
We master bracelets from ribbons with our own hands: diagrams and training videos are attached

  • We master bracelets from ribbons with our own hands: diagrams and training videos are attached

    Bracelets with their own hands can be created from a variety of different materials: threads, beads, plastic, and also from tapes. Such decorations look beautiful and always to the point. In addition to ribbons in these bracelets may be present and beads, which makes them even more elegant. In this article we will try to figure out how to weave handmade bracelets from ribbons.

    Braiding flat bracelets

    Basically, all the baubles of this type are braided in the form of braids, and it is not difficult to learn such a technique. In order to learn how to make bracelets from ribbons with your own hands, the master class below will not be superfluous. To work you will need only imagination and tape. The only condition: the ribbons should be 0.5 cm wide and three times longer than the intended length of the bracelet.

    Take two bands of contrasting colors, or those shades that go well with each other. Tie them together with a knot, leaving the tips of 5 cm - this is for strings.

    Bend each tape in a loop close to the nodule.

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    In the green loop, you need to pass a loop of pink tape.

    Now from the green ribbon again fold the loop and thread it into the pink one.

    Tighten the pink ribbon so that it tightens around the green ribbon. And then make a pink loop.

    Now pass the pink color to green. Next, make the bracelet as long as you do not reach the length you need. After that, connect the remaining ends of the threads with a knot, that's all, the product is ready.

    In the form of a bundle

    Of course, with all the variety of techniques of weaving, the question arises, which bracelets can be made from ribbons other than the standard version? There is another variant of weaving - a tourniquet of ribbons.

    In order to make this decoration, we also need two ribbons 0.5 cm wide and 2 m long each.

    Take the white ribbon and place the blue on it so that the cross turns out. All sides of this cross must be equal. In the middle, attach both tapes with a pin to the cushion, this is necessary so that they do not twist.

    Now shift the blue ribbon at number 1 to the white tape numbered 2. Now lift the same ribbon number 2 and place it on top of the blue ribbons under numbers 1 and 3. Now place the blue ribbon number 3 on top of tape 2 and pass under the ribbon4.

    And now pull the strings and tighten the knot, in the end you will get 4 small squares.

    All other rows are woven the same way, you just need to lay out the ribbons as prescribed earlier. Weave until the bracelet is the right length.

    Everything is ready, now only you need to pass under the white ribbon at the beginning of the bracelet two more ribbons for the strings.

    With beads

    Well, about the additional elements of jewelry should not be forgotten, when it comes to such fenok, it can be chains, rhinestones and beads.

    So, to create one of the above bracelets, namely from tapes and beads, you will need:

    • Beads.
    • Satin ribbon, shade and width, depending on the beads.
    • Needle and fishing line.

    There is nothing difficult to create such an ornament, and it can be done in a very short time. Take the tape and at a distance of 15 - 20 cm from the edge make a noose. Now take the needle with a fishing line and pierce the loop, fixing the fishing line with a good knot.

    Take the bead and thread the needle with the fishing line through it.

    Now make another loop and add the next bead. Continue until the bracelet is the desired length.

    You can fasten the fishing line, for this, follow the last bead, make a loop and pass through it a needle with a fishing line, secure with a knot. The tape itself tie in the same bundle, as close to the last bead.

    Alas, we do not have schemes specifically for weaving baubles from tapes, but there are samples for creating bracelets from leather strips, and they, as well as they can fit.

    Four-row braids:

    Braid with teeth:

    Chinese knot:

    Round shoelace:

    Weave of five or more strips:

    From center to edge:

    Braiding around the cord:

    Bracelets that weave from ribbons, just like from threads, are called baubles. They are made not only from two ribbons, there are more of them. Below is a video on the main types of such art.

    And here's the video with a more complicated way of making: