  • Men's haircut Canada: 25 photos and turn-based technique

    Soon summer, which means that men should think about their appearance. After all, under the winter hat you can not see all the wonders of a man's hair. To achieve real manhood is a long way in the gym, and the men's sporting haircut "canada" will give you courage literally in 5 minutes! Therefore, men, do not miss the opportunity to make a stylish hairstyle for the summer, especially if you need to impress your lady heart.

    But what is a haircut under a Canadian? This hairdo short enough for the summer season, when it's hot outside, and the head will not sweat from the thick head of hair, and athletes are very fond of it, because it is not only practical, but also stylish. It perfectly suits men both with a free style of clothes, and for men who prefer a business style( especially if you work in the office in the summer).In addition, this haircut is mostly done with scissors.

    Like many other hairstyles, such as boxing or tennis, the name of the haircut directly indicates its origin. After all, in 1970, a hockey team from Canada arrived in the USSR, the hockey players of which had such a haircut, and since then Russia and many other countries have been using this haircut. In addition, she is stylish and fashionable for any age. It is worn by Hollywood stars, musicians, athletes and ordinary people.

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    The main feature of the hairstyle is large, voluminous and soft hair in the forehead and crown area, while the rest is much shorter. The transition from thick hair to shorter hair passes smoothly without sharpness, cutting the eye. Thanks to this, Canada looks very, very stylish and elegant.

    It fits most types and shapes of the face, but there is always an exception to the rule. Men who have a face of a rectangular shape, such a haircut is not suitable. The best "canada" suits the owners of wavy hair, it will also go well for men with an oval face shape, though, such men will need styling. The technology of cutting is rather difficult, and therefore its execution should be entrusted to professional hairdressers.

    The most popular styling among celebrities and young people is combing hair and bangs back. Do not be discouraged if you can not put your hair on the first try. Try using different varnishes, mousses and other styling products. Also, you can comb your hair after cutting and washing, as it should.

    Video on this topic:

    Video tutorials on haircut technology will help both beginner hairdressers better understand the details of its implementation, and professionals who want to improve their skill level.