  • Helminthiases in children

    Helminthiases - diseases caused by parasitism in the human body helminths( worms).There are over 150 species of helminths.

    Among children under 3 years of age, helminthiases are quite common. The most common is the parasitism of ascarids and pinworms, the beloved localization of which is the intestine. Helminthiasis usually lasts chronically.

    Ascariasis causes roundworms( roundworms) reaching a length of 25-40 cm and parasitizing the small intestine of a person. Ascarias eggs with feces are secreted into the external environment, where they develop until the larva forms within 20-45 days. Infection of children occurs when the eggs of the roundworm( with a live larva) are ingested from contaminated hands, with raw unwashed vegetables and fruits.

    The whole process of development of ascarids from swallowing eggs until their appearance in the bowel movement continues for about 70 days. Life expectancy in the human intestine is up to 1 year.

    The initial phase of the disease can occur under the mask of the catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis. Later, appetite decrease, drooling, abdominal pain, sometimes a disorder of the stool, a child becomes restless, sleeps badly, quickly becomes tired. When these symptoms appear, the child should be shown to the doctor. The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical and laboratory examination, then appropriate treatment is prescribed.

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    Prophylaxis of ascaridosis consists in observing the rules of personal hygiene of the child( thorough washing of hands before eating, processing of toys, especially when using them during a walk).It is very important that during the walk the child does not take contaminated objects into his mouth. All fruits, vegetables, berries, greens, especially used in raw form, should be thoroughly washed and processed with boiling water.

    Enterobiosis - caused by pinworms( roundworms up to 9-12 mm long), which parasitize in the lower parts of the small intestine and in the large intestine for 30 days. But despite this, children suffer from enterobiosis sometimes for several years. This is because they are constantly infected with pinworms primarily from themselves. Mature females creep out from the anus and lay eggs in the folds of the skin and mucous membrane, causing severe itching. Scratching the itchy place, the child pollutes the hands with pinworm eggs, which then fall into his mouth. Eggs of pinworms can also get on the clothes and clothes of the child, on the floor and various objects.

    The main symptom of enterobiasis is itching in the anus, especially at night, lasting for several days and repeating in 3-4 weeks. Often there are nausea, loss of appetite, dry mouth, abdominal pain, diarrhea with mucus, sleep disorder. Pinworms can contribute to the occurrence of cracks, inflammatory changes in the anus of the anal opening, external genital organs, urinary incontinence, masturbation.

    The prevention of enterobiosis is the maintenance of personal hygiene of the child. Especially carefully it is necessary to wash his hands. To prevent self-infection, you must put on your baby dense panties at night, which are boiled or ironed on both sides with a hot iron every morning to kill night-time pinworms and their eggs. In the afternoon, he is wearing clean panties.

    The child's bed linen is also ironed daily with a hot iron. Such measures are necessary for 1.5 months. A great preventive value is the careful wet cleaning of the room in order to avoid scattering eggs and inhaling them with dust. Rags after cleaning should be showered with boiling water, the baby's pot is also daily washed with boiling water.

    If a child has an enterobiosis, then to prevent re-infection and successful treatment it is necessary to check for enterobiasis of all family members and, if necessary, conduct appropriate treatment. Drug treatment is prescribed by a doctor and is conducted under the supervision of medical personnel, taking into account the results of repeated laboratory tests.