
Flowers from felt by own hands: templates and master class with a photo

  • Flowers from felt by own hands: templates and master class with a photo

    Flowers from felt with their own hands: master class for making roses and not only

    . Bouquet of multicolored artificial flowers with their own hands is a reality. In addition, it is not difficult and fast! With this task, any needlewoman, whether beginner, or even more experienced, will cope. Multicolored flowers from felt with their own hands give the opportunity to give a zest of any thing: dress, coat, blouse. Also they can perfectly decorate a handbag, scarf. From felt colors hairpins and various accessories for hair perfectly leave. Felt is an ideal material for needlework. He perfectly keeps the form, flowers from it turn out volume. Well, the color scheme of this material allows you to create any flower: from simple chamomile to a wonderful lily. Such a bouquet will be a perfect gift for any woman. It will be much brighter and warmer than a bouquet of real flowers. Moreover, they will stand much longer. Suitable for such a bouquet for any interior.

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    Cooking tools

    A beginner needlewoman will help perform flowers from the felt master class with the photo presented in this article. So, before you start working, you need to prepare tools and materials that you might need while working with the felt. It is:

    • Felt of the desired color, size and thickness;
    • Scissors( simple and curly);
    • Adhesive;
    • Needles and thread;
    • Disappearing or flushing marker;
    • Pattern patterns;
    • Beautiful beads or buttons;
    • Pins;
    • Threads of a moulin of different colors.

    Flower templates

    Before you start creating flowers from felt, the templates need to be reviewed and choose the flower you like best. They can be viewed online on the Internet and save one you like, or download a whole file with templates. Then the desired template is printed. Here are some of them.

    Master class for creating the flower

    This section presents the master class, in order to make a simple flower from felt in the form of a classic rose, which is suitable for any image and any clothing.

    So, having prepared all the tools and material, we proceed to the pattern. For this rose you need quite a bit of felt. A circle is drawn on the length of the material, about 10 cm in diameter. The larger the diameter, the more voluminous the rose will turn out. However, do not make it much larger, then the flower will come out rough and sloppy. Further, on the circle a spiral is drawn from the outer edge to the middle. The width of the line determines the size of the petals. Now with the help of either figured scissors or ordinary cut out semi-circular future petals.

    The process of assembling the flower begins: the spiral turns into a rose, starting from the middle. Folding a bit of the core of the flower, it is fixed with a pin and fixed with glue.

    After the glue has dried, the entire rose is twisted to the end.

    The lower part is also strengthened with glue.

    You can decorate the edges of a rose with threads, stitching a line, or you can leave it untreated. After all, the edges of felt can be left as is. They do not rumble and do not rasshushivayutsya. Everything, the rose is ready!

    You can create such roses different in size and color, and collect them based on the barrette. Thus, the original accessory for the hair will be released.

    Either make a pair of petals of green felt, attach them together with a rose to the base for the brooch. Then you will get a beautiful decoration of any clothes. But it's more suitable for a coat or evening dress.

    Now there is no problem to find a suitable pattern for anything, including patterns of colors from felt. Below are collected patterns of the most pretty flowers, obtained from felt. Make them unique will help the imagination of the needlewoman. You can additionally decorate them with a beautiful decor, or create your own unique bouquet of different colors.

    Bouquet of multicolored artificial flowers with their own hands is a reality. In addition, it is not difficult and fast! With this task, any needlewoman, whether beginner, or even more experienced, will cope. Multicolored flowers from felt with their own hands give the opportunity to give a zest of any thing: dress, coat, blouse. Also they can perfectly decorate a handbag, scarf. From felt colors hairpins and various accessories for hair perfectly leave. Felt is an ideal material for needlework. He perfectly keeps the form, flowers from it turn out volume. Well, the color scheme of this material allows you to create any flower: from simple chamomile to a wonderful lily. Such a bouquet will be a perfect gift for any woman. It will be much brighter and warmer than a bouquet of real flowers. Moreover, they will stand much longer. Suitable for such a bouquet for any interior.

    Cooking tools

    Beginning needlewoman will help to perform flowers from felt master class with the photo presented in this article. So, before you start working, you need to prepare tools and materials that you might need while working with the felt. It is:

    • Felt of the right color, size and thickness;
    • Scissors( simple and curly);
    • Adhesive;
    • Needles and thread;
    • Disappearing or flushing marker;
    • Pattern patterns;
    • Beautiful beads or buttons;
    • Pins;
    • Threads of a moulin of different colors.

    Flower templates

    Before starting to create flowers from felt, the templates need to be reviewed and choose the most liked flower. They can be viewed online on the Internet and save one you like, or download a whole file with templates. Then the desired template is printed. Here are some of them.

    Master class for creating a flower

    This section presents a master class, in order to make a simple flower from felt in the form of a classic rose that fits any image and any clothes.

    So, having prepared all the tools and material, we proceed to the pattern. For this rose you need quite a bit of felt. A circle is drawn on the length of the material, about 10 cm in diameter. The larger the diameter, the more voluminous the rose will turn out. However, do not make it much larger, then the flower will come out rough and sloppy. Further, on the circle a spiral is drawn from the outer edge to the middle. The width of the line determines the size of the petals. Now with the help of either figured scissors or ordinary cut out semi-circular future petals.

    The process of assembling the flower begins: the spiral turns into a rose, starting from the middle. Folding a bit of the core of the flower, it is fixed with a pin and fixed with glue.

    After the glue has dried, the entire rose is twisted to the end.

    The lower part is also strengthened with glue.

    You can decorate the edges of a rose with threads, stitching a line, or you can leave it untreated. After all, the edges of felt can be left as is. They do not rumble and do not rasshushivayutsya. Everything, the rose is ready!

    You can create such roses different in size and color, and collect them based on the hairpin. Thus, the original accessory for the hair will be released.

    Either make a pair of petals of green felt, attach them together with a rose to the base for the brooch. Then you will get a beautiful decoration of any clothes. But it's more suitable for a coat or evening dress.

    Now there is no problem to find a suitable pattern for anything, including patterns of colors from felt. Below are collected patterns of the most pretty flowers, obtained from felt. Make them unique will help the imagination of the needlewoman. You can additionally decorate them with a beautiful decor, or create your own unique bouquet of different colors.