  • Bathing

    Bathe before feeding. In the early months of a child's life, it is most convenient to bathe before feeding at 10 am, but it is also possible before any other( and not after feeding, because the child should sleep after feeding).The father may like to bathe the baby before the evening feeding - six or ten hours. By the time the baby goes to three meals a day, you might want to go swimming before lunch or dinner. When your child is still growing up and stops falling asleep right after dinner, it may be better to bathe after dinner, especially if he is not late for supper. If you give him orange juice before the bathroom, he will not be so hungry. Bathe it in a warm room or kitchen, if necessary.

    You can prefer washing. There is a custom to bathe a child completely daily, but it is not necessary. In cold weather, it can be completely bathed once or twice a week, if the face and lower body are constantly clean. In those days when you do not bathe it completely, wipe the lower body with a sponge. Bathing in the bath often scares the inexperienced mother - the child seems so helpless, fragile and slippery, especially after it was soaped. And the child at first bath can be worried because he has no support. Within a few weeks, you can wipe it with a sponge, as long as you do, and it will not feel more secure. If you want, you can wipe it with a sponge for several months until he learns to sit. It is often advised not to bathe the baby in the bathtub until the navel has healed.

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    You can wipe the child with a sponge on the table or on your lap. Under the child should lay an oilcloth. If you do this on a hard surface( on a table), place something soft under the oilcloth, such as a pillow or a folded blanket, so that the child does not roll off.(The child is frightened when it rolls down.) Rinse your face and head with a soft cloth and warm clean water.(The head can be soaped once or twice a week.) Lightly soap the body with a cloth or a hand. Then wash off the soap, twice having gone through the whole body with a clean cloth and paying special attention to the folds.

    Bathing in the bath. Before you start bathing the baby, make sure that you have everything you need at hand. If you forget the towel, you'll have to find it by holding a wet baby.

    Remove the hand watch.

    The apron will keep your clothes dry.

    Keep on hand:

    - soap( non-alkaline toilet soap);

    - a rag;

    - towel;

    - cotton wool to clean the nose and ears, if necessary;

    - oil or powder, if you use them;

    - raisins, diapers, pins.

    You can bathe a child in a bath, kitchen sink or in an enamel basin. You can bathe in a normal bath, but the mother is difficult to tilt. If there is enough space, it is reasonable to give preference to the factory tray on the legs. For convenience, you can put a bath or a basin on the table, and yourself sit on something high. You can sit on a stool near the kitchen sink. Water should be body temperature( 32-38 degrees).A bath thermometer will help an inexperienced mother, but it is not necessary. Check the temperature with your elbow or wrist. You should feel pleasant warmth. First, pour a little water until you learn how to hold the baby firmly. In a metal bath will not be so slippery, if you put the diaper on the bottom. Keep the baby so that his head lies on your wrist, and with your fingers of this hand, support the child under the arms. First, wash your face with a soft cloth without soap, then rinse your head. The head needs to be washed with soap only once or twice a week. Soap foam from your head wipe a cloth, do it twice. If a rag or cotton wool is too wet, soap can get into the child's eyes( there are shampoos that do not burn eyes).Then soap the body, hands and feet - with a hand or a cloth.(It's easier to wash your hand than a rag if your second hand is busy.)

    If at first you are afraid of dropping the baby;you can soap it on your lap or on the table. Then wash the soap in the tub, holding the child securely with both hands.

    Wipe the baby with a soft bath towel - do not rub, but soak. If the baby still has a navel healed, carefully wipe it with sterile cotton. Most children after the first few weeks really like swimming, so take your time. Enjoy with the child.

    Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, nails. It is necessary to wash only the auricle, not the inside of the ear canal. Sulfur in the ear canal protects and cleans it. Tiny invisible hairs slowly move this sulfur to the exit, and with it all the particles of dust and dirt.

    Eyes are constantly washed by tears( not only during crying).Therefore, there is no need to wash healthy eyes.

    Mouth usually does not need care.

    Fingernails are easy to shave during a child's sleep. It is more convenient to do this with nail tweezers, not scissors.

    The nose has an excellent self-cleaning system. Tiny invisible hairs in the cells lining the nasal cavity advance the mucus and mud forward where it all gathers on larger hair at the hole. This causes a tickling sensation, the child sneezes and throws dirt. Wiping the child after bathing, you can first moisturize and carefully remove a lump of dried slime with a corner of a cloth or cotton wool;if necessary, do this with cotton wool, screwed on a toothpick or match so that the wooden part does not stick out. If the baby cries, do it all quickly.

    Dry mucus can clog your nose. Sometimes, especially in a very warm house, a lot of dried mucus is collected in the nose of the baby, which prevents it from breathing. In this case, with each inhalation, the lower part of the chest is retracted. Older children and adults can breathe through the mouth, but most babies do not leave their mouths open. If your child's nose is clogged at any time of the day, moisten the mucus and remove it, as described in the previous paragraph.

    Vaseline or powder? It is customary to lubricate or powder a baby after bathing, and this is usually likewise for children,

    , but in most cases this is not necessary.(If there were, nature would provide for this possibility.) The powder helps if the child has sensitive, easily irritated skin. First you need to put a little powder on your hand - away from the baby so that he does not inhale the powder - and then gently rub over the skin. Any baby powder or just a powder of talc is suitable. If the child's skin is dry, you can use Vaseline or any baby cream( there is a special fragrant baby Vaseline).