  • Breastfeeding during pregnancy

    Breastfeed during pregnancy? Yes, you can! Mothers are often cautioned against breastfeeding during pregnancy. And that's why. Breastfeeding stimulates the release of the hormone oxytocin into your bloodstream. Theoretically this hormone can stimulate uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage. We interviewed experts who are involved in the endocrine system during birthing -

    Breastfeeding of twins: a double position "under the arm".

    Breastfeeding of twins: cross position "in the cradle".

    changes, and received the right to breastfeeding: "The uterus is immune to hormone stimulation with oxytocin until about twenty-four weeks of bearing the fetus. And with a healthy uterus and cervix, this oskitocin is not enough to cause labor activity, unless your term of delivery has already come and the neck is not ripe. Many mothers are fed during part of the pregnancy or throughout the pregnancy without causing any harm to themselves or to the nurtured child. However, if you have had several miscarriages or you feel unusual uterine contractions during breastfeeding, or if your doctor does not advise you to breast-feed because of your individual gynecological problem, it is best to stop. If you have a high risk of premature birth, any stimulation of the nipples( even showering the nipples) and orgasm should be avoided, starting around the twentieth week of pregnancy, when oxytocin receptors are activated in the uterus. "

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    If the doctor gave you permission, that's what to expect. You may have soreness of the nipples, making breastfeeding quite unpleasant. You can negotiate with an adult enough, or you can resort to the help of a father who could carry around the house and entertain a younger child, in order to keep the frequency and duration of the feedings to a level that you can withstand. Some ideas from the next topic will be useful - weaning. Be prepared for the fact that in the last trimester or sooner your milk will acquire a specific taste, and in the second trimester the amount of milk produced will decrease.

    Some mothers have a negative attitude toward breastfeeding one child when they wear another, as if not only your breasts, but your brain tells you that it's time to wean. Like many other things in parental care, if it does not work, change it. Usually this is the time when the eldest child is already ready for natural weaning, although some tender souls( very quivering mother, very sensitive child) continue breastfeeding the entire pregnancy.

    Note. One day, when I was pregnant with Erin, our very demanding daughter, Hayden, said: "I no longer like milk. I'll wait until the baby is born, and when the milk becomes delicious again, then I will take the breast. "When I nursed Erin during my pregnancy, Matthew, I somehow began to ask her: "Why do you want to suckle? There's no milk there, right? "Her answer was:" I do not care " - and a smile to the ears. Obviously, there was something there that she needed and what not to measure in milliliters or drops. "