  • Than fish oil is useful

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    This disease refers to the mental and is characterized by hallucinations and delirium. The patient can see non-existent things and hear voices and sounds that are not really there. Schizophrenia often starts at a young age and then can slowly progress. Treatment of this disease is often reduced to the elimination of symptoms, as doctors do not fully understand its causes.

    It is known that patients with schizophrenia have a decreased level of fatty polyunsaturated acids. In particular, we are talking about omega-6 and omega-3. Fatty omega-3 unsaturated acids can be found in fish oil, the use of which can prevent the development of many mental illnesses, including schizophrenia. This has been proved by the following studies.

    A group of young people who had a high risk of developing schizophrenia was selected. They for 12 weeks were given a food supplement, which in its composition had omega-3 acids. There was also a control group who received only a placebo. Patients from the first group( who received omega-3) were significantly less likely to suffer from symptoms typical of the disease( even after seven years).

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    Clinical trials were conducted at the University of Melbourne by a group of scientists led by Paul Amminger. About 10 years ago they came to the conclusion that the appearance of the first clinical manifestations of schizophrenia can be delayed by the intake of fatty polyunsaturated acids.

    Scientists have observed their patients for a long period of time. They noted that in 7 years only 10% of those taking omega-3 had psychosis.

    According to Amminjer, the intake of omega-3 acids helps significantly reduce the risk of developing a mental disorder and its progression. At the same time, scientists do not propose to start using this remedy as a preventive measure for all those at risk for this disease, even though these acids are available and can be found in many foods( walnuts, salmon, sardines).

    In the course of the study, the effect of these unsaturated acids on only 81 patients was studied, which is not enough. But scientists note that the intake of fish oil is not accompanied by the development of any significant side effects, so it can be attributed to benign treatment.

    Also, researchers have not yet fully understood the mechanisms by which the action of omega-fatty unsaturated acids on the severity of clinical manifestations of schizophrenia occurs.

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