  • Sterilization

    Sterilization is voluntary surgical contraception, which makes a person barren forever. This method is suitable for people who decide not to have children anymore.

    As a method of family planning, surgical sterilization of women was permitted in Russia in 1990.The RF law adopted by the Supreme Council on July 22, 1993, states: "Medical sterilization as a special intervention to deprive a person of the ability to reproduce the offspring or as a contraceptive method can be carried out only upon a written application of a citizen not younger than 35 years old or having at least 2 children, and in the presence of medical evidence and the consent of the citizen - regardless of age and the presence of children. "

    Female sterilization is the dissection or ligation of fallopian tubes to prevent the sperm and egg from meeting.

    The operation does not interfere with the functioning of the genitals, does not affect the menstrual cycle. In the US, this is the most popular method of contraception in couples over 30 years of age: it is used by 29% of women of reproductive age.

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    Male sterilization - vasectomy - consists in bandaging the channels through which sperm from the testicles move. The procedure is safe, more effective and less risky than female sterilization.

    After the operation, sperm can be in the ejaculate for the first time, therefore it is recommended to use contraceptives for at least the first 15 ejaculations. The method does not affect the potency, the ability to orgasm and ejaculation persists. In the United States, 12% of men aged 18-59 years subject themselves to voluntary sterilization.

    Advantages of the method of sterilization: it is a one-time very effective operation, not accompanied by side effects, does not affect sexuality, finally decides the question of contraception.

    The disadvantage of the method: the inability to return the childbearing function, the results of the operation are practically irreversible.

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    Under general or local anesthesia, a fibrous optic endoscope is inserted through the minimal incision into the abdominal cavity, which allows the doctor to see the fallopian tubes, bandage them and excise them.