  • Mixture preparation - final method

    This method does not sterilize anything until the mixture is bottled. Everything is sterilized at the end and at the same time.


    1. Bottles for milk( with a capacity of approximately 230 g). As much as the baby needs for the whole mixture, probably six to eight bottles per day to start. You may need another bottle of water if the child drinks it.

    2. The same number of nipples, caps for bottles and discs.

    3. Measured glass or enamelled vessel or its replacement.

    4. Tablespoon for stirring.

    5. Set measuring spoons, if you use granulated sugar, and a knife to level the sand in a spoon.

    6. Can opener, to open a jar with concentrated milk.

    7. Casserole for sterilization with a lid and a wire bottle stand.

    Preparation of the milk formula.

    For example, the mixture is as follows:

    concentrated milk. .......... 285 g

    water. ........................... 570 g

    corn syrup. ................. 2 tablespoons.

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    From this you intend to get seven servings of 120 grams of mixture in each.

    Pour water( cold or hot) into a measuring vessel - 570 g of water.

    Add two tablespoons of corn syrup to the water and stir until the syrup is dissolved( in warm water, the syrup and sugar dissolve faster).

    Wash the cover of the jar with concentrated milk with soap, rinse, do two knives from the opposite ends of the lid - one for the milk outlet, the other for the air intake.

    Add 285 grams of concentrated milk to a measuring vessel to a total of 750 g.

    Stir a tablespoon and pour into seven bottles.

    170. Sterilization of the mixture. Cover all the bottles with covers. If you use bottles in which the nipple is held by a plastic lid, place the nipple inside the bottle, then wrap the lid. Do not screw the lid tightly so that the heated air can exit or enter when the bottle starts to cool.

    If you are using a pacifier that stretches when you put it on a bottle, do not put it on the bottle before you start feeding. Sterilize the bottle, covering it with a glass or aluminum lid.

    Place the bottles in a wire socket in the sterilization pan, pour three to five centimeters of hot water to the bottom, put the pan on the stove. The water should boil for at least 15 minutes.

    It has recently been established that fewer foams will form which clog the nipple opening if the cool the mixture slowly without shaking it. Therefore, leave the sterilization pan( covered with a lid) directly on the plate( off).

    When the bottles become slightly warm or cold, wrap the covers and put the bottles in the refrigerator.

    If you use nipples that stretch on the bottle, boil them for three minutes in a small saucepan under the lid, then drain the water, leave the nipples in a saucepan until they are needed.