  • Reviews about cedar hair oil and ways to use it

    Reviews about cedar hair oil: stops falling out and gives silky

    Cedar oil, or cedar nut oil - is a unique natural oil with special healing properties. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that synthesis of such oil in laboratory conditions is impossible. Oil is obtained by the method of cold and hot pressing of pine nuts. How to use cedar oil for hair and reviews about its use, see below.

    Useful properties

    Cedar oil is rich in vitamins of groups D and B, which normalize the activity of the nervous system and improve blood composition. In addition, it has a lot of vitamin E and F. The oil gives the hair a wonderful shine, restores the structure, protects from the cross-section and facilitates combing. In addition, it eliminates dandruff, removes skin irritation and prevents hair loss.

    Reviews of women

    On how to find cedar hair oil for Russian women, read below.

    NovaiZ wrote the following review:

    "I have never used cedar oil for hair, so I just bought into positive reviews. Oil itself is not deceived! It's great! I tried it in several variations.

    instagram viewer

    1) Apply to roots before washing. The effect has liked, it is, but to sit and wait is not mine, because it takes too long.

    2) Add a couple drops to the shampoo. The effect is also there, but the hair gets dirty faster.

    3) Just applied a couple drops of oil on the tips after I dry my hair with a hairdryer. The tips become obedient, and the fluffiness goes away.

    4) And the last, the most optimal option: I add this oil to henna when staining. Here oil has opened itself up to 100% and I am ready to share personal observations. So, cedar oil eliminates dandruff, makes hair soft, gives them extra shine. A photo of my head of hair before and after I apply. "

    MaLina_M told a story about how she managed to reduce hair loss. She writes:

    "It so happened that I have very weak hair. I constantly try to feed them with something, so that they fall out less. As a rule, the effect is zero. And then suddenly I find this oil. How happy I was!

    By trial and error, I came to the conclusion that applying oil in a pure form to the hair / roots before washing my head is not my story, so I did not use oil in this way. Homemade hair masks( which are also usually applied before washing), I also do not get carried away, but several times I tried to add a few drops of oil to the balm or mask, when I applied them to the length after washing.

    The result was good, but nothing outstanding. Through this and the next point I came to the conclusion that cedar oil specifically in my case is more like a root than for a length. The way I now use regularly is adding a few drops of cedar oil to the shampoo( 5-7-10 drops per shampoo portion).

    This method really works! However, after the first two or three procedures, the hair still fell out, but by autumn I had a magnificent head of hair and no hair! I recommend to try this tool! And here are my photos before and after. "


    Cedar oil, or cedar nut oil, is a unique natural oil with special healing properties. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that synthesis of such oil in laboratory conditions is impossible. Oil is obtained by the method of cold and hot pressing of pine nuts. How to use cedar oil for hair and reviews about its use, see below.

    Useful properties

    Cedar oil is rich in vitamins of groups D and B, which normalize the activity of the nervous system and improve blood composition. In addition, it has a lot of vitamin E and F. The oil gives the hair a wonderful shine, restores the structure, protects from the cross-section and facilitates combing. In addition, it eliminates dandruff, removes skin irritation and prevents hair loss.

    Reviews of women

    On the application of cedar hair oil for Russian women, read below.

    NovaiZ wrote the following review:

    "I never used cedar oil for hair, so I just bought into positive reviews. Oil itself is not deceived! It's great! I tried it in several variations.

    1) Apply to roots before washing. The effect has liked, it is, but to sit and wait is not mine, because it takes too long.

    2) Add a couple drops to the shampoo. The effect is also there, but the hair gets dirty faster.

    3) Just applied a couple drops of oil on the tips after I dry my hair with a hairdryer. The tips become obedient, and the fluffiness goes away.

    4) And the last, most optimal option: I add this oil to henna when staining. Here oil has opened itself up to 100% and I am ready to share personal observations. So, cedar oil eliminates dandruff, makes hair soft, gives them extra shine. A photo of my head of hair before and after I apply. "

    MaLina_M told a story about how she managed to reduce hair loss. She writes:

    "It so happened that I have very weak hair. I constantly try to feed them with something, so that they fall out less. As a rule, the effect is zero. And then suddenly I find this oil. How happy I was!

    By trial and error, I came to the conclusion that putting oil on my hair / roots before washing my head is not my story, so I did not use oil in this way. Homemade hair masks( which are also usually applied before washing), I also do not get carried away, but several times I tried to add a few drops of oil to the balm or mask, when I applied them to the length after washing.

    The result was good, but nothing outstanding. Through this and the next point I came to the conclusion that cedar oil specifically in my case is more like a root than for a length. The way I now use regularly is adding a few drops of cedar oil to the shampoo( 5-7-10 drops per shampoo portion).

    This method really works! However, after the first two or three procedures, the hair still fell out, but by autumn I had a magnificent head of hair and no hair! I recommend to try this tool! And here are my photos before and after. "
