  • Preparation of baby food with their own hands

    Good nutrition or lack of it can affect the health and behavior of your child. It is worth spending a couple of hours a week preparing food for your child. You know what it's made of, and you can cook it at the order of a child of such consistency and taste as he likes. Before the impressionable taste buds of the child are spoiled by too sweet and salty products purchased, accustom your child to the natural taste of freshly prepared dishes. In addition, fresh food tastes better.

    Healthy cooking

    Before you serve fruits or vegetables on a table or boil them, rinse them thoroughly. Scratch them with a brush for vegetables. Trim the fibrous parts and the stiff ends. Cut out the damaged areas, remove the peel, remove the seeds and everything the child can choke. Cut off excess fat from meat and poultry.

    When cooking fruits and vegetables for steaming, more vitamins and minerals are retained than when cooking in water. Return some of the lost nutrients to the products, pouring a little liquid left over after steaming, or use this liquid to make soups and sauces. In addition to

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    You will need

    to prepare baby food

    with your own hands

    Kitchen processor and / or blender

    □ Vegetable mill

    □ Hand grinder

    □ Cooker

    □ Vegetable steamer

    □ Paschotnitsa( for cooking eggs withoutshells)

    □ Casserole with lid Cutting board

    Heat-resistant glass cups

    □ Potato fork and potato

    □ Fine sieve

    Vegetable brush and peeler

    Measuring mugs and spoons

    Sharp knife for





    For storage and freezing

    Ice mold

    □ Glass jars( capacity 120 ml)

    □ Small packages for

    freezer □ Baking tray

    □ Waxed paper

    □ Adhesive tapefor

    freezer □ Marker

    □ Cup for

    cups, try the following recommendations to make your baby's nutrition as healthy as possible:

    • Without addingTake salt or sugar - there is no need for them. You can add a little lemon juice, which serves as a natural preservative and flavor enhancer.

    • Soften dry beans( peas and beans) before boiling for two minutes, then let stand for an hour, rather than, as usual, soak the legumes for the night, which deprives them of certain nutrients.

    • Bake vegetables, such as potatoes and zucchini, directly in the skin.

    • Avoid deep frying, which adds to the foods harmful to health fats.