  • Child's foot care

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    The foot bones are finally formed by the age of 18.In childhood, especially in the first five years of life, the bones and ligaments are fragile and easily deformed from pressure if the shoes and socks do not sit well on their legs.

    Baby's feet

    Very young children who do not walk yet should be kept barefooted for as long as possible. So that the baby's feet do not cool, put on socks, booties or sliders, but so that your toes are free in them. Do not wear them if they are at least a little small.

    When your child starts walking, do not buy him shoes until he is steady on his feet and he does not need shoes to protect him from injury while walking outside. It is advisable for the child to walk barefoot as much as possible.

    Choice and fitting of children's shoes

    Children should wear comfortable shoes in order not to damage or deform feet and toes. The following basic rules will help you to choose the right

    shoes for your child:

    Regularly, at least every three months, measure the baby's foot. During periods of rapid growth, this procedure is repeated more often.

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    If possible, visit stores where sellers are specially trained in fitting shoes to children.

    Choose shoes of the required completeness and with adjustable clasp on the rise.

    When buying new shoes, make sure that there is a gap of about 2 cm between the big toe and the toe of the shoe.

    Prefer to give shoes with a straight inner edge and enough space in the area of ​​the toes. Fashionable footwear, especially with high heels, should be worn only by celebrations.

    It's best to buy leather shoes;but, although she's expensive, do not delay her replacement when the child grows out of it. Buy cheaper shoes, this will allow you to change it more often.

    Remember that tight socks can also damage a child's foot, so replace them with more free time.

    Shoes that cause pain, as soon as a child wears it or vices for about an hour, can damage the foot and is not suitable for wearing.

    Daily Care

    After washing the feet, be sure to wipe them thoroughly, especially the gaps between your fingers to reduce the chance of infection, particularly mycosis. Regularly cut the nails on the toes.

    Fitting shoe

    The seller carefully measures the length and width of your child's foot and will check that the shoes sit well. Between the toes and the toe of the shoe should remain about 2 cm or a distance equal to the thickness of the finger.

    HOME PHARMACY for the child

    The first aid kit is designed taking into account the health characteristics of your child and other family members. Nevertheless, some drugs, such as antipyretic, antiseptics, antispasmodics must be present in any medicine cabinet.

    Under normal conditions, the list of medicines and medications listed below will completely satisfy your needs in about half of the urgent cases. In other cases, these medications will help for a while before contacting a doctor.

    All medicines must be stored in their original packaging. Never throw out the insert with instructions for use and a detailed description of the formulation.

    If the drug is released in a vial, it is desirable that it is provided with a special lid, which prevents the children from opening the vial.


    Potassium permanganate( manganese);

    Hydrogen peroxide solution 3%;

    Solution of iodine alcohol 5%;

    • Furacilin, tablets of 0.02 grams( one tablet is dissolved in 1/2 cup hot water and used to rinse throat, treat wounds or for lotions in skin diseases);

    Diamond green solution( Novikov liquid);

    Ointment Vishnevsky( for the treatment of abscesses, boils).

    Antipyretic, analgesic

    Acetylsalicylic acid( Aspirin);

    • Panadol;

    • Analgin.


    Castor oil( 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon

    for one dose, depending on the child's age);

    Magnesium sulfate( or Bitter salt, give a drink at night or on an empty stomach in 1/2 cup of water at the rate of 1 g of salt for 1 year of life of the baby) or Sodium sulfate( or Glauber's salt, given in the same dose)


    • Valerian tincture

    • Lily-Valerian-new drops

    To relieve itching

    • Menthol alcohol solution 1%

    To help with fainting

    Ammonia solution 10%( ammonia) in 1 ml ampoules

    To reduce dentalpain

    • Dent drops or Dental drops

    To help

    for acute poisoning

    • Activated KM or

    activated carbon tablets Carbolen

    For various purposes

    • Drinking soda( sodium bicarbonate)

    • Mustard powder

    • Vaseline


    • Flowers of chamomile chemist's( brew tea for cold, for rinsing throat and oral cavity).

    • Sage leaves( for gargling, oral cavity with toothache).

    • St. John's wort( brew tea for colds).

    • Bearberry leaves( infusion is consumed as a diuretic or disinfectant for inflammation of the urinary tract).

    • Fruits of anise( infusion of drink as an expectorant for bronchitis).

    • Birch buds( the infusion is consumed as a diuretic for swelling).

    • Lime flowers( broth is drunk as a diaphoretic for colds, it also has a bile and diuretic effect).

    • Dry fruits of raspberry, black currant, rose hips( brewed like tea and drunk in acute infectious diseases).

    • Dry leaves of raspberries, black currants, strawberries( add to tea for colds).

