  • Features of employment by various kinds of sports

    Athletic sports

    Sports activities attract a high spirit of rivalry, but in order to enter the sports elite and become a professional, one must start playing sports as a child. Children who play tennis and football or engaged in gymnastics are very many, so they have to "give out" more than adults. Physical stress during long and hard training, held almost daily, psychological pressure on children can lead to the emergence of their complex problems. In children engaged in athletic sports, the individual training program and the requirements for their training are often almost on the verge of their capabilities;except for physical exertion, they also experience strong psychological pressure. Often it seems that the coach has completely forgotten that before him are children who need to play with their peers. Sometimes they have to experience something that, it seems, is beyond the strength of adults.

    In individual sports, where it is necessary to overcome oneself, the psychological load is strong.

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    Skiing is an exciting sport, but rather traumatic. Before opening the ski season, we advise you to strengthen the musculature, especially the legs, pelvis and buttocks. It is also desirable, before embarking on a ski track, to do warm-up - warming up and stretching. In addition, the equipment should be comfortable, appropriate to the age and physical data of the child, because this is the best way to avoid the typical skiing injuries of bones, muscles and joints.

    To avoid classic injuries in skiing, it is recommended to strengthen the muscles of the legs and trunk so that they do not overload with the start of the ski season. For this, exercises that stimulate the compression of the four- and three-headed gluteal, abdominal and lumbar muscles are recommended. Most of these exercises can be done at home, because it does not require any gymnastic projectiles or coach's guidance.

    Other exercises are usually taught at school in physical education classes, and these exercises should also be repeated at home. Among the exercises for strengthening the legs, which can be done at home, the most useful is jumping in squat( squat and jump as high as possible).

    It is easy to carry out and exercises to strengthen the abdominal press in different versions: the slopes forward and sideways, the legs are closed or on the width of the shoulders. It's important not to overdo it, to practice often, but gradually, for example, do 10-12 slopes or jumps and rest for 2-5 minutes, then repeat.

    Skiing in appropriate clothing is the first guarantee against accidents, which sometimes lead to serious consequences. Do not forget about freezing and freezing.

    Comfortable outfit

    • Ski equipment must match the age of the child, his physical data and experience.

    The length of skis and ski poles is determined taking into account the child's growth and physical capabilities.

    Clothing must match the weather: a cap, gloves, sports pants, a sweater and a windbreaker, but should not impede movement. You also need sunglasses to protect your eyes from glare in the snow.

    Shoes are one of the main parts of the outfit. They are selected on the foot of a child of such height that they cover the ankle and, in addition, correspond to the fastenings, which, in turn, should not interfere with the release of the foot in case of a fall.

    Safety on the

    ski track It is necessary to help the child properly dress and put on the skis, explaining how useful every detail is.

    It is recommended that the child skate himself, but under the supervision of an adult, who needs to behave so that the child understands that it is possible to fall.

    Beginners should move on a ski track intended only for them.

    Do not forget about hypothermia: heat your baby and grab a warm drink.

    The term "hypothermia" refers to a condition in which the body temperature is lower than normal, i.e., less than 36 ° C. This is possible after a long stay in the extreme cold. Hypothermia is common in children due to the fact that the surface of their body is relatively large in comparison with the mass and metabolism, and in the smallest ones, because of the imperfection of the mechanisms of heat production.

    The first sign of hypothermia is vasoconstriction;the skin becomes cyanotic, lips and fingertips - whitish-blue, there may be cramps, chills and goosebumps. The first thing that needs to be done is to take the child out of the cold, wrap it well and cook a hot bath, 38-40 ° C, give a hot drink. If necessary, consult a doctor.

    Practical tips

    Sun protection

    Skiing, do not forget about protection from solar radiation, because snow, like a mirror, reflects the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

    Glasses of glasses should have anti-ultraviolet filters, sometimes glasses with sides are required.

    - The skin is lubricated with an effective protective cream.

