
Mask for hair with burdock oil: from falling out, from dandruff, for growth, reviews

  • Mask for hair with burdock oil: from falling out, from dandruff, for growth, reviews

    Hair mask with burdock oil at home: helps with loss and to enhance growth

    Burdock oil is one of the strongest natural remedies in the field of hair care. Women used burdock oil long before there were expensive essential oils and professional lines to maintain healthy hair. And the first advice that you get in response to the question "How to grow hair?" Has been unchanged for many years - a hair mask with burdock oil at home. But very few people know that this oil helps to solve and such problem, as banal hair loss.

    When to apply burdock oil?

    There are several obvious problems with hair that require immediate application of burdock oil. Here they are:

    1) Hard and naughty hair that you need to "tame".Stearic acid, contained in burdock oil, softens the structure of the curls.

    2) Catastrophic hair loss, which can not be stopped by any means and the cause is not clear. This will help another component of burdock oil - palmitic acid. She is the best remedy for hair loss.

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    3) Slow hair growth. Ricinoleic acid contains substances necessary for hair growth.

    4) Dryness of the scalp and split ends. Oleic acid from burdock oil perfectly moisturizes the most dry hair, stops the process of cross-section.

    5) Not passing dandruff( seborrhea).Burdock oil perfectly helps against dandruff due to the linoleic acid entering into its composition.

    Popular masks with burdock oil

    And here are some popular masks with burdock oil. One small warning: in all cases burdock oil must be heated and used in a warm form. After applying the mask on the hair, be sure to put on a hat so that the heat strengthens the warming effect of the mask. And yet: do not overdo it with the dosage, otherwise the hair after the mask will remain oily. Remember: burdock oil is viscous and not very well washed out of hair.

    And here are the recipes of some popular masks with burdock oil.

    1) Classic mask: heated burdock oil in pure form is applied to the hair and left for 1-1,5 hours.

    2) Regenerating: mask with pure extract of burdock oil and egg. It is necessary to take a yolk of 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of burdock oil. Stir and apply to hair. Hold for 1 hour.

    3) With vitamin E and vitamin A: take 2 tablespoons burdock oil, 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil and olive oil, liquid vitamins A and E( 1 ampoule each).Put the entire mixture on the hair and hold for 1 hour. The mask works well for split ends and heavy hair loss.

    4) For shine: mix 4 tablespoons of burdock oil with chicken yolk and add 1-2 tablespoons of honey. Apply the mixture to the hair and leave for 1 hour, then rinse.

    5) With castor oil. This is the second most powerful oil after burdock. With him you can make a mask: 1 tablespoon burdock and castor oil, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 spoonful of brewer's yeast and cognac. Warm everything in a bowl until slightly warm and inject the yolk. Mask it well. Apply over the entire length of the hair and hold for 1 hour. The mask works well for split ends of hair.

    Reviews of women

    Now listen to what women say, tried on their hair mask with burdock oil. Here are their testimonials.

    Akuna matata "I love oil masks for hair, and then I had an unsuccessful experiment to transition from a brunette to a platinum blonde and back. In general, I spoiled my hair. Recently I realized that they should be treated. I have known for a long time about the benefits of burdock oil, so I decided to resort to this mask. Here's how I did it: heated a small amount of burdock oil on a water bath, added a little almond. All mixed well and applied over the entire length of the hair. I put on a shower cap, shook my head with a towel and went to bed. In the morning, I washed off the mask and dried my hair as usual. I repeated this mask a couple of times a week for 2 months and my efforts were rewarded! Look at the photo. "

    Daria V. Writes at the forum: "Girls, very few people know, but burdock oil has another amazing property - not only to accelerate hair growth, but also to prevent the growth of already growing, strengthen them. Only in the composition of this mask with burdock oil must necessarily include cocoa, and not powder, namely oil( !).Here, for example, this mask( I often do it): 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter, 2 handfuls of chamomile flowers, 4 tablespoons of burdock oil, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a couple drops of rosemary. All this is mixed to the state of a homogeneous mixture. We put it on the head and hold it under the cap for 1 hour, and then wash it off. If you want to additionally strengthen the hair follicles, you can add to the components of the mask 2 tablespoons of warm milk. The hair after such masks is simply awesome! "

    Tatiana writes:" And I turned to another half-forgotten recipe. As everyone knows, tincture of chili peppers can be used to smear hair, so that they grow better. I tried to connect it with another powerful catalyst for hair growth - burdock oil. Tincture with red pepper did at home itself: 1 pod of hot red pepper chop and pour 70% solution of medical alcohol. I insisted all this for 7 days. The mask itself is done like this: 3 teaspoons burdock oil, 1 teaspoon pepper tincture, 3 drops of any essential oil, 3 teaspoons conditioner. All this is mixed and applied to the hair. The mask is applied to the scalp and lasts 1 hour. Keep in mind that such a mask is washed off very hard, so you will have to wash your hair 3-4 times. But the result is a hair growth of more than 5 cm! This is fantastic! "

    And another review about burdock hair oil left Natalie on the site:" Girls, let's not forget about mustard. With mustard, you can also make masks for hair growth, and with burdock oil it's just a "bomb".Take 2 tablespoons of warmed honey water and 2 tablespoons burdock oil. Add 1 teaspoon dried mustard( use mustard powder) and 1 yolk. Pour 1 teaspoon of cognac into the mask. Mix all this mixture and apply to the scalp. Then distribute along the length of the hair. Keep the mask under the cap for 15 to 30 minutes. The time of the procedure depends on how soon the mustard starts burning. The result of the mask surpassed all my expectations. Before that I tried to mix burdock oil with dimexid and even henna, but such a positive result was not. I advise everyone to make such a mask only with mustard. "


    Read more: Splitting hair, what could be the reason?

