
Acute hepatitis. Signs and symptoms of different types of acute hepatitis

  • Acute hepatitis. Signs and symptoms of different types of acute hepatitis

    Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver. It can be acute and chronic. The most common cause of acute forms are various viruses. In addition to viruses, a parasitic invasion and a septic bacterial infection cause an acute infection. Less acute liver damage is observed with the use of drugs, poisoning with strong toxic substances, and after radiation therapy, during toxemia in pregnant women and due to extensive burns.

    Symptomatology of acute hepatitis

    When the disease is acute, the symptoms are pronounced and fairly bright, and only in rare cases the disease is asymptomatic.

    Signs of the disease:

    • General weakness and poor state of health of the patient.
    • Increased irritability, sleep disturbance.
    • Pain in the right upper quadrant.
    • Skin and mucosal discoloration. The color can be from slightly icteric to icteric.
    • Changing the color of the stool( in grayish white), the color of urine( instead of straw-yellow - reddish-brown).
    • Nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite.
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    • Stool disorder.
    • Hemorrhagic disorders - bleeding from the nose, the appearance of spider veins on the skin, petechia.
    • Increased liver and spleen size.
    • Skin itching, photophobia, dizziness.

    Diagnosis of acute hepatitis is made on the basis of examination and complaints of the patient, ultrasound, blood and urine tests, biochemical blood tests. Acute viral hepatitis is confirmed by changes in blood composition and high activity of alanine aminotransferase( ALT), the amount of which can exceed the norm by 100 times.

    The fact that several thousand medicines capable of causing acute toxic hepatitis are known to be especially alarming. Most likely, this is due to free access of the population to medicinal forms in the pharmacy network, as well as erroneous appointments of doctors. Acute drug hepatitis occurs due to side effects of drugs on the liver.

    When the disease is acute alcoholic symptoms are typical, similar to the common signs of acute liver damage, but occur after drinking large amounts of alcohol. The disease occurs in almost a third of people with chronic alcoholism. The prognosis of this type of hepatitis is unfavorable, and the disease can after another binge go to cirrhosis of the liver.

    Signs and symptoms of hepatitis A

    This form of the disease is more common than all other viral hepatitis. In developed countries, the incidence rate does not exceed 30%, and in the backward and developing countries - more than 70-80% among all viral.

    The incubation period of disease A is not more than 30 days. The clinical picture can be manifested by fever, changes in stool and urine, general malaise, discoloration and sclera.

    The mechanism of transmission of acute hepatitis A - airborne, through food, water or contacts. In recent years, the number of people who have sexually transmitted diseases has increased dramatically, especially among homosexuals. For this virus is characterized by rapid development and growth.

    Viral hepatitis A is affected mostly by young children, aged 3 to 10 years. Recently there has been a trend towards the incidence of persons over the age of 30.The greatest danger for infection is the patient in the incubation period, when the active reproduction of the virus takes place in the patient's body.

    The appearance of antibodies or immunoglobulins of class M( anti-NAV IgM or anti-HAV IgM) is a marker of acute hepatitis A.Antibodies are detected using a special analysis( ELISA) in the blood. Antibodies are found from the first days of illness, and also during the next 3-6 months after infection.

    Prevention measures include adherence to personal hygiene, protection during sexual intercourse, and specialized vaccination. The following categories of people are subject to vaccination:

    • People in the occupational risk group( medical staff, service and maintenance workers, food service workers, municipal water supply and sewerage networks).
    • People who travel to other countries of the world, especially developing ones.
    • People who are in contact with patients with viral hepatitis A.

    How is hepatitis B manifested?

    Most people with hepatitis B are between the ages of 20 and 50.This virus is transmitted through the blood, that is, hematogenous way, as well as through sexual intercourse and during childbirth from mother to child. You can get infected with manicure and pedicure, during surgery, with tattooing and piercing, if tools have been poorly processed.

    The incubation period is from 2 to 6 months, and the infectious process in the body begins from the moment of getting the virus into the blood. The clinical picture can be pronounced, as well as erased, with an inconspicuous course of the disease. With severe hepatitis B, there are all the characteristic signs of an acute type, and with an erased form there can be only a disorder of the stool and a slight jaundice of the skin.

    Treatment should be symptomatic and etiopathogenetic, and detoxification and antiviral therapy should be provided. The best means of prevention is vaccination.

    People who are at risk:

    • People who have a promiscuous sex life and are replacing many partners.
    • Homosexuals.
    • Drug addicts injecting.
    • Children whose mothers are infected with this disease.
    • Health workers and operating doctors.
    • Patients on hemodialysis.

    Brief information on hepatitis With

    Every year the number of people infected with viral hepatitis C increases. The mechanism of infection is hematogenous, that is, infection occurs when the virus enters the human blood. Young people aged 20-40 years are ill.

    The incubation period can be from 20 to 140 days, but on average 50-60 days. The danger of this disease is that the disease runs almost without symptoms. The diagnosis can be made only on the basis of biochemical blood tests, and is discovered by chance, during the delivery of tests or medical examination.

    Acute hepatitis C occurs with symptoms of malaise, nausea, weakness, sometimes pain in the joints. But these symptoms are manifested in other diseases, so putting a diagnosis in time presents certain difficulties.

    Treatment is traditional, as with other forms of hepatitis. Liver transplantation is used in viral hepatitis C more often than in other forms of the disease, especially if viral hepatitis C passes into cirrhosis of the liver.

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