  • Go to the cup gradually

    Do not worry and follow the child. Suppose you have given the child from five months to take a sip from the cup. At 8 or 9 months you ask yourself: "How does he manage?".If the nipple bored him and he likes to drink milk from a cup, gradually increase the amount of milk in it. Let him drink from the cup during each feeding. In the bottle will remain less and less. Then stop giving the mixture in the bottle to that feed when he is most indifferent to it, perhaps for lunch or for breakfast. After a few weeks, from

    , say from the bottle during the second feeding, and then the third. Most children like to drink from a bottle at dinner and refuse it later. And others have a craving for a bottle at breakfast.

    The desire to drink from a cup does not always increase continuously. Unpleasant sensations from growing teeth or a cold can cause a child to temporarily return to drinking from the nipple. Give in to him. When he feels better, he will again go to drink from the cup.

    The child refuses to drink from the cup.

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    Suppose you have a child with a character. By the age of five he took a sip every day from a cup. And in 9 months, instead of getting used to it, he turns away from her. Sometimes I agree to take one sip, and then pushes the cup away. A capricious child pretends that he does not understand what to do with it. If the mother herself brings the cup to his mouth, it allows the milk to flow down the edges of the lips and at the same time smiles innocently. Or even refuses to bring a cup to his lips. A child who behaves this way is not ready to give up a nipple. Do not force him. Pour 60 grams of milk into a small glass and put it in front of him daily. Maybe he will drink. If he only takes one sip, do not force him to do the second. Behave as if you do not care.

    It can soften in a year, but it is more likely that it will be refused up to 15 months and even longer. If you take it seriously and start to get irritated, it will not lead to good. Try to calm down;forget that the neighbor's child is already drinking from the cup. Think about what you would have experienced if the huge giant, in whose power you are and who does not understand your language, would pick your morning coffee and make you drink instead of it warm water from a glass. If you insist very much, the child probably will not give up the bottle for a very long time and will not drink milk from the glass for many months or even years. Sometimes because of this, serious problems with nutrition begin, and behind them behavior problems.

    When a suspicious child begins to drink a little from the cup, you still need to remain patient, because it may take several months for him to completely abandon the nipple. This especially applies to dinner or feeding before bed. At this time, most children prefer the familiar conveniences. Many children, who later refuse nipples, insist that they are allowed to drink from it before bedtime until two years. I think there is no harm in this.

    Mother is sometimes to blame. Until now, I have urged you not to force a child to give up a nipple, do not take it away when the child is not ready for it, do not force the cup into him, do not irritate him. Now look at the other side and see that sometimes the child does not part with the pacifier for a long time because of the mother, who seems to drink less milk from the cup than he was used to. Suppose that at 9 months the child drinks 180 grams of breakfast at breakfast, as much for lunch and 120 g for dinner. If the mother also gives him a pacifier, he takes it not very willingly, but drinks a little more. I believe that if a child after 8 months drinks a cup of a total of 500 grams of milk and behaves as if it is enough, it is better not to give him milk through the nipple at all. If you continue to give, he will with great difficulty give it up between the ages of 10 and 15 months...

    Another problem arises if the mother calms the baby with a bottle of milk in the second year. Whether the child cries during the day, wakes up at night, the mother immediately pushes him a bottle. In this case, he can drink about two liters of milk per day. Naturally, such a child will lose the appetite for other foods and, perhaps, serious anemia will develop( as there is almost no iron in the milk).

    For a full meal it is important that a child drinks a day not more than a liter of milk. And for normal emotional development the child should feel that the mother helps him grow up and end the infantile period. In this respect, the most important measure is the gradual abandonment of the nipple and the transition to drinking from a cup.