  • Interesting ways to fight the hangover

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    A hangover is a protective reaction of the body, which in a rather rude form reports of poisoning. When the liver does not cope with the processing of incoming alcohol, acetaldehyde remains in the blood( an intermediate component).It is thanks to him that the next morning a person suffers from hangover syndrome. Brine, broth, kefir - the list of antipopulous folk remedies is extremely large. His caring hand stretched and pharmacy kiosks. For those who do not go in well-trodden ways, they are the strangest ways to fight this disease.

    Japan: sake

    A real Japanese struggles with a hangover with the help of sake. However, instead of using the drink inside, in it he soaks a napkin. A kind of compress applied to the face. Inhaling pairs of sake, the Japanese soon comes to form.

    Thailand: massage

    Thai massage - the main means of hangover from local residents. Massage relieves tension, relaxes muscles, soothes headache. Only the Thais know how to handle the body to return it in a state of harmony, lost the day before.

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    Namibia: buffalo milk

    Namibia is preparing a unique anti-alcoholic elixir "Buffalo Drink".The recipe for its preparation is incredibly simple( for the indigenous population): whipped cream, rum, liquor and spices, buffalo milk. This drink relieves headache after 15 minutes after ingestion. By the way, vomiting after such a cocktail is an ordinary affair.

    Mongolia: sheep eyes

    In the Mongolian tradition - a chatty from tomato juice and the most real sheep eyes. Tomato juice perfectly restores the water balance, and the eyes of sheep or rams are a storehouse of vitamins.

    Ireland: by the shoulders in the land of

    The Irish have come up with an alternative to our cold soul. A unique method was approved even by physicians. And just something you need to bury yourself on the shoulders in the land near the river. Of course, we can not do without outside help. You can, for example, ask comrades of the beautiful to render such a service yesterday.

    Germany: hangover breakfast

    The German breakfast is served by a traditional "hangover" breakfast, which consists of cheese, fried sausages, pickled herring with onions.

    England: soot

    The English, perhaps, are closest to the truth in this matter. As early as the 19th century the chimney sweepers were saved from a hangover with a glass of milk, to which furnace black was added. Activated carbon, which absorbs toxins very well, is the soot, only purified.

    Reality: common sense

    Fortunately, there is no need to torture your exhausted organism with sophisticated "overseas" methods. Medicine has long described how to deal with a hangover.

    • hot shower,
    • liquid: warm tea with honey, tomato juice, cranberry juice, pickle,
    • diet: hot broth, boiled potatoes, rice, boiled meat, dairy products, raw eggs,
    • enema,
    • activated charcoal,
    • glucose intakeand ascorbic acid,
    • is not recommended, but works: "wedge wedge", that is, a little alcohol.

    And yet a hangover is easier to warn. The culture of drinking is a real art. A fight with a hangover is hard work.

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