
How to make a salted dough for modeling crafts: 4 recipes

  • How to make a salted dough for modeling crafts: 4 recipes

    Salted dough is a brilliant invention, from which you can make any craft. The advantage of this material is its low price, and the product from it for a long time will please the look. How to make a salted dough for modeling crafts is easy to learn, because there are many recipes, some of them are presented below.

    Ingredients and tools

    So, we will need:

    • Flour, and the best for crafts is wheat.
    • Fine salt.
    • Potato starch.
    • Glue PVA

    The main assistants in the preparation of salted dough are a knife, cutting board and a rocking chair. You will also need a ruler, a simple pencil, a rubber spatula, and, of course, a towel.

    Several recipes for home

    At home, you can prepare a salty dough in several ways. Here are some of them. To begin with, you need to take a measuring cup and observing the following proportions to mix the ingredients:

    • 1 glass of salt;
    • 1 glass of water;
    • 2 cups of flour;
    • 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

    After a single mass is formed, it is necessary to cover it so that the consistency does not wither. By the way, when you enter flour into the mixture you need to act gradually. When forming an artifact, the dough is broken off in small portions, while the mass itself remains under the film.

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    After a simple recipe is mastered, it will be possible to complicate it and try something new. The classical version of the test requires:

    • flour and salt - 300 g;
    • water - 200 ml.

    If you cook at the specified proportion, then the test is a lot. If the piece is small, use half of the proportion.

    If you want to make three-dimensional figures, then this recipe is perfect, in which you need to add a double amount of salt to give strength to the material.

    The ingredients are as follows:

    • flour - 200 g;
    • salt - 400 g;
    • water - 125 ml.

    With such material for handicrafts it is better to experiment with enough experience - it is rude and there is a risk of quitting the job halfway.

    How to sculpt an odd job?

    After you make a salted dough for one of these recipes, you can start modeling. In general, it is worth noting that it is as simple to mold a puff pastry as from plasticine. True, it is better to choose flat products, from salty material is perfectly obtained pictures, magnets, frames for photos.

    If you still decided to do a 3D craft, then get a skeleton for such details as the legs, pens, neck. By the way, the support can be made independently from wire or toothpicks. For the head and trunk, use different pieces of dough so that they dry out more quickly.

    In general, the process of making crafts made from salted dough looks like this: we make a foundation, and we make a dough on it. Let's dry and start to add parts.

    The parts are very easy to connect, just moisten the joints with water and attach them to each other. When modeling a salted dough, you can use the following tools:

    • plastic knife;
    • rolling pin, with which we give the test the shape;
    • ruler;
    • toothpicks for carcass;
    • Creeper. Allows you to make hair for crafts;
    • soda and brush for connecting parts.

    How to dry the product?

    It is not enough to make an artifact from a salted dough, it must also be dried. Of course, preparing a salted dough for crafts is not an easy task, which can not be said about drying a finished product. After all, in order to dry an artifact from a salted dough, it is enough to leave it to dry naturally by room conditions. Usually the process of complete drying takes up to several days. By the way, many needlewomen bake handicrafts.

    It is very important to remember that it is necessary to sculpt the product on the same surface, where it will dry, as it can be damaged when moving it. As a rule, foil is used for this. The main thing is to remember that you should not use paper, since when baking it will stick to the product.

    To properly bake an odd job, you need to put it in a cold oven, and then just turn it on, do not immediately put a large temperature, 50 degrees is enough. This is necessary to ensure that the craft does not crack from a sharp temperature drop. And only after 30 minutes it is necessary to increase the temperature to 100 degrees.

    Usually the drying time is about 1-2 hours, it all depends on the thickness of the product. If you do not plan to paint your product, then immediately after drying you can cover with varnish. In the event that parts of the craft were damaged, it is enough to just use glue, and the article is restored.

    Painting of the product

    It is worth noting that the crafts made from salted dough have a good appearance and without staining, it is enough to cover them with varnish and they will please the eye. If you still want to give the product a bright and colorful look, then get acrylic paints. They are very bright and quickly dry.

    Of course, acrylic paints are expensive, so you can buy gouache or watercolor.

    As the dye can be used and coffee, then in addition to the fact that the product will be filled with color, it will emit fragrance.

    If you wish, you can study in detail the process of making and painting products from the salted dough, presented on this video: