  • Treatment of hypertension by different methods and means

    Hypertension is a persistent increase in blood pressure, which occurs due to vasospasm and blood flow obstruction. At present, patients with hypertension can be found at the age of 25 and at the age of 60.

    The main symptom of the disease is high blood pressure. Treatment of hypertension can be carried out at different stages, using traditional and non-traditional methods of therapy. It depends on what type of hypertension is present in the patient.

    Types of hypertension and their classification

    By nature of the course, all types of diseases are divided into the following types:

    • Essential hypertension - this form of hypertension is also called primary hypertension, and according to statistics, 95% of patients have this type of disease. This form is characterized by the fact that the pressure rises from time to time, and sometimes it is normal.
    • Symptomatic hypertension - or secondary hypertension, at which there is a persistent increase in pressure, which decreases only after antihypertensive drugs.
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    The following types of hypertension are also distinguished by the speed of the disease:

    • Slowly developing forms of diseases, in which symptoms do not appear immediately and grow slowly.
    • Malignant hypertension - in which all the symptoms of hypertension grow at a high rate and there is a rapidly progressing course of the disease.

    The following types of hypertension are distinguished according to the symptoms:

    • Renal hypertension is characterized by congenital or acquired kidney damage.
    • Hypertension endocrine - a characteristic sign is the defeat of the organs of the endocrine system.
    • Hypertension arterial - when large arteries are affected.
    • Centrogenic hypertension - when the cause of the development of hypertension is the defeat of the central nervous system.

    Modern methods of treatment of hypertension

    Modern treatment of hypertension provides for an immediate complete examination of the so-called target organs, that is, those organs where the smallest capillaries( kidneys, heart, eyes) are located. For successful treatment, it is also necessary to determine the stage, shape and type of the course of the disease, since the treatment of hypertension in different stages is somewhat different.

    Treatment of arterial hypertension of the primary or essential type begins with the reduction of excess weight, a balanced diet, rejection of bad habits and increased mobility. If the target organs are not affected, then against the background of the treatment, the pressure continues to be measured for 6 months, after which the final diagnosis is made.

    Drug therapy implies the appointment of antihypertensive drugs, and the pressure should be at least 140/90 mm Hg. In diabetes mellitus, the treatment of hypertension is beginning to be carried out already at pressures of 130/80 mm Hg.

    Special attention is paid to the treatment of the affected organs of the targets( in case of their defeat).The appointment of medications depends on the patient's age, individual characteristics, concomitant diseases, prescription of hypertension.

    The following modern drugs for the treatment of hypertension are used in drug therapy:

    • Preparations from a series of beta-blockers( Metoprolol).
    • Drugs that increase the excretion of urine( Lasix).
    • Preparations blocking calcium channels( Amlodipine).
    • Drugs that block the angiotensin receptor( candesartan).
    • Drugs that increase the synthesis of angiotensin( Ramipril).

    If blood pressure does not decrease during the treatment, 2-3 hypotensive drugs are prescribed.

    For the treatment of hypertension, physiotherapy and exercise therapy are used. The complexes of therapeutic gymnastics, swimming, and massage are useful. Recently, a method of therapy has been used, such as breathing exercises in hypertension. This is a system of exercises, in which yoga therapy is used, that is, in the process of breathing, diaphragmatic, clavicular and costal respiration are simultaneously activated.

    Features of therapy

    In the disease of renal hypertension, treatment is aimed at lowering blood pressure with simultaneous therapy of the causes leading to the appearance of renal hypertension. Diet with this form of hypertension does not limit the use of salt, but completely excludes it.

    In the treatment of renal hypertension, it is prohibited to treat drugs with nephrotoxic action. And the administration of any drug begins with small doses, gradually leading to therapeutic.

    The following medicines are distinguished:

    • A group of thiazide diuretics( Hypothiazide, Indanamide, Diazoxide).
    • Group of adrenoblockers( Prazosin, Doxazolin).
    • Hypotensive drugs that increase kidney function( Prazosin, Dopegit).
    • Calcium antagonists( Nifedipine, Verapamil, Diltiazem).

    Treatment for renal hypertension for a long, at least 6 months. Effective treatment of hypertension with kidney damage provides for periodic purification of blood by hemodialysis. If the therapy does not have its effect, the diseased kidney is removed and later kidney transplantation is performed.

    Isolated systolic hypertension is a condition that occurs in the elderly( over 60 years) only systolic or upper pressure above 140 mm Hg rises. And, the older the person, the frequency of this form of the disease increases.

    When the disease is isolated systolic hypertension treatment is aimed at reducing the upper arterial blood pressure and preventing dystrophic changes in the organs of the target. Along with general activities( diet, movement, weight reduction), drug therapy is carried out.

    Features of such therapy are:

    • BP reduction by 30%.If you reduce more, the diastolic pressure may drop, which will aggravate the phenomena of cerebral and heart failure.
    • Cautious use of antihypertensive drugs, and their appointment with small doses.
    • Individual selection of medicines, based on the individual characteristics of the body.
    • Combined therapy with other non-medicament means.
    • Control of all kinds of metabolism( carbohydrate, protein, fat).

    Otherwise, the same drugs are prescribed for the treatment of hypertension( diuretics, beta and alpha blockers, calcium antagonists, angiotensin receptor antagonists).

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