    Burdock oil is one of the strongest natural remedies in the field of hair care. Women used burdock oil long before there were expensive essential oils and professional lines to maintain healthy hair. And the first advice that you get in response to the question "How to grow hair?" Has been unchanged for many years - a hair mask with burdock oil at home. But very few people know that this oil helps to solve and such problem, as banal hair loss.

    When to apply burdock oil?

    There are several obvious problems with hair that require immediate application of burdock oil. Here they are:

    1) Hard and naughty hair that you need to "tame".Stearic acid, contained in burdock oil, softens the structure of the curls.

    2) Catastrophic hair loss, which can not be stopped by any means and the cause is not clear. This will help another component of burdock oil - palmitic acid. She is the best remedy for hair loss.

    3) Slow hair growth. Ricinoleic acid contains substances necessary for hair growth.

    4) Dryness of the scalp and split ends. Oleic acid from burdock oil perfectly moisturizes the most dry hair, stops the process of cross-section.

    5) Not passing dandruff( seborrhea).Burdock oil perfectly helps against dandruff due to the linoleic acid entering into its composition.

    Popular masks with burdock oil

    But here are some popular masks with burdock oil. One small warning: in all cases burdock oil must be heated and used in a warm form. After applying the mask on the hair, be sure to put on a hat so that the heat strengthens the warming effect of the mask. And yet: do not overdo it with the dosage, otherwise the hair after the mask will remain oily. Remember: burdock oil is viscous and not very well washed out of hair.

    And here are the recipes of some popular masks with burdock oil.

    1) Classical mask: heated burdock oil in pure form is applied to the hair and left for 1-1,5 hours.

    2) Regenerating: mask with pure extract of burdock oil and egg. It is necessary to take a yolk of 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of burdock oil. Stir and apply to hair. Hold for 1 hour.

    3) With vitamin E and vitamin A: take 2 tablespoons of burdock oil, 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil and olive oil, liquid vitamins A and E( 1 ampoule each).Put the entire mixture on the hair and hold for 1 hour. The mask works well for split ends and heavy hair loss.

    4) For shine: mix 4 tablespoons of burdock oil with chicken yolk and add 1-2 tablespoons of honey. Apply the mixture to the hair and leave for 1 hour, then rinse.

    5) With castor oil. This is the second most powerful oil after burdock. With him you can make a mask: 1 tablespoon burdock and castor oil, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 spoonful of brewer's yeast and cognac. Warm everything in a bowl until slightly warm and inject the yolk. Mask it well. Apply over the entire length of the hair and hold for 1 hour. The mask works well for split ends of hair.

    Reviews of women

    Now listen to what women say, tried on their hair mask with burdock oil. Here are their testimonials.

    Akuna matata "I love oil masks for hair, and then I had an unsuccessful experiment to switch from a brunette to a platinum blonde and back. In general, I spoiled my hair. Recently I realized that they should be treated. I have known for a long time about the benefits of burdock oil, so I decided to resort to this mask. Here's how I did it: heated a small amount of burdock oil on a water bath, added a little almond. All mixed well and applied over the entire length of the hair. I put on a shower cap, shook my head with a towel and went to bed. In the morning, I washed off the mask and dried my hair as usual. I repeated this mask a couple of times a week for 2 months and my efforts were rewarded! Look at the photo. "

    Daria V. Writes at the forum: "Girls, very few people know, but burdock oil has another amazing property - not only to accelerate hair growth, but also to prevent the growth of already growing, to strengthen them. Only in the composition of this mask with burdock oil must necessarily include cocoa, and not powder, namely oil( !).Here, for example, this mask( I often do it): 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter, 2 handfuls of chamomile flowers, 4 tablespoons of burdock oil, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a couple drops of rosemary. All this is mixed to the state of a homogeneous mixture. We put it on the head and hold it under the cap for 1 hour, and then wash it off. If you want to additionally strengthen the hair follicles, you can add to the components of the mask 2 tablespoons of warm milk. The hair after such masks is simply awesome! "

    Tatiana writes:" And I turned to another half-forgotten recipe. As everyone knows, tincture of chili peppers can be used to smear hair, so that they grow better. I tried to connect it with another powerful catalyst for hair growth - burdock oil. Tincture with red pepper did at home itself: 1 pod of hot red pepper chop and pour 70% solution of medical alcohol. I insisted all this for 7 days. The mask itself is done like this: 3 teaspoons burdock oil, 1 teaspoon pepper tincture, 3 drops of any essential oil, 3 teaspoons conditioner. All this is mixed and applied to the hair. The mask is applied to the scalp and lasts 1 hour. Keep in mind that such a mask is washed off very hard, so you will have to wash your hair 3-4 times. But the result is a hair growth of more than 5 cm! This is fantastic! "

    And another review about burdock hair oil left Natalie on the site:" Girls, let's not forget about mustard. With mustard, you can also make masks for hair growth, and with burdock oil it's just a "bomb".Take 2 tablespoons of warmed honey water and 2 tablespoons burdock oil. Add 1 teaspoon dried mustard( use mustard powder) and 1 yolk. Pour 1 teaspoon of cognac into the mask. Mix all this mixture and apply to the scalp. Then distribute along the length of the hair. Keep the mask under the cap for 15 to 30 minutes. The time of the procedure depends on how soon the mustard starts burning. The result of the mask surpassed all my expectations. Before that I tried to mix burdock oil with dimexid and even henna, but such a positive result was not. I advise everyone to make such a mask only with mustard. "


    Read more: Splitting hair, what could be the reason?