  • How is gynecomastia manifested in men. Treatment by different methods

    Gynecomastia in men is manifested in the form of some compaction of the mammary glands and their enlargement. Because of the proliferation of glandular tissue, unpleasant pain sensations, a feeling of bursting and itching in the region of the mammary glands can arise. All this makes a man turn to an experienced doctor to find out how to deal with gynecomastia.

    Treatment of gynecomastia in adolescents

    Typically, adolescent gynecomastia is treated conservatively using a drug called bromocriptine or its analogs. Also prescribe injections of vitamin B1, which are done every other day. Injection of this vitamin is best alternated with a drug called Aevit, which has the ability to stimulate the secretion of androgens. After two months of this treatment, take a short break, and then repeat again the entire course of Aevit and vitamin B1 injections. In total, three such courses are recommended.

    Also used to treat teenage gynecomastia is Clomiphen citrate, the dose of which the doctor prescribes depending on the weight of the child's body. The course of treatment with this drug is only ten days. In total it is necessary to conduct three courses of such treatment with an interval from one to three months. Tamoxifen is also used as an antiestrogen in gynecomastia. This drug doctors choose because it does not have as many side effects as other drugs that have side effects. The course of application of Tamoxifen is quite long - from four to six months.

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    It should be noted that the independent use of all these drugs is unacceptable. They can appoint only a doctor who can calculate the exact daily dose for a teenager, depending on his condition and body weight.

    Treatment of gynecomastia in athletes

    Gynecomastia is often observed in athletes engaged in bodybuilding. It arises because of taking steroids, as well as because of stress. At the same time a man raises the level of so-called female hormones, which provoke the appearance of this pathology.

    Of course, far from all athletes taking steroids leads to a disease like gynecomastia. A significant role in the development of this defect is played by hereditary predisposition, an improperly drawn up plan for taking medications, and a violation of the recommended training regimen.

    That is why the athlete who has noticed signs of gynecomastia should consult a specialist. The doctor can prescribe special drugs that have the ability to block the formation of female hormones. It is also permissible to use herbal remedies that help to reduce the stress level of the athlete. You can use sedatives, valerian, motherwort and pion tincture. Echinacea also helps. The dose and the scheme of taking these herbal remedies will help to identify an experienced doctor.

    Gynecomastia in men: treatment with conservative methods

    In the initial stages, gynecomastia is usually treated with medications. That is why it is very important, at the first symptoms of this illness, to contact qualified doctors who will conduct the diagnosis and will be able to prescribe the right treatment. To determine which of the many drugs will suit a particular patient, an experienced endocrinologist will be able to.

    The conservative method of treatment of gynecomastia is directed, first of all, to the normalization of the level of estrogens and testosterone. To this end, successfully used drugs that have the ability to increase the level of antiestrogens and testosterone. True, such drugs have many side effects, and therefore are used only under the strict supervision of doctors.

    In such a pathology as gynecomastia in men, treatment - the price for which can be different, is carried out by various methods. Many specialists prescribe to their patients a relatively inexpensive, but effective drug called Tamoxifen. But to use this medication alone is not worth it, since it can cause serious side effects.

    Doctors involved in the treatment of this pathology, often pay attention to the psychological state of the patient. After all, gynecomastia, especially in neglected form, can cause a person a lot of negative feelings and concerns about their appearance.

    If there is no result from conservative treatment, gynecomastia in men is removed. As a rule, this method of treatment is used only in already started cases, when the drugs do not give the desired effect.

    Gynecomastia in men: surgically treated

    Indications for the surgical treatment of this pathology are as follows:

    1. If a person suffers from gynecomastia for more than one year;
    2. Strongly visible cosmetic defect;
    3. Large size of mammary glands;
    4. No effect from conservative treatment.

    Thus, sometimes the only way to cure such a disease as gynecomastia in men is surgery. This method involves the removal of breast tissue through periareolar access. Sometimes doctors perform fat removal with liposuction. Sometimes it is shown and the application of two of these methods. With the so-called pseudo-gynecomastia, that is, the deposition of fats in the region of the mammary glands, laser non-surgical liposuction is used. Thus, one of the most effective methods of treating such a pathology as gynecomastia in men is surgery: the price, which can differ in different clinics.

    The main thing in the treatment of gynecomastia is the timely access to qualified doctors. After all, only an experienced doctor can diagnose, determine the stage of the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.

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