  • How to use inhalation

    Inhalation - inhalation of medicinal substances with a therapeutic purpose. It is useful to resort to such a method of treatment at the first signs of acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract( rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and pneumonia), as well as to prevent and eliminate asthma attacks.

    The following forms of inhalation are distinguished:

    • aerosol inhalation - inhalation of the smallest particles of medicinal substances - aerosols, either in dissolved form in water or in the form of steam;

    inhalation of water vapor or aromatic substances;

    electro-aerosol-inhalation( electro-aerosol-therapy) - inhalation of negatively or positively charged aerosols;

    aeroionoinhalation( aerioniotherapy) - inhalation of negatively or positively charged atmospheric air particles of air ions or water( hy-droereroion)( from a therapeutic point of view, it is beneficial to inhale precisely negatively charged ions).

    Very popular are inhalations with mineral and sea water. Temperature distinguishes inhalation wet( up to 30 ° C, without heating), heat-moist( 30-40 ° C, with heating solution) and steam.

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    Inhalations have a number of special advantages, since the drug directly affects the mucosa of the respiratory tract in their disease.

    Contraindications for inhalations

    Unfortunately, even such an innocuous method of treatment does not do without contraindications.

    Inhalations are contraindicated:

    * when the temperature rises above 37.5 ° C;

    * with nasal bleeding or inclination to them;

    for pulmonary and cardiac diseases with pronounced symptoms of

    This is a local therapy. If the main disorders in the body are concentrated in the respiratory tract, then it is better to treat them, prescribing the inhalation of medicinal substances in various parts of the respiratory system.

    For the inhalation of substances used in the form of vapors or aerosols. The drug, sprayed on the smallest particles, has a larger contact surface, comes into contact with the largest area of ​​the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, quickly absorbed into the blood and, therefore, acts more quickly.

    Inhalations facilitate the removal of mucus and sputum from the respiratory tract. The respiratory tract is covered with villi, which constantly make unidirectional movements( from the inside out).With their help, as on an escalator, various mud particles, microbes and other foreign agents that need to be removed from the body move.

    cardiovascular or respiratory failure.

    In each specific case of inhalation, a physician should be appointed.

    In hospitals, inhalations are carried out with the help of special inhalers in which the drug substance is sprayed with air from a compressor or ultrasonic source and then fed through a mask or special handpieces to the patient.

    If you are using inhalation at home, use portable pocket inhalers of various designs. By the way, some of them are filled with ready-made medicinal mixture. A number of inhalers have nebulizers, which before the beginning of the treatment session are filled with the necessary drug substance. Duration of inhalation with their help - 1-3 minutes, frequency - 3-5 times a day.

    The best effect can be achieved using special inhalers, sold in stores and pharmacies. Ultrasonic and compressor, converting liquid into vapor, so-called nebulizers, allow to penetrate the drug deep into the smallest bronchi and are intended for the treatment of the lower respiratory tract.

    Steam inhalation

    For some acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, on the recommendation of a doctor at home, steam inhalations can be performed. Their curative effect consists in the treatment of warm or even hot steam saturated with volatile drugs.

    As a rule, steam inhalation is carried out on the saucepan

    . Inhalations are carried out no earlier than 1-1,5 hours after meals.

    You can not be distracted by talking or reading.

    In case of diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, one should inhale and exhale the drug without tension through the nose, with diseases of the pharynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs through the mouth.

    Clothing should not constrain the neck and make breathing difficult.

    After inhalation for an hour, it is not recommended to talk, especially sing and eat.

    with hot water( 4-5 glasses) into which medicinal substances are added.

    However, be extremely careful! Unfortunately, doctors often have to deal with the consequences of such procedures leading to burns of the upper respiratory tract, and sometimes the skin of the face and neck.

    For older children, warm-moist( 30-40 ° С), and for babies up to a year - wet( up to 30 ° С) inhalation will suit. For this, water of the necessary temperature is poured into a teapot with a narrow neck. A funnel is made of plain cardboard - the younger the child, the longer it is - and puts it on the tip of the kettle.

    If it is not possible to constantly heat the water, then as it cools into the tank, add boiling water, add the appropriate amount of medicine, mix and, checking the temperature of the steam, continue inhalation.

