  • The cruelty of medicine and its consequences

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    Study of the treatment of syphilis

    Such a disease as syphilis was considered incurable for a long time, it was only recently that they began to cope with it. In the early 30-ies of the last century in Guatemala, cruel experiments were conducted on the study of syphilis in black people. This was done by US doctors. Patients were not told what they were being treated for, for 40 years, observations on infected people continued. Attempts to cure syphilis with chemicals were not successful, penicillin also did not help( it was opened in 1947).

    Irresponsible slave doctors

    Even earlier, in the middle of the 19th century, one surgeon experimented with his female slaves in the field of gynecology. The name of the doctor was DM Sims. After his operations without anesthesia, the patient suffered terrible pains. Nevertheless, black women agreed to surgery to remove the vesicovaginal fistula, since they had no other choice.

    Experiments on orphans

    Orphaned children were used for violent experiments. So in the American state of Iowa in the 40s of the last century, they tried to cause stuttering in small defenseless men. At the same time they were frightened, which was to make the children begin to stutter. It was normal to talk to orphans, and even warned that they would stutter always after a similar "treatment."Some children died of fear, and survivors began to sue with the doctors-researchers, some orphans with the help of adults have won the case. They did not stutter.

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    The Japanese in China, their rigidity

    During the war between Japan and China in the 20th century, severe experiments were also conducted on people. The Japanese wanted to test its effect on the human body before using biological weapons. Infectious diseases( plague, cholera, typhoid fever) infect thousands of Chinese. In the cities of the Middle Kingdom, epidemics erupted. In addition, people were specifically subjected to frostbite, and "treated" with poison gas in the pressure chambers. Frozen limbs cut off from living people. All these brutal experiments have been trying to keep secret for a long time, but the facts of mockery of the Chinese penetrated all the same in the media.

    Self-denying test doctors

    From the history of the known facts of infection of doctors themselves terrible infectious diseases. Emmerich Ullmann instilled a rabies virus for Louis Pasteur to test a new vaccine. The vaccine helped, the doctor remained alive. And another physician - Jess Lacear died at the end of the 19th century from the bite of a malarial mosquito, he specifically chose an infected insect to prove that it was it that infects humans. Treated malaria quinine, and began to receive it from 1820 from the tree bark. Entered the doctors themselves in the body and poisons. For example, Roger Smith made himself a prick of curare poison. The soon-to-begin paralysis with the stopping of breathing was prevented by the doctors who were watching Smith, emergency resuscitation saved the tester.

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