  • When to wean

    In our office hangs a sign "Early weaning is not recommended for children."If you look at parental care as a long-term contribution, why sell off your opportunities? Time for weaning comes when the need for sucking decreases - somewhere between nine months and three and a half years. Speaking in the medical language, nutritionists and pediatricians recommend breastfeeding at least until the child reaches one year, and this one year is not mandatory. Many children, if given the opportunity, prefer to breastfeed much longer. Dietitians and pediatricians recommend breastfeeding for at least a year because by that time most children have already left the age when food allergies are threatened and can perfectly develop on alternative nutrition. Breaking from a breast is a personal choice. In fact, when one or both members of a mother-child pair are ready, it's time to wean.

    Breastfeeding before the first birthday of the child

    Does it mean that weaning before the year that you did not score a hundred points on the scale of parental love? No!

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    There may be a situation that is forced by the life situation, there may be circumstances beyond your control, as well as medical problems requiring premature weaning. In addition, sometimes it happens that the child is already really ready to wean before he turns a year, although this is an exception to the rule.

    Breastfeeding after the first birthday of

    If you are breastfeeding for longer than a year, you can ask questions: do not you spoil the child, is not your sense of property too sharp or do you.the child is too dependent. Something is spoiled( or someone), if you ignore it on the shelf - then it spoils. As you will tell any woman who has breastfeeding experience, the baby receiving the breast is anything, but just does not go unheeded. Then follows the myth of excessive dependence. Be prepared for the fact that the advisers-goodwill will somewhat shake your confidence with their exclamations: "How! Are you still breastfeeding? "Such statements demonstrate a lack of understanding that a one-year-old is a small man with huge needs. Both experience and research have shown that prolonged breastfeeding does not result in . The health department's article in defense of prolonged breastfeeding

    Dr. Antonia Novello stated the importance of breastfeeding. In Parade, November 11, 1990, she wrote: "Mother's milk is an ideal food for children because in addition to providing the most essential nutrients to the baby, it also contains white blood cells and proteins that help fightgastrointestinal, respiratory and ear infections. The American Pediatric Academy recommends breastfeeding for up to a year. "(And the child is happy, as it seems to me, who continues to receive breast up to two years.)

    .All just the opposite. As we noted in Article 1, children who feel the deep affection of their parents( those who are not weaned before the time) actually grow more independent, part with their mothers more easily, enter into a new relationship with more confidence, without fear, andthey are actually easier to discipline.

    If breastfeeding for years seems strange to you, ask yourself this question: who is horrified at the sight of a two-year-old child still not parted with the bottle? The need for sucking can not disappear for a long time in many children, whether they receive a breast or a bottle. The need, which is satisfied, disappears. A need that has not been met can come up later, accompanied by problems.