  • Treatment of gonorrhea folk remedies and methods

    Gonorrhea is an infectious disease. Its causative agent( gonococcus) was discovered in 1879 by Albert Neisser, who found him in the pus of gonorrhea patients. Develop gonococci most often on the mucous membranes of the genital and urinary organs.

    Infection of a woman with gonorrhea occurs during sexual intercourse, when gonococci, together with the sperm of a sick man, enter the vagina.

    Out-of-the-box gonorrhea infection is rare: when using the linen of sick women, care items( washcloth, towel, sponge, contaminated syringing tip, washbasin), and when a woman with gonorrhea falls on the genitals of a healthy woman. From the vagina gonococcuses penetrate into the cervix, where they multiply rapidly. In addition to the vagina, they can enter the urethra, and in some cases, into the rectum. More about the symptoms, see here.

    There are a lot of glands in the cervix. If they are affected by gonococci, a sore can appear on the cervix of the uterus - erosion. In the study of leukemia gonorrhea under a microscope, gonococci are usually found. They look like a pair of coffee spirits with concave sides facing each other. A woman with a disease appears leucorrhoea, frequent urge to urinate and sting when emptying the bladder. When gonococci enter the bartholin gland located at the entrance to the vagina, inflammation of this gland arises. It is usually accompanied by a high fever, a sharp pain, which prevents a woman from walking. The gland is often filled with pus. However, sometimes patients with gonorrhea feel good and do not even suspect that they are sick with a venereal disease. The appearance of minor whites, they do not always give due importance, mistakenly considering it a common phenomenon in sexual life. At the same time, in the study of these secretions, gonococci are found. It is obvious that such a woman can be a source of infection of other people.

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    Scheme of distribution of gonorrhea of ​​female genital organs( left - normal organs, on the right - changed).

    1-bartholin gland;2-vagina;3 - cervical canal;4 - the uterine cavity;5 - Fallopian tubes;6 - ovaries.

    Each woman should consult a doctor at the appearance of even minor leucorrhoea to find out the cause.

    If treatment for gonorrhea is started on time, the woman does not lose her ability to work and can expect a relatively rapid recovery.

    If the patient is not treated, the infection from the cervix passes into the higher located mucous membrane of the uterus body and causes its inflammation, and from there it can penetrate into the fallopian tubes and ovaries. In these cases of so-called ascending gonorrhea, the general condition of a woman can dramatically worsen. Rising gonorrhea occurs not only in cases when a woman is not treated, but also when, when treating, she does not follow the prescribed regime: she continues to live sexually, violates the rules of personal hygiene during menstruation, consumes spirits, etc. With ascending gonorrhea, women, in addition to leucorrhoea, usually have pains in the lower abdomen, fever may increase, menstrual cycle disorder may occur.

    Inflammation of the fallopian tubes caused by gonococci can lead to their obstruction. The pus formed in the duct of the tube, without an outflow, stretches the tube, a purulent tumor of the tube is formed. This is accompanied by a sharp increase in pain, a significant increase in temperature, chills and requires bed rest. An even more serious condition occurs in the patient, when gonococci from the tube fall on the pelvic peritoneum. Of course, not all patients have gonorrheal process is so difficult. In some, it does not cause significant changes in the tubes and ovaries. With timely treatment, the pipes remain passable, which is extremely important for the onset of further conception and development of pregnancy.

    However, it must be remembered that only with timely access to a doctor, careful treatment and performance of doctor's appointments a woman can completely recover, avoiding ascending gonorrhea and its consequences.

    In rare cases, gonococci from the genital organs enter the blood. Blood carries them all over the body. Most often they settle in the joints, causing their inflammation. This complication can for a long time prikar patient to bed.

    Currently, the doctor has available enough effective drugs to rid the body of gonococci. To such means it is necessary to attribute antibiotics. However, you can use these medicines only as directed by your doctor. If the patient will take them without prescribing a doctor, then not only will not get rid of gonorrhea, but can bring great harm to their health.

    The cure of a woman from gonorrhea means that gonococci are absent from the vagina, cervix, urethra and rectum, and it no longer serves as a source of infection. This is confirmed by the repeated special clinical and laboratory examination of the patient. However, in some patients, especially after ascending gonorrhea, residual effects of the inflammatory process remain for a long time. In these cases, further treatment is required. If a woman stops treatment, then under the influence of various causes - cooling, trauma, etc. - she may periodically exacerbate the chronic inflammatory process.