    Useful strips with filters that protect lips not only from the sun, but also from wind and cold.

    The most common injuries of

    The most common injuries in skiing are:


    damage to muscles, soft tissues and joints;

    * fractures.

    The most characteristic lesion is the dilatation of the lateral ligament of the knee;among soft tissue injuries, inflammation of the Achilles tendon is often caused by the pressure of the shoe, the rupture of the ligaments of the thumb due to the pressure of the sticks. Most often there is a fracture of the tibia at the edge of the shoe.


    This is a great sport for everyone, even for people with paralyzed lower limbs. Doctors often recommend this sport, as for the classes there is no special equipment required. Children can begin to swim, as soon as they are several months old, of course, with the help of specially trained coaches.

    The most common injuries and diseases


    Joints most affected by the most stress with different methods of swimming are the shoulder and knee joints."Swimmer's shoulder" and "swimmer's knee by the butterfly style" is the result of the same movement, which affects the same muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. In diseases known as "swimmer's shoulder" and "swimmer's knee", in the first case, pain is caused by overload of the tendon of the supraclavicular muscle of the shoulder, in the second - by a constant load on the lateral internal ligament of the knee. The main sign is pain in a damaged place. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the legs and pre-warm up the muscles.


    In swimming, breathing occurs when the swimmer's head is over water, while the air is quickly inhaled through the mouth, the head again

    submerges in water, thereby minimizing surface friction, which increases the swimming speed. Synchronicity between the muscular movements, characteristic for each style, and the act of breathing should be worked out as carefully as possible so as not to swallow the water and not reduce the rhythm of the movement of the hands.

    Possession of breathing techniques is a must in swimming. But achieving full synchrony between swing and breathing is a difficult task, requiring a long and persistent training, especially if you want to successfully engage in this sport.

    Eye problems are common in swimmers due to chemicals commonly used for water treatment. Usually these are irritations, inflammations and non-dangerous infectious diseases of the conjunctiva or cornea.

    Treatment - instillation of eye drops, prepared on the basis of physiological saline and in special cases containing anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.

    To prevent such disorders, you should use glasses designed specifically for swimmers;in some models, the lens protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, so the glasses are very useful in the outdoor pool and at sea. They are fixed around the head with an elastic band and fit well with the eyes. In addition, it is possible to adjust the distance between the glasses so that they do not come in contact with the eyes.

    In swimming, hearing problems are in direct contact with water. Often there is inflammation of the external auditory canal because of the ingress of water into it, while the level of water contamination does not matter. The danger of this infection, though not serious, is that it can recur, causing otitis and other complications that require physician intervention and antibiotic treatment.

    To prevent the disease, it is recommended to use "ear plugs"( earplugs) and very carefully wipe the auricle after swimming, preventing the surface cells from becoming wet due to accumulation of moisture.

    Another problem is possible due to immersion in cold seawater - the effect of cold water on the labyrinth( the organ located in the inner ear, in the function of which is to maintain equilibrium) can cause dizziness, loss of balance and nausea. An unaccompanied child is not recommended to swim in the sea and swim away from the shore, even if he is a good swimmer.

    Both in the pool and in open reservoirs, children need constant monitoring of the adult.


    Football is the king of sports, especially popular in European countries. Very many play football, but even more than those who love it. The boys are one of the first sports. At first the child plays alone, then in the company. One of the first toys that are given to a child is a ball, and the first kind of sport that, as if playing, begins to be occupied is football.

    The form of a young football player is necessarily the same color as the T-shirts of his favorite team - a symbol of courage and perseverance for the boy. However, doing football without adequate physical training, without regular training and without performing special physical exercises, you can get serious injuries.

    Using "ear plugs" can prevent the infection in the external auditory canal.

    You need to carefully wipe the ears and the outer part of the ear canal: this will help to avoid infections.

    To prevent irritation and inflammation of the eyes, we recommend wearing special glasses for swimming.

