
Drug migraine and the peculiarities of its occurrence.

  • Drug migraine and the peculiarities of its occurrence.

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    One of the types of headache can be called a medicinal migraine. It develops because of excessive intake of pain medications. In this case, the doctor can put this diagnosis only if certain conditions are met.

    1. The person during the last month took analgesics. It is important that the number of days of intake - if more than 15 days they were taken simple one-component analgesics or more than 10 days of combined drugs with analgesic effect.
    2. The development of this disease occurs against the background of the existing chronic migraine. Such a pain can be recognized by the following signs: it is localized on one side of the head, has a pulsating character, can be accompanied by intolerance to sounds, light, and also to increase with movement.

    The development mechanism of

    If you take painkillers more than 2 times a week, this can lead to addiction. In this case, the drug will work worse, and the duration of its action is reduced. Therefore, a person can often start taking an analgesic, which leads to addiction.

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    Once the dependence has completely formed, a withdrawal effect develops, which can be a headache.

    This is due to the fact that a frequent intake of pain medications leads to a decrease in the ability of their own body to withstand pain.

    Treatment of

    You can get rid of this dependence by canceling the drug. But in reality it is not so simple. This is done through a detoxification procedure called "drug laundering".

    If the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, detoxification is carried out "dry".This means that a person simply refuses to take an analgesic.

    But in this case, you need to apply a lot of will power and endure the pain that is most acute can be during the first 2-3 days.

    A softer option would be detoxification under the cover of naproxen or prednisolone. With the help of these drugs it is easier to survive the period of anesthetic drug withdrawal.

    Naproxen refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it should be taken three times a day for one tablet. Prednisolone is a hormonal drug, taking it is carried out according to a special scheme with a gradual decrease in dosage.

    After such detoxification headaches do not always pass, but they appear much less often. In this case, there is a possibility that after a while the migraine will return and it will be necessary to repeat the treatment.

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