
Applique autumn carpet from leaves and colored paper: a step-by-step MK

  • Applique autumn carpet from leaves and colored paper: a step-by-step MK

    Application is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of the child. There are many types of this lesson. Today we suggest that you learn how to make applications from colored paper and leaves. So, for example, the application "autumn carpet" we show how correctly and beautifully you can do crafts.

    Cut out sheets of paper

    So, before you start making appliqués, you need to learn how to cut out the leaves from colored paper.

    It is worthwhile to understand that the leaves are not uniform, because we determine the species of trees by the leaves. To begin with, you should try to cut out simple pictures, for example, a sheet of poplar.

    To do this, take a sheet of paper in a rectangular shape. Mentally we carry out the middle line - it must coincide with the line of petiole and central vein. The end of the petiole rests against one edge of the sheet of paper, the pointed tip of the leaf - in the opposite direction. The lower part of the leaf should be more pointed than the top.

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    Such a leaflet can easily be cut by a child studying in the preparatory group. But a lilac can be made by an older group. This leaf has ears at the bottom.

    Now you need to try to cut out maple and oak leaves. Children in the older group will cope with the task. So, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in addition to the central vein, the maple has several lateral ones, the oak on both sides also has lateral veins, and several on each side.

    The leaves of plants are almost symmetrical in all cases, so you can cut them out of paper folded in half. Children in the middle group quickly grasp this idea and almost always cope with excision and without drawing. Then immediately it is worth explaining what to cut out is necessary from the fold.

    For 2nd class

    Here is such a beautiful application of colored paper can be done with students of grade 2.

    For this we take:

    • Ceiling tiles;
    • Patterns for cutting leaves;
    • Colored paper;
    • Pencil;
    • Scissors;
    • Adhesive.

    Paper needs to pick up autumn colors, for example, red, orange.

    On the basis of the square-billet should be pasted in a chaotic order.

    To make leaves, use templates.

    The square blank is folded in half.

    Apply the template with a red line to the fold.

    Circle on the contour and get a leaf. It remains only to cut it.

    Next, cut out the required number of leaves and paste on the substrate.

    Using felt-tip pens, we draw streaks.

    The result is a beautiful autumn carpet.


    leaves Good applications are obtained from leaves. This is a great opportunity for children to show imagination. Creativity develops thinking, assiduity and ingenuity. Write down in your abstract what materials will be required to make an application from autumn leaves: cones, acorns, paper, plasticine, scissors, colored pencils and glue.

    From the collected leaves can be folded a beautiful autumn carpet, which will please the eye.

    Additional materials on the video