
Absolute happiness for hair Lebel: reviews about the procedure, videos and photos

  • Absolute happiness for hair Lebel: reviews about the procedure, videos and photos

    In the Russian market today there is a huge number of professional brands of cosmetics for hair care. Among them, the products of the Japanese company Lebel occupy a special place.

    The philosophy of the company is to produce cosmetics for hair with a minimum content of alkaline agents. Russian women got an opportunity to get acquainted with the products of this company and consider that the procedure for damaged hair "Absolute happiness for hair Lebel" will take a worthy place among other beauty programs in beauty salons.

    Philosophy of

    Lebel Cosmetics is a Japanese company that produces professional cosmetics for hair care. The company entