  • Abscess: treatment and prevention of disease

    All people want to be healthy, but sometimes the disease sneaks up unnoticed. One of the serious diseases is an abscess. Usually it is manifested by inflammation of various tissues and organs, aggravated by accumulation of a small amount of pus in them. So an abscess of the face or after a nyxis, can become an illustrative example.

    If a person has noticed a purulent process, treatment with home remedies is unacceptable. The fact is that the causative agent of the disease - staphylococcus is very cunning. With inflammation, a purulent cavity is formed, surrounded by inflamed tissues, inside which is a pyogenic membrane. Physicians distinguish various types of disease: superficial, which occur in the subcutaneous basis, and deep, which are localized in tissues, organs, cavities.

    Possible therapies

    Whatever the abscess the treatment should be performed by the doctor. The fact is that the degree of changes in the pathological process can have serious consequences. Take, for example, paratonsillar abscess - treatment is not performed, and the picture is not very promising. If the abscess opens itself into the mouth and pus flows, the patient is lucky. But it will be a relief for some time. In fact, not all the pus flowed, but most of it remained. An important factor in the successful control of any kind is its early diagnosis and timely treatment. When contacting a doctor, you should tell him all the nuances of the disease, when the abscess began, which preceded him than healed. It is the diagnosis that becomes an indication for conservative treatment or for surgical intervention. So the opening of the abscess of the Bartholin gland is performed, both with the help of furatsilinovoj ointments, and surgically in a hospital. In any case, the goal of any treatment is to open the purulent cavity, drain it and drain it. Usually small superficially located abscesses of subcutaneous tissue are treated as outpatient. If the same experts have sounded the alarm and found, for example, a complex paratonsillar abscess treatment is carried out in the conditions of urgent hospitalization. If the liver or lung is involved in a purulent process, pus is pumped out with the help of a puncture, and antibiotics, including enzymes, are injected into the cavity. When the abscess was opened - the treatment of patients is the same as in the treatment of purulent wounds:

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    • providing a full balanced diet;
    • , if indicated, transfusion of blood products, plasma;
    • administration of a course of antibiotics;
    • with an abscess that develops against the background of diabetes, it is necessary to restore the disturbed metabolism.

    If treatment was started on time, especially for superficial abscesses that are easily accessible for immediate action, then the prognosis is usually favorable. Take, for example, an abscess of Bartholin gland - treatment of this disease, although it is carried out in hospital, but will take a maximum of two weeks. Another thing is neglected treatment of an abscess with late-made surgery, inadequate drainage is fraught with adverse consequences. It is possible to develop a purulent process into a chronic form and even generalize the infection.

    Prevention of

    To prevent an inflammatory process, prevention is necessary. It should be avoided pathological development of abscesses. To do this, you must be careful of any negative manifestations on the body or organs - you need to sound an alarm when you see any painful formation or redness on the skin of the body.

    If found, you should lubricate the inflamed areas with furacilin ointment or zinc-salicylic paste. Experts advise also to impose on the inflamed place a sterile gauze napkin moistened in a wagon solution. Even if implicit abscess symptoms are found, it should be as soon as possible to contact a medical institution and consult with specialists, and, of course, with a surgeon.

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