  • Food allegory

    Food allergy is quite common in young children. The main factor that determines its development is hereditary predisposition. The child inherits from the parents the allergic mood of the body, which can manifest itself as separate symptoms very early in response to the use of certain foods.

    The development of food allergies is facilitated by the early transfer of the child to artificial feeding, especially on unadapted formula( Krepysh, Health, B-rice, etc.).Promotes the emergence of allergies and unbalanced nutrition with high protein, fat, carbohydrates, large amounts of food( diurnal and in separate feeding), eating disorders.

    Maternal nutritional deficiency during pregnancy and breastfeeding can play a role - excessive or unilateral food, excessive infatuation with products such as chocolate, cocoa, coffee, citrus fruits, nuts, fish. Allergies can be triggered by disorders of the digestive system, dysbacteriosis, etc.

    Among the foods most often causing allergic reactions in young children, can be called cow's milk.

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    Often, food allergies occur with foods such as eggs, citrus, fish, caviar, broths, honey, all brightly colored vegetables, fruits and berries( carrots, apricots, strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, pumpkins, melons, etc.)), cocoa, chocolate, coffee.

    Symptoms of food allergies can develop very early - in the first 2-3 weeks of a child's life. This reddening of the skin of the cheeks, persistent diaper rash, baby pruritus, dairy scab on the scalp, true eczema, urticaria. Changes can occur from the gastrointestinal tract - regurgitation, rarely vomiting, flatulence, liquid, sometimes with mucus rapidity stool or propensity to constipation. Often there is a combination of skin and intestinal manifestations. In older children - respiratory syndrome, asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

    The main principle of treatment of food allergy is a strictly individual approach to the child both in the preparation of the diet and in the use of medicines. A special role belongs to diet therapy. From the diet, the product that causes allergies is excluded, as well as products such as chocolate, coffee, honey, nuts, which are generally contraindicated for children suffering from allergies. However, one should not forget about providing the child with the necessary food substances in accordance with his age requirement. If one or another product is excluded, it must be replaced by another, equivalent in biological value.

    Given the severity of digestive disorders in children with food allergies, they are often prescribed enzyme preparations( abomin, festal, hydrochloric acid with pepsin, pancreatin, panzinorm) to improve the processes of digesting food. In connection with the fact that with allergies often noted various violations of the intestinal microflora, the development of fermentation and putrefactive processes, it is recommended to use bacterial preparations( bifikol, bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin, etc.) for a long time( 2-3 months depending on the course of the disease).

    For the treatment of skin allergic reactions are widely used special ointments, such as naphthalan, zinc-naphthalan, salicylic. In severe cases, according to the doctor's prescription, hormonal ointments are used.

    Children suffering from food allergies are prevented from carrying out preventive vaccinations, as well as using many medications( antibiotics, protein preparations, etc.).

    It is very important to strictly follow all sanitary and hygienic recommendations. In the room where the sick child is, cleaning should be carried out only in a damp way. Watch out for the elimination of different smells. Do not allow synthetic flooring, the use of synthetic fabrics in the clothes of a child. It is not recommended to keep houses of various pets. Meeting these requirements will not only help the child's recovery, but also prevent the development or worsening of the symptoms of the disease.