  • Dyskinesia of bile ducts: symptoms, treatment

    What it is? Dyskinesia: a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Because of it, motor activity of the bile ducts is destabilized, and the bile enters incorrectly into the duodenum for further digestion of food. Violated the work of the duodenum and digestive tract.

    Often patients complain of bitterness in the mouth, unpleasant odor, vomiting and nausea, pain in the right side of the hypochondrium. The doctor in this case directs the patient to ultrasound to establish an accurate diagnosis.

    Dyskinesia of bile ducts is often associated with organic or functional causes. Deterioration of motility of the bladder and bile ducts is a secondary sign. With the defeat of the biliary tract, there are organic causes of dyskinesia, if the regulatory function of the nervous system is disrupted, then functional dyskinesia of the bile ducts arises.

    Depending on the cause, appropriate treatment is prescribed. It is important to treat dyskinesia of the bile ducts correctly and carefully, because in adults there can be a complication in the form of cholelithiasis and other diseases.
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    Classification of

    Depending on the type of disease, dyskinesia of bile ducts will have corresponding symptoms.

    1. 1) Hypokinetic dyskinesia( hypomotor).
    2. 2) Hyperkinetic dyskinesia( hypermotor).
    When there is a lack of bile in the 12-colon, dyskinesia is called hypokinesia. If an excessive amount of bile comes, then this disease is called hyperkinesia. With the two types of dyskinesia, pains of a different nature occur.

    1. With hypokinetic( atonic) dyskinesia, the patient experiences continuous, aching and dull pain without special localization.
    2. With hyperkinetic( spastic) dyskinesia, acute soreness appears in the right hypochondrium, which gives to the shoulder.

    Causes of biliary dyskinesia

    Causes of DZHVP can be incorporated into disorders of the functioning of the liver and bile ducts. As a result of malnutrition, there can be inflammation of the system of regulation - the liver with the gall bladder, which leads to a violation of the motility of the biliary tract. Inadvertent food: fatty, spicy, fried, smoked and salty foods, alcohol does not favor normal metabolism, the load does not increase the liver, which negatively affects the work of the liver and digestive organs.

    Also, to the narrowing of the ducts, the deterioration of motility of the bile ducts leads to outbursts of anger and irritability, bad mood and negative.

    According to statistics, it is stresses that most often provoke the disease. Nervous breakdown leads to spasm of the gallbladder and ducts, excessive release of bile into the duodenum occurs. Bile enters the pancreas and blocks the movement of the pancreatic fluid.

    This liquid corrodes the pancreas, which leads to the formation of pancreatitis and in the future to diabetes mellitus. In addition to pancreatitis, complications can occur in the form of cholelithiasis, dermatitis, cholecystitis, gastroduodenitis, duodenitis, cholecystopancreatitis.

    Factors that contribute to the emergence of biliary dyskinesia:

    • heredity;
    • transferred diseases, in particular viral hepatitis;
    • VSD;
    • neuroses;
    • intestinal dysbiosis;
    • respiratory tract infection;
    • food allergy;
    • inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract;
    • endocrine disorders;
    • parasites.
    Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of dyskinesia. For this purpose, the doctor prescribes a study - urinalysis, as well as feces, blood, ultrasound, gastroscopy, duodenal sounding.

    Symptoms of biliary dyskinesia

    First of all, the signs of the disease will depend on the root cause, as well as the form of the disease( hyper or hypo-kinetic).

    The main symptoms of biliary dyskinesia include: pain in the right side of the hypochondrium and epigastrium, nausea in the mornings, bitterness in the mouth, heaviness in the stomach, dyspepsia. There may be paroxysmal, stitching, sharp or dull pain in the abdomen, in the navel area.

    In addition, often symptoms of neurosis, depression - there is weakness, irritability, sleep disturbance, fatigue, mood swings and sweating.

    It's not for nothing that medicine from Tibet treats the whole organism in order to restore the balance of energy. A complex treatment is carried out to cleanse the liver, normalize the production of bile and improve the state of the nervous system.

    By the way, the doctor can diagnose the disease during a primary examination. Palpation in the epigastric region, the choledocho- pancreatic zone causes discomfort or severe pain in the patient.

    Diagnosis of dyskinesia

    The doctor can determine the dyskinesia of the bile ducts by external symptoms. Often the patient has an unhealthy complexion, dry skin, dermatitis, complains of pain and nausea.

    Modern diagnostic methods allow to determine the degree of motility of the bile duct and the type of dyskinesia. Such methods include duodenal sounding, intravenous holitsistografiya.

    Biochemical blood test provides an opportunity to establish blood cholesterol level, liver parameters. Often a blood test is done for the so-called lipid spectrum to establish the density of lipoproteins.

    Treatment of biliary dyskinesia

    For the treatment of the disease, measures are being taken to harmonize the production of bile, purify the liver, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system. If there are small stones in the gallbladder, prescribe drugs that can dissolve stones in the lumen of the bladder and ducts.

    Assign cholagogue, cholespasmolytics, neurotropic drugs, enzyme medications. In addition, physiotherapy is used.

    It is advisable to drink mineral water 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. In the morning on an empty stomach it is desirable to drink ½ cup of warm water, it is possible with the addition of honey and lemon. You can put the heating pad only as directed by the doctor. If there are no stones in the gallbladder, then you can periodically apply a heating pad to the right hypochondrium, taking 1-2 cups of mineral water in advance.

    The main cause of the illness lies in malnutrition. Therefore, the diet is the main direction of treatment of biliary dyskinesia. The food should be fractional, i.e.eating should be divided into 5-6 receptions.

    O fat, spicy, fried, smoked and salty foods need to be forgotten. For successful treatment it is necessary to consume only freshly prepared foods in steamed or boiled form. To normalize the motility of the bile ducts, it is recommended to take fruits, berries, dog rose, melons, chicken or veal, fish, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and sour-milk products.

    As beverages, it is better to drink green tea with lemon and rose hips, compotes from dried fruits, juices. It is not recommended in large quantities to consume fresh cabbage, peas, tomatoes. Moderate exercise and walking outdoors will increase the access of oxygen to the body, improve metabolism, normalize the work of the heart and internal organs.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Traditional medicine for the treatment of biliary dyskinesia suggests taking a powder of milk thistle, which contains a large amount of silymarin. This ingredient is a hepatoprotector and improves the functioning of the liver and bile ducts.

    Choleretic action is possessed by immortelle, artichoke, yarrow and marigold flowers. Herbs of herbs take 20-30 minutes before meals. Also a good effect is a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice in the amount of ½ cup before meals.

    If the cause of dyskinesia are nervous disorders, folk medicine offers a decoction of hawthorn, motherwort and valerian. Improvement of the psychoemotional state of the patient gives positive dynamics and accelerates the process of recovery.

    Prognosis of treatment

    If a patient has a desire to quickly recover, follows all the recommendations of a doctor, then within a couple of weeks his condition will improve significantly.

    Such a disease as DZHVP largely depends on the correct diet and stress resistance. There are many methods, new drugs that, with proper application, give good results.

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