    The duration of such inhalations is 1-3 minutes 1-2 times a day.

    Therapeutic solutions for inhalations

    The solutions used for inhalation can consist of only two components( baking soda and water), and can be more complex( various medicines, herbs, mineral water).There are special mixtures prepared by the industrial method, intended only for inhalers. In each case, it is necessary to take into account the individual tolerability of a given preparation and, if you feel unwell after inhalation, before consulting a doctor, do not use this medication.

    If you want to use natural remedies in the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases in children, you can use one of the following recipes.

    Soda solution

    Sputum inhalation is used to better prevent sputum. For 1 liter of water, add 4 teaspoons of soda. The child inhales steam of warmed mineral water.

    Aqueous solution of

    with onion and garlic juice

    In case of inflammation of the tonsils, inhalation of the aqueous solution with onion juice, garlic is good. To make it, you need to get a pulp of

    onion or garlic using a garlic clutch. The resulting gruel is filtered through gauze. Juice of onions or garlic is diluted with water in a proportion of 1:10( 1 part of juice, 10 parts of water).

    Solutions with plants

    Especially useful are inhalations with aromas of steamed plants( freshly ground pine needles, fir, cedar, juniper, dried leaves of eucalyptus, oak, birch, linden, chamomile, mint, lavender, wormwood, sage, blackcurrant leaves).Vapors of these plants have a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

    It is useful to use a collection of several plants.

    When preparing the broth, use the following proportion: for 250 ml of water is added 1 tablespoon of plant material.

    Collect the pre-brew in a saucepan.

    In case of an infection of the upper respiratory tract, it is possible to brew grass of thyme, oregano, lavender, coltsfoot, sage, chamomile.

    Broths of potatoes and oats

    It is also useful to inhale vapors cooked in the "uniform" of potatoes or potato peels and oat husks. Phytoncides( substances with disinfecting properties), which are contained in these plants, enhance the immunological reactions of the body and the recovery processes in tissues.

    For convenience of inhalation, potatoes, peels or husk of oats can be cooked in a kettle, the procedure as described above. The duration of inhalations is also 5-15 minutes.

    To this "potato inhaler" can add 10-20 drops of anise, dill, camphor or eucalyptus oil per 1 liter of water.

    Paste from onion and garlic

    It is also useful to inhale volatile extracts of freshly prepared gruel from onions and garlic. They are particularly active in the first 10-15 minutes, then their flow is rapidly depleted.

    Prepare this slurry with a garlic or blender. Phytoncides of onion and garlic kill most pathogens.

    Prophylactic inhalation

    If a bottle containing eucalyptus, basil or monad oil is placed in a room where the child spends most of the time, natural inhalation will result, which will help with lung diseases.

    It is very useful to mix eucalyptus essential oil with basil or monad oil - this dramatically improves antimicrobial effectiveness. But mix the oils of basil and monarchs with each other, as their bactericidal activity will decrease by a factor of 2.

    It is equally useful to inhale the aromas of a mixture of essential oils of basil or coriander. Scientific studies have established that in this combination their antimicrobial and antifungal efficacy is increased 30-fold.

    In conclusion, we present several recipes for inhalations, which are suitable for respiratory diseases for adults and children.

    With chamomile flowers. Tablespoon chopped chamomile flowers pour 1 cup boiling water, insist on a water bath 20-30 minutes, then add more boiling water to 1 liter. Cool to the desired temperature and inhale the pairs alternately with the nose and mouth during 10-15 minutes, covered with a sheet folded in half, or a wide terry towel. In the absence of chamomile, you can use the leaves of sage or peppermint.

    • Bee honey should be diluted with boiled water heated to 40 ° C in a 1: 5 ratio and sprayed with an inhaler. The first half of the time allotted to the procedure, inhaled through the nose, and exhaled through the mouth, the second - on the contrary.

    • With pi Rub the fir oil daily into the chest area and collar zone of the back, and also take inhalations. For this purpose it is convenient to use a simple plastic inhaler. If not, a thermos or kettle will help you out. In the thermos pour boiling water to the very top, add 1 drop of fir oil and inhale the steam, using a paper bell. As the oil evaporates, add the next drop. The time of this inhalation is 5 minutes. Do not add immediately 2-3 drops - profuse evaporation of oil can cause coughing.