    One of the frequent consequences of gonorrhea is infertility, due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes as a result of the inflammatory process. Sometimes in women who have suffered defeat of pipes of gonorrheal or other origin, the tubes remain passable, but under the influence of the inflammatory process their lumen narrows and the fertilized egg can not pass into the uterus. As a result, the fetal egg is attached to the wall of the tube and begins to develop, i.e., an ectopic( tubal) pregnancy occurs. With her, a woman needs urgent surgery. Otherwise, the fetus in the process of its development in the tube destroys its walls and the tube is broken or there is an interruption of the ectopic pregnancy as a "tubal abortion".In either case, bleeding occurs in the abdominal cavity, sometimes very severe. Stop such a life-threatening bleeding is possible only through a special operation.

    Sometimes gonorrhea is affected by pregnant women. In these cases, treatment is required;Pregnancy should be maintained. Gonorrhea is not transmitted in utero to the fetus. The danger of infection of the child occurs only during childbirth, i.e. during passage through the sexual pathway of a sick mother, if it has not recovered during pregnancy. In these cases, gonococci can get on the mucous membrane of the child's eyes and cause their disease. But this disease is easily preventable, if a child, born of a mother, ill with gonorrhea, let a few drops of a special medicine on the mucous membranes of the eyelids immediately after birth. From this drug, completely harmless, gonococcus perishes, and the eyes of the child remain healthy.

    Some parturients hide that they are ill with gonorrhea or do not know about their illness, so at present every child born is allowed to drop these drops into the eyes.

    Preservation of pregnancy in women with gonorrhea is very important because abortion is extremely dangerous for them. Abortion causes the spread of infection, gonococci are transferred from the cervix above and affect the fallopian tubes, ovaries and pelvic peritoneum. The same upward gonorrhea can develop in the patient and after childbirth, if the patient is not treated during pregnancy.

    In the postpartum period, conditions for the rapid reproduction of gonococci are extremely favorable: the blood draining from the uterus and scraps of tissue serve as a nutrient medium, and the condition of the genital tract creates favorable conditions for the development of ascending gonorrhea. These complications usually begin at the birth-attendant by the end of the first week after childbirth. As a result, such a woman may experience infertility after the birth of a child. If, however, a patient with gonorrhea resorts to abortion in the first pregnancy, she is often deprived of the possibility of having a child in the future.

    Gonorrhea is a serious disease, but it is not so difficult to prevent it. It is established that people who lead a promiscuous sex life most often get gonorrhea. When a spouse is infected with gonorrhea, he can pass the disease on to another spouse if he does not inform him in time about his illness and does not stop having sexual intercourse with him until his full recovery. When both spouses are ill, they both need to be treated at the same time. This is the only way to achieve recovery.

    Vaginal douching( rinsing of the vagina). Due to the widespread use of antibiotics and sulfonamides, vaginal washings are rarely used today, but they are an effective treatment for chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital area. Douching is performed once a day. Its therapeutic effect depends on the temperature of the wash liquid. In acute and subacute gonorrhea, warm washings( 37-40 ° C) are carried out, and hot( 47.5-50 ° C) in the treatment of chronic gonorrhea.

    For vaginal douches in acute and subacute cases apply solutions of potassium permanganate( 1: 1000), mercuric hydroxyanide( 1: 10,000), boric acid solution( 2%).In chronic gonorrhea, a solution of potassium permanganate( 1: 6,000) was widely used.

    It is recommended douching with infusion( 1 tsp kidney poplar black( osokor) for 0.5 liters of water) daily for two weeks, at the same time applying the inside of a spoon three times a day after meals.

    Tamponade of the urethra is made through the ureteroscope. Introduce a tampon impregnated with a solution of protargol in glycerol( protargol - 1 g, glycerin - 50 g).A tampon from the urethra is excreted 2 - 3 hours after urination. Tamponade is carried out after 3 days, on the course - up to 5 procedures.