    • Motherwort's herb. Infusion is drunk with increased nervous excitability. To make infusion, 1 tablespoon of dry ground raw material is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, boil

    for 15 minutes, cooled and filtered;give 1 / 2-1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

    Medical supplies

    • Sterile wool

    • Sterile bandage( 10x5 and 7x5)

    • Gauze

    • Adhesive plaster

    • Thermometer medical

    • Thermometer water

    • Rubber heating pad

    • Eye dropper

    • Eye tweezer

    • Rubber tow

    • Waxed paperfor compresses

    • Plants

    • Rubber pear for 500 ml or Esmarch mug( capacity with a hose that has a hose that has a tap and a tip) for setting the enema

    If the house is a newborn

    If you have a new babyIf you have a child, then you may need the following medicines and things.

    • Calendula alcohol solution

    • Preparations for intestinal colic( espumizan, sub-simplex, baby-calm)

    • Gels for pain relief and gum disease with dentition( kalgel, kamistad)

    • Ointments for the treatment and prevention of diaper rash( desithin,belapan, zinc ointment)

    • Medicinal herbs( chamomile flowers, herb grass, celandine grass, peppermint leaves, fennel seeds)

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    We go to the road

    If you go on a trip to the country, Bring a first aid kit. As a rule, doctors recommend the following filling of the first aid kit.

    • Adhesive plaster reel

    • Elastic bandage

    • Sterile gauze bandage of different sizes

    • Sterile gauze wipes

    • Bactericidal plaster of various sizes

    • Wadding

    • Antiseptics( hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, iodine, diamond green,solution of fu-ratsillin, ethyl alcohol)

    • Antihistamines( suprastin, tavegil, fenistil, pifolen)

    • Antitussives( bromhexine, theophylline)

    • Analgesics( acetylsalicylic acidot, analgin, pacetomol)

    • Spasmolytics( no-spike, papaverine, euphyllin)

    • Emetic

    Emollients or gels

    Ointment for burns treatment

    Antipyretic preparations based on paracetamol

    Hormonal ointment



    What for what

    In case of injuries

    Antiseptic solutions, ointment from burns, sterile gauze napkins and reel gauze bandages, coil sticking plaster, bactericidal adhesive plaster of different sizes are used for minor injuries.

    Elastic bandage is useful for stretching;tweezers can remove the splinter. Objects used for dressing the wound should always be sterilized. Indeed, the main treatment of any wound is sterilization, for this the wound is thoroughly washed with water and soap. If the wound is open, you can not use alcohol, because it can burn and damage tissues. Applied antiseptics of a new generation of high disinfecting force, which do not burn( citrosyl).

    In case of emergency, additional funds may be required. They should be stored in a sealed metal or plastic box, which is clearly inscribed and easy to open. Keep the box in a dry and inaccessible place for the child. It should contain:

    1. A pack of sterile cotton wool

    2. Sterile, ready-to-use bandages( 2 large, 2 medium, 2 small)

    3. Sterile gauze napkins of various sizes

    4. Sterile triangular dressings

    5. Gauze bandages and, at least 1 elastic bandage

    6. Applicator impregnated with

    7. Medical alcohol

    8. Waterproof plaster of various sizes

    9. Narrow and wide adhesive plaster

    10. Safety pins

    11. Small mirror

    12. Tweezers


    Paracetamol is used to reduce temperature and relieve pain. It is produced in the form of tablets, rectal soup-candlesticks( candles) and syrups. Rectal suppositories are more often used during vomiting. So that they do not melt, they should be stored in the refrigerator. It is necessary to strictly follow the prescribed dosage for children of different ages. Overdose of paracetamol threatens with serious consequences. In severe cases, hepatic failure and coma are developing. If signs of poisoning( such as vomiting, nausea, sweating, stomach pains) appear, consult a doctor immediately.

    Anti-cough drugs

    Available at hand antitussives are used to suppress heavy night cough. Cough treatment is indicated only in cases when it significantly impairs the state of health and the patient's condition. The choice of antitussive therapy in pediatrics is determined by the following factors: the cause of cough, the features of the formation of a cough reflex in childhood and the mechanism of action of antitussive drugs used. Before using any antidepressant drug,

    should be consulted with your doctor.


    In the event that a child swallows some poisonous substances, these drugs are given to induce vomiting. The most commonly used syrup is ipecacuanas. However, never give an emetic to a child until the doctor is examined. You may think that for this poisoning this is the only correct treatment, although in fact poisoning can be caused by an entirely different poisonous substance. If there is any doubt, immediately take the child to a doctor or to the nearest ambulance station.

    The use of hormonal ointment, for example, with hydrocortisone, with urticaria, increased reaction to insect bites, sunburn, burns by poisonous plants is shown. However, it should be used with great care. Discuss with your doctor your intention to have some hormonal ointment for topical use.

    Thermometer and creams

    Electronic digital thermometer or mercury thermometer with a thick tip are the most practical. To measure rectal temperature, the thermometer can be treated with any fat cream, however, water-soluble gels are preferred because of the ease of removing them with cool water.


    Antihistamine syrup or tablets, such as pipolfen or suprastin, help with urticaria, hypersensitivity to insect bites and itchy skin during chicken pox. In case of allergies or high temperatures, they should be immediately assigned.