  • Hairstyles for teenagers: for boys and girls to school and to a disco

    Every self-respecting teenager of our time is trying to make himself known. And which way is better, except how to stand out from the crowd with your unusual appearance? That is why now, with the skillful hands of many hairdressers, a variety of haircuts for teenagers are being invented, which we will consider in this article. Attention on the photo below:

    For girls

    As it is much more difficult for girls to choose a suitable hair, we will start with them. I want to give beforehand practical advice: not all the haircuts presented here can suit you. Correlate your appearance and visible advantages / disadvantages with the provided hairdress, as it is not so easy to find suitable fashionable hair for yourself.

    The braid and techniques of its weaving

    This hair is definitely familiar to you from the earliest childhood, but now you are able to braid your hair, which means you can experiment and try different types of braids and weaving techniques, which we will now consider.

    And the first kind of braid, about which I'll tell you, is the French scythe and the spit-waterfall.

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    1. Well comb your hair and make an even part on the head;
    2. Separate three strands from one side of the paring( 1 - closer to the crown, 2 - central, 3 - closer to the forehead);
    3. Strand, which is closer to the middle of the head, we pass over the middle strand and under the first one;
    4. We shift the central strand to the third and twist them into a tourniquet;
    5. Separate the fourth strand from above and pass between the strands of the harness, as in paragraph 3;
    6. Again release the strand( the fourth) and twist the tourniquet further;
    7. We continue to weave, repeating these movements: we take a new strand from above;We pass over the first and the second;twist the tourniquet;
    8. To the middle of the head, fix the main locks from which the tourniquet was weaved, invisible or elastic, but for more attention, fasten with a beautiful hair clip.

    And here is a more complex spit-waterfall.

    French braid

    However, braiding an ordinary French braid is quite simple, and it does not look very bright. Therefore, I will tell you about haircuts with elements of braiding the French braid. But for starters, I suggest watching a video lesson on the weaving of the French braid.

    Simplified hairstyle in the style of Elsa - "Cold Heart".

    Weave every time the original hairstyle from this cartoon for a long time, so we will take a simplified version that will suit you for every day.

    1. Well comb your hair and transfer it to one side, creating an oblique parting;
    2. Separate the upper strand, parallel to the parting, and divide it into three thin strands;
    3. We begin to weave braids by the method of shifting the lateral strands to the central one;
    4. When you start shifting the strings a second time, then along the way you pick up one more small string from above;
    5. Similarly, add to the main strand on the other hand an additional lock;
    6. We continue to weave, repeating points 4 and 5, braiding the braid behind the ear;
    7. Even when free hair remains only from behind, we still continue to pick them up and weave them into the braid;
    8. We braid the braid in this style to about shoulder level, as a rule, there are already running out of loose hair;
    9. After that, from the remaining tail we braid the usual braid to the very tips and fix it with a thin rubber band;
    10. To make the braid more bulky, a little pull tightly stranded strands, so the hair looks more impressive.

    And in this video, you will understand in a clear example how to not only twist such a braid, but how to weave two more simple hairstyles based on this weaving.

    And also I suggest you see the techniques of weaving other hairstyles with braid elements.

    Tail species

    The second common type of hairstyle for teenagers is the tails. Most of all they use, so to speak, the older audience of adolescents, girls from 14 years old.

    Tail with Aspiration

    This is ideal for fine hair, so you can hide their natural flaw and decorate yourself.

    1. Make an even part, if there is none. We take a round hairbrush and start strands at the forehead;
    2. Now take the hair that you have combed, take it back and fasten it with a hairpin. Attention! Fix the hair so that a certain "cap" is formed on them;
    3. Gently comb the hair on the sides and collect them in the middle tail, as close as possible to the hairpin, which we fixed the nape;
    4. We take a big hairpin, we attach a rubber band( we put it under the elastic band), raise the hairpin and fix it in the hair;
    5. Done!

    And here in this video you will be told in more detail by visual examples.

    Master classes for teenage hairstyles

    It's a pity, but to tell in detail about all the hairstyles to school, the institute, just for a walk, will not work, so I suggest you see more videos on this topic.

    Easy and noticeable tailored hairstyle:

    Hairdo with braids:

    Hair with curls to the disco:

    Steep and unusual hairstyles for school:

    Fast and popular hairstyles:

    For boys

    Now it's time to look at the hairstyles for the male. True, it is much easier to find a suitable hairdress here, since basically teenage boys do not grow their hair like girls, but the whole style is in the right way.

    Now there is no most popular haircut for teenage boys, because their main audience has short hair. Therefore, if you want to change, then stand in front of the mirror, take a comb and try on yourself a variety of prostrings and beginners. Find yourself.

    If you have long hair, the best option is to braid them in the lower tail.