reach 20-25 cm. The main thing in determining the width that suits you is not to forget the rule: the wider the shoulder pattern, the freermust be a sweater.


    Knit sweaters should start with the collar. We will do this on small circular knitting needles. The length of the sweater collar will be 15-30 cm without a seam. We carry out a collar knitting by an elastic band 2х2.On all collar loops we will not knit, as this is characteristic only of very wide shoulder patterns. Half of the available loops will be enough for us. The remaining half of the loops will be left open and transferred to pins for knitting.

    Front and back

    On the front and back of the sweater are half of the remaining we have a loop. If you have a large chest, you can change the number of loops to the side of the transfer.


    We will carry out the shoulder pattern with the "braid" pattern, which will help to make inconspicuous the absence of bevels on the shoulders. In case you are the owner of a luxurious figure or you have sloping shoulders, small adjustments may be required. And then the loops for the front and back of the sweater do not immediately collect all along the edges of the shoulder pattern( including those laid on the knitting pins), but only with the formation of the angle necessary for the bevel of the shoulder.

    The hinges for the shoulder pattern are not involved in knitting the front and back of the sweater, they are on our knitting pins until we take hold of the sleeves. Ideally done work will be if you tie the back part apart from the front part along the width of the sleeves, and then translate the work on the circular spokes more authentic. Next, knitting is conducted around the circle until completion.

    For knitting the hinge sleeves, we will recruit from the walls of the outer hinges of the front and back of the sweater, adding loops of the shoulder pattern.

    There should also be no seams on the sleeves, so we will perform each of the sleeves on the circular knitting needles( as well as the collar).Do not forget to make the necessary reduction of loops in certain rows. The length and width of the sleeves are determined by yourself, for this, in the process of knitting, just periodically try on the product.

    So, now you know how to knit raglan with knitting needles from above, and you can easily knit several warm and beautiful sweaters for your whole family. To begin with, try to tie the product for yourself, and only then it is recommended to master knitting by raglan from the top for children the schemes and the description of the technique will be most useful for this.

    Today we will try to tie the sweater with knitting needles, using the general rules of knitting the sleeves of raglan starting from the top( from the neck) and finishing below. For this purpose our master Raglan class was created with knitting needles from above.

    This technique has one advantage: it allows you to try on our sweater in the course of knitting, making the necessary adjustments. If you suddenly notice errors, do not dismiss the whole product or some of its large parts, it will be enough to dissolve only a few rows.

    Attention on the video:

    When knitting a sweater, we do not need a pattern at all, it will simply be replaced by our frequent fitting. And this will be a great advantage for beginner needlewomen to master the knitting of raglan from the neck.

    Many "handy" needlewomen believe that it is knitting with raglan top for women that allows you to create a really beautiful thing that looks great on a fragile female figure.

    Our sweater will distinguish the presence of wide patterns on the shoulders( bands), which will avoid seams on the shoulders, often disfiguring the product. The width of the shoulder pattern of a women's sweater can be from 5 cm to 10 cm. The male models of a sweater have a larger width of the shoulder pattern, it can reach 20-25 cm. The main thing in determining the width that suits you is not to forget the rule: the wider the shoulder pattern, the freermust be a sweater.


    Knit sweaters should start with the collar. We will do this on small circular knitting needles. The length of the sweater collar will be 15-30 cm without a seam. We carry out a collar knitting by an elastic band 2х2.On all collar loops we will not knit, as this is characteristic only of very wide shoulder patterns. Half of the available loops will be enough for us. The remaining half of the loops will be left open and transferred to pins for knitting.

    Front and back

    The front and back of the sweater have one half of the remaining loops. If you have a large chest, you can change the number of loops to the side of the transfer.


    The shoulder pattern itself will be executed with a "braid" pattern, which will help to make inconspicuous the absence of bevels on the shoulders. In case you are the owner of a luxurious figure or you have sloping shoulders, small adjustments may be required. And then the loops for the front and back of the sweater do not immediately collect all along the edges of the shoulder pattern( including those laid on the knitting pins), but only with the formation of the angle necessary for the bevel of the shoulder.

    The hinges for the shoulder pattern do not participate in knitting the front and back of the sweater, they are on our knitting pins until we take hold of the sleeves. Ideally done work will be if you tie the back part apart from the front part along the width of the sleeves, and then translate the work on the circular spokes more authentic. Next, knitting is conducted around the circle until completion.

    For the knitting of the hinge sleeve we will recruit from the walls of the outer hinges of the front and back of the sweater, adding loops of the shoulder pattern.

    There should also be no seams on the sleeves, so we will perform each of the sleeves on the circular knitting needles( as well as the collar).Do not forget to make the necessary reduction of loops in certain rows. The length and width of the sleeves are determined by yourself, for this, in the process of knitting, just periodically try on the product.

    So, now you know how to knit raglan with knitting needles from above, and you can easily tie several warm and beautiful sweaters for your entire family. To begin with, try to tie the product for yourself, and only then it is recommended to master knitting by raglan from the top for children the schemes and the description of the technique will be most useful for this.