    Eye drops help prevent eye infections, but sometimes anti-inflammatory or antibiotic-based drops are needed.

    "Ear plugs" not only well drain external ear canal, but also perfectly protect the ear from infection.

    Comfortable outfit

    For football, you need special shoes - boots. The shoes are made of strong and light material, they should not be too high to not damage the Achilles tendon, nor very low, so as not to leave the ankle without protection.

    On the foot, the material must be strong and elastic, a tongue with a lining.

    Thorns for boots are removable, their number and length are changed to adapt as much as possible to the features of the playing field( earth, grass, dirt, etc.).

    If the surface of the field is dry and strong, the spikes should be short and elastic, their number is more than six. On a complex or hot surface, the number of spikes is the same, but they are long and stiff.

    The most common injuries

    The most common injuries players - stretching and sprains. Less often, there are fractures and traumas of the head, as well as lesions of the adductor muscles.

    The driving muscle is located on the inside and outside of the thigh. During the game of football, it is subjected to overload, when the foot is forced by the movement, hitting the ball inside the foot, and when, trying to avoid the collision with the opponent, the

    jumps sideways. The main sign of impaired muscle is pain, while the victim can hardly cross his legs. The best medicine: - ice and rest. However, this complication can be prevented. Sports physicians recommend warming up the muscles before training.


    Children of preschool age start playing more and more often in basketball.

    The technique of basketball involves a number of movements: running, jumping, lunging( lateral movements), which can lead to injury. Players, constantly in contact, can strike each other. The danger of dislocations and fractures is great. Most often, basketball players damage the ankles, knees and spine.

    Comfortable outfit

    A variety of techniques for playing basketball makes very high demands on shoes. Inadequate shoes can cause a basketball player to stretch the ankle and ankles and even rupture of the side ligaments of the ankle( with some movements), as well as inflammation of the Achilles tendon, a microfinal bones of the foot and muscle overload.

    Requirements for

    shoes • The sole should be ribbed. The ribbing facilitates running, lunges and quick changes of direction.

    The circumferential ridge of the sole at the level of the metatarsal makes it easy to change directions, giving an excellent support.

    • The thickness of the "barrels" of the running shoes should provide the possibility of damping the load during jumping and running, they must be made of durable material to maintain the stability of the heel and ankle.

    The side fastenings should be just below the ankle, so as not to injure it.

    Most common injuries

    The most common injuries among basketball players are sprains and tears, muscular overload and tendonitis.

    A meniscus tear often occurs, especially in the musculature, especially the adductor muscles, in the hip, possibly both simple stretching of the fibers and muscle rupture.

    Due to repeated microtraumas during jumps, the intervertebral disc may be squeezed and back pain caused by overloads that the spine has to endure. In all these cases, to reduce pain and inflammation, ice should be applied to the affected area of ​​the

    and try not to move, and then consult a specialist who will prescribe the treatment.

    Regular training, good warming up of muscles and stretching exercises is the best guarantee against injuries.


    From a medical point of view, tennis is a sport that is recommended at any age, because it combines physical endurance with a high speed of reciprocal movements. In addition, tennis classes require good technical and tactical data and quick decision-making.

    For all sports with a racket, as for other sports activities, good physical preparation is necessary. For this purpose, first of all, it is recommended, especially when playing tennis, slow running 2-3 times a week to increase stamina, and a series of exercises that increase the ability to respond with quick movements: jumping and fast running.

    Several simple exercises for stretching the muscles of the neck, shoulders, arms, legs and feet can in a short time prepare a tennis player for the party.

    Physical training is supplemented by other sports( eg swimming), which increase endurance.

    Most common injuries

    When playing tennis in early childhood, injuries are rare, because the kids have not yet woken up the spirit of competition. But as the child grows, the danger of injury also increases, which is avoided by good physical preparation, regular exercises, improvement of equipment, appropriate equipment, good warming up of the muscles before the game and periodic medical examinations.

