
What is the danger of mammary gland malnutrition in women

  • What is the danger of mammary gland malnutrition in women

    Under the hypotrophy of the mammary glands is meant the decrease in the size of the glandular tissue relative to the skin. In this case, the sagging of the chest, or ptosis, is formed. In addition to aesthetic and psychological discomfort, it can also cause serious problems.

    Skin in the fold between the breast and chest strongly sweats, especially in the summer. When attaching a secondary infection, redness and itching may develop.

    Why breasts can diminish and sag

    Among the causes of mammary gland malnutrition, the main ones can be identified.

    • Age changes. As a result of aging the glandular tissue decreases in volume. In addition, the elasticity of the skin and supporting ligaments decreases.
    • Childbirth and the subsequent breastfeeding of the baby lead to the fact that the breast first increases significantly in size( more than 2 times).After the termination of the lactation period, the size of the breast returns to normal, and the skin remains stretched. There is a so-called relative hypotrophy.
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    • With a sharp weight loss, the amount of adipose tissue is reduced. Due to the fact that the mammary gland consists of 30-60% fat, there is a significant decrease in its volume.
    • Anatomical features and incorrect posture can lead to mastoptosis.

    Methods of treatment of mammary gland hypotrophy

    Therapy aimed at the normalization of metabolism, including hormonal disorders, is usually not effective in mammary gland malnutrition. Among the radical methods of treatment of this ailment, the most significant are the

    1. breast lift
    2. the introduction of breast implants.

    With the help of endoprosthetics, it is possible to restore the shape and volume of the breast. Before the intervention, all patients undergo a thorough examination. The best results are achieved with individual selection of silicone implants of small size. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and lasts about 2 hours.

    Implantation of breast prostheses is contraindicated in women with severe obscheomatic diseases( diabetes mellitus, hypertension) and neoplasms in the mammary gland or mastopathy. It is not desirable to perform this procedure for patients with a tendency to form keloid scars.

    The main purpose of a breast lift is to correct its shape and move to the normal position of the areola area. In this case, the size of the breast can even decrease somewhat, but it will correspond to the type of build.

    To prevent mammary gland hypotrophy, a specially developed complex of physical exercises can be used. In addition, a little slow down the age involution may cosmetic procedures and wearing special underwear.

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