  • Treatment of hepatitis C with folk remedies

    Hepatitis C is an extremely dangerous and very insidious infectious disease that affects the liver. The danger here lies not only in the complex treatment of pathology, its rapid transformation into a chronic form and severe complications, but also in the absence of specific symptoms. Simply put, in most patients, this pathology is detected either at the last stage, or completely by accident - for example, when checking blood during donation, diagnosing other diseases, or during a routine examination.

    According to experts, the predominant number of patients with hepatitis C is manifested only at the stage when the body has already experienced significant changes, which doctors consider as a late detection. So, most often the disease is found about five years after infection. Among other dangerous features of this pathology doctors also call insensitivity of some forms of the virus to drug therapy, the increased ability of the pathogen to modify and the absence of an antiviral vaccine.

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    How to cure hepatitis C?

    The diagnosis of "hepatitis C" has a significant impact on the life of the patient. From the fact that until the end of life the patient will have to fight with a chronic serious illness, a person can feel anger and aggression, fall into depression.

    Traditionally, the treatment of hepatitis C depends on how much the virus has damaged the liver, its genotype, and the prevalence of the virus throughout the body. In addition, much depends also on the general health of the patient. Treatment in this case can not be called an ideal solution, since the medications used in this case are very expensive, have serious side effects and do not always work. The question of whether hepatitis C is treated by specialists is dealt with separately in each case.

    The main goal for which the treatment of hepatitis C is directed is the elimination of pathogens from the body in the shortest possible time, preventing serious problems with the liver. The duration of therapy depends on the specific type of infection, the course of the disease, the type of virus that triggered the development of the disease and its response to medications used by doctors.

    In addition to traditional medicines, there are also folk methods for the treatment of hepatitis C. The extent to which it is effective and appropriate to use various drugs and herbs for hepatitis C should consult your physician in advance and then begin therapy.

    Methods of treatment with folk remedies

    It is recommended to start treatment of this disease immediately after the pathology has been diagnosed. Delay with this is not worth it, because the consequences can be very deplorable. Due to the fact that modern medicine, unfortunately, is not yet too effective or does not have vaccines against this disease, many people decide to use folk remedies for hepatitis C.

    . The treatment of hepatitis C with herbs is comparatively effective, but nonetreatment will not bring the expected effect if the patient does not properly treat his health. So, using folk methods of treating hepatitis C, the patient should also lead a healthy lifestyle, give up all his bad habits, reduce the number of stressful situations.

    Folk recipes from hepatitis C

    Regardless of what form of hepatitis is found in the patient, it is possible to use herbal medicines. Phytopreparations are used to stimulate regeneration of liver cells, eliminate dyspeptic phenomena and increase bile secretion.

    Many patients respond well enough about the treatment of this disease with lemon juice and soda. The recipe for this treatment is quite simple - the juice of one lemon is mixed with a teaspoon of soda. The resulting remedy should be drunk 5 minutes after preparation. The course of treatment lasts three days, with interruptions of 3-4 days before the patient's condition improves.

    The hepatitis C folk treatment with the help of a special collection consisting of hips, birch leaves, St. John's wort, grass, cotton grass, dandelion roots, fennel fruits, calendula flowers, celandine grass and corn stigmas has proved to be very effective. A mixture of these substances in certain proportions should be poured in 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused for seven hours.

    The resulting broth should be taken three times a day, some time before meals. In addition, it is recommended to take this remedy in the morning, brewing it on honey water. In total it is required to conduct three courses of such treatment with interruptions in a month and a half.

    The comparatively high effectiveness in the treatment of such a disease as hepatitis C folk medicine ascribes to the following recipe - a glass of mineral water should squeeze the juice of half a lemon and add a tablespoon of honey.

    In addition, experts believe that with hepatitis C very good effect on the body of various fresh juices. It is recommended to drink 2-3 times a day to drink a glass of fresh cabbage juice. You can also add beet juice to it, but in a small amount - about a quarter of a glass. By the way, before consuming such juices it is necessary to insist them for 4-8 hours.

    Phytotherapeutists engaged in the study of various active substances have established that a special enzyme is present in the leaves of bilberry, which contributes to the successful fight of the organism with the hepatitis C virus. Therefore, it is very common for folk healers to advise patients with such a disease to drink freshly squeezed juices and blueberry fruit,berries in small quantities. However, the greatest content of useful enzymes that block the action of the virus is found in the leaves of blueberries.

    Unconventional treatment of

    Patients who have a chronic form of hepatitis C are recommended to use all possible means to stop the development of pathology. In the process of treatment, you should stop using alcoholic beverages, taking drugs and any food supplements, and stick to the right diet until the doctor allows.

    Vaccines against such a disease as hepatitis C do not exist, but modern medicine has quite effective vaccines against other forms of the disease - A and B. Surely experts will recommend vaccinations against them in order to protect themselves from further problems with the liver. You can also try to treat hepatitis C with folk remedies, but before treatment, you should consult your doctor.

    In any case, with such a disease as hepatitis C, treatment with folk remedies will bring the expected effect only if the patient adheres to the correct diet and maintains a healthy lifestyle. Patients should remember that to feel tired, knowing about the diagnosis of "hepatitis C", this is normal. In this case, it is just more to relax and work less. You can also, if desired, exercise, but you should not abuse training.

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