  • The children who receive breasts are slimmer

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    In a 1992 study in Davis, the University of California, the study compared the growth rates of normal healthy children receiving breasts and receiving artificial mixtures. DARLING( Davis Area Research on Lactation, Infant Nutrition, and Growth, ie Study of lactation, baby food and growth in the Davis area), this study found that both groups showed almost the same weight gain inthe first three months, but the ratio of weight to height was higher in children receiving artificial nutrition, between four and eighteen months, indicating that children who receive breasts are slimmer. During the first twelve months of life, children who received breasts gained an average of 680 grams less. What benefits can this study bring to young parents? This study indicates that the norms prescribed in the tables "Indicators of normal growth and body weight of the child," in which there is no distinction between children who are breastfed and on artificial, can themselves "suffer from excess weight".Let your child set the standard, not the tables. If your child is gaining weight at a speed that does not cause fear, and looks healthy and happy, most likely, everything is going well for him.

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    rule a good gain in weight is an indicator of good maternal care. In fact, it seems to me that the interest of the mother in gaining weight by her child can be explained by the need for some tangible reward for all those days and nights that she spent on breastfeeding, especially if we take into account that there is no scale on the chest, on which it would be possible to determine how many milliliters of milk are drunk.

    There are children who get enough milk, but not enough calories( as indicated by a bad gain in weight).Here's how to recognize this particular problem with nutrition.

    These children show no sign of dehydration. They have damp eyes, moist mouths, and they wet an average of six to eight diapers or four to six diapers a day. Although there are plenty of wet diapers in these children, they have an infrequent stool - less than once a day, whereas the average norm is two to three times a day. Children who do not have enough calories also have a distinctive look and feel different. They are thin, poorly gain weight, often require a breast and all still behave restlessly because of dissatisfaction. Try to test with a pinch. Children who get good nutrition, have a lot of fat above the muscles and bones. If you squeeze in the fingers of the skin of the child receiving insufficient power

    , it will freely lag and wrinkle, because there is not enough fat between the muscles and the skin that would make it dense and elastic in appearance and touch. A child who does not gain weight and demonstrates these symptoms is called, in medical jargon, a child with a delay in weight gain. The cause of this problem is the lack of back milk, that is, the baby gets plenty of liquid, watery front milk, but does not get fat, high-calorie back milk, which is usually the result of a malfunctioning milk reflex. In short this situation could be expressed as follows: these children are given milk skimmed instead of whole milk.(To correct the situation, see tips for increasing milk production below, as well as wearing children in a bag and children with a delay in weight gain.)

    In addition, there are children who, by their nature, are gaining weight very slowly. Often these children have an ectomorphic body type( tall, with long limbs), and they consume more calories to grow in length rather than width, or they are miniature by nature children of miniature parents. Unlike children with a delay in weight gain, these children have a normal amount of defecation, and their skin does not hang out and does not look wrinkled.