    To treat gonorrhea of ​​the cervix in acute and subacute periods, use vaginal baths and ticks. The tampon is left for 6 hours, after which the channel of the cervix is ​​rubbed with solutions of ethacridine lactate( rivanol) - 1: 1000, collargol( 5--10%), protargol( 2--5%), methylene blue( 2%), gentian violet( 1- 2%).With erosions of the cervix, a 5% xerobine emulsion is applied on fish oil, which is applied to the tampon every other day for 12 hours for 10 days.

    Vaginal baths. After treatment of the external genitals with a cotton ball moistened with a solution of boric acid( 3%) or a solution of mercuric hydroxyanide( 1: 5000), wipe the vaginal mucosa, pour a solution of potassium permanganate( 1: 10,000), protargol( 2- 5%), silver nitrate( 1--2%), liniment of synthomycin( 5%).Apply and baths with broth chamomile, sage, eucalyptus( take 1 tablespoon chamomile, sage and eucalyptus, brew 1 glass of boiling water, filter).The amount of liquid administered should be such that the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​covered. After 5 minutes, the fluid from the vagina is drained, a cotton ball is introduced into the genital slit for 30 minutes. Baths are produced 1 time per day daily for 5-10 days, the temperature of the solution is 37-40 ° C.It must be ensured that the liquid does not fall into the anus.

    Physical methods of treatment are widely used in the treatment of chronic gonorrhea and its complications. Widespread use of compresses, paraffin-ozokeritotherapy, electrophoresis, diathermy, inductothermy, electric field UHF, mud treatment, etc. Compresses distinguish between warming and medicinal. The warming compress has 3 layers. The first layer( inner) consists of several layers of gauze. Marl is dipped in water, squeezed and applied to the surface. On top of the gauze lay a second layer consisting of a yellow oilcloth, plastic film or wax paper. The third layer is cotton wool. Change the compresses after 6-8 hours. After removing the compress, the skin is smeared with 40% ethyl alcohol and rubbed with a towel.

    Paraffinotherapy. Paraffin, used for medicinal purposes, has a melting point of 44 to 48 ° C.Most often, gonorrheal patients use an application or a cuvette-application method. Preliminary apply a protective layer of paraffin on the skin( 2--3 mm).Then, gauze wipes are put on top of it in 8- 10 layers, impregnated with paraffin( 60-75 ° C), which are covered with wax paper, and then with cotton wool. With a cuvette-application technique, paraffin is heated in a flat bath, and then applied to the corresponding part of the body. Paraffinotherapy is done daily, on the course - 15-20 procedures.

    Ozokeritotherapy. Ozokerite( mountain wax).With gonorrheal epididymitis, ozokerite applications are used, and for chronic prostatitis and gonorrheal inflammation of the upper genital organs, ozocerite cakes are used. Preliminary, the patient's skin is lubricated with petroleum jelly. Gauze lining, moistened in molten ozocerite, is applied to the skin. Ozokeritotherapy is performed daily or every other day, for a course of 15-20 procedures.

    Mud treatment. Apply local mud procedures( baths, applications, tampons) and less often - common( baths and mud packs).Mud treatment is carried out a day or two days in a row with a break for the third day. The course of treatment - 15-18 procedures. The mud temperature is 40 - 46 оС.

    In some cases, those who have had gonorrhea get married without definitively recovering. Most often, a man or woman does it unconsciously, mistakenly, considering himself already healthy or disregarding the advice of a doctor. However, the postponement of marriage for a short time to continue treatment can prevent a serious tragedy caused by the fact that one of the spouses "brings" the sexually transmitted disease into the family. Everyone who marries must be examined by a doctor, especially if he used to be ill with gonorrhea.

    In the Soviet Union, a systematic fight against venereal diseases, including gonorrhea, organized a wide-scale sanitary and educational work among the population, set up a number of special medical institutions - venereological dispensaries and hospitals.

    Doctors of the dispensaries are attracted to the examination and treatment of not only patients, but also persons who have had contact with them. For her part, the patient should also ensure that the man from whom she contracted was treated, since he can infect other women.

    At the same time, one must remember that it is incomparably easier to prevent gonorrhea than to heal. To do this, it is better not to have casual sexual relations.

    How to be with folk remedies, even if very effective antibiotics sometimes can not help? Folk remedies in this case can be used, but only on the prescription of a doctor as part of a comprehensive treatment.