    In addition to the possible musculoskeletal disorders due to the overload of the classic illness of players in tennis is the "elbow of the tennis player".Elbow - a complex joint, consisting of three bones, numerous ligaments and muscles with the corresponding tendons and an articular bag.

    The main symptom of the disease is chronic pain in the elbow and forearm.

    Warn the development of "elbow tennis player" good possession of technology and the lack of overload in this joint.

    Comfortable equipment

    Selection of shoes and rackets

    The racket and sneakers are the basic elements of the tennis player's outfit, so they should be chosen carefully, taking into account the physical data of each child.

    On solid and non-slip surfaces, the sole of tennis shoes can be smooth or slightly ribbed. On "loose" surfaces, highly ribbed soles are recommended.

    On the sole at the level of the metatarsal should be an annular "rib" for the protection of the knees during rotational movements.

    Barrels should not be very thick( dense), since jumping is not the main movement in this sport. On the contrary, a very tall barrel helps to stretch the ankle.

    The lateral and posterior supports are not too rigid, and the heels have high, not touching the Achilles tendon.

    It is better to change shoes more often than to expose yourself to the risk of getting any kind of injury.

    The weight of the racket must match the child's ability to hold it to avoid injury to the shoulder and wrist.

    Track and field athletics

    Track and field athletics requires considerable physical preparation, the ability to solve technical and tactical tasks on the way to victory. Running long distances, sprinting or running with obstacles, jumping in length, height, pole, etc., require physical and technical training and knowledge, which sometimes are not only different, but also incompatible.

    Most doctors advise children to avoid specialization, it is more useful to practice different kinds of sports under the guidance of qualified trainers. Classes of different types of athletics without specific specialization are useful for the child's body, providing a harmonious physical development.

    Martial arts

    Karate, judo, taekwondo, even wrestling - these are the kinds of sport in which technology is connected and close contact with the enemy. The main causes of injury - poor possession of equipment and received strikes. The basic rule for athletes is strict discipline: it prohibits much of what is allowed in other sports.

    In the martial arts, a very important role is played by a coach or a master who not only teaches the athlete a technique, but also brings him to the ethical values ​​peculiar to these disciplines. Martial arts classes are favorable for the all-round physical development of the child.

    Equestrian sport

    While engaged in horse riding, the rider counts not only on himself and his strength, but also on the physical capabilities of his horse.

    For riding, special technical training is required( the horse must carry out all orders of the rider) in combination with the ability to change the landing in trot, canter or jumping.

    The main problems in riding are caused by a fall from the horse and repetitive microtrauma of the spine. To prevent these injuries, you need a carefully prepared outfit( saddle, stirrups, etc.) that corresponds to the age and height of the child. In addition, you need to train the muscles of the legs, the pelvis, as well as the abdominal, lumbar and dorsal muscles several times a week. Of course, for the safety of the child, a good, obedient horse is needed, which can become his friend.

    It is recommended to supplement equestrian sports with other sports, for example, swimming, so that the child's physical development is harmonious.

    Different types of equestrian sport require good technical training, especially when overcoming obstacles, which is often accompanied by injuries.

    The outfit corresponding to the age, height and physical data of the child, is the best guarantee against accidents when practicing equestrianism.

    Other sports

    Whichever sport you choose for your child, first of all, get acquainted with

    with the main recommendations, correlate the requirements with the physical data of the child and his age. If you choose outdoor sports, precautions and attention should be more. In mountain sports, for example, the basic rule is the gradual introduction of a child, allowing you to gradually master the technique necessary for the

    for high altitude climbing, get used to the equipment( ropes, cats, etc.) and learn how to coordinate your actions with the actions of other members of the group.

    In team sports where there is physical contact between players, injuries often occur as a result of strikes and falls. Here, as well as

    in other sports, physical training and mastery of technique, respect for the rules of the game and the enemy are necessary.

    In those team sports where players do not touch each other( for example, volleyball, baseball), they can injure the ball and other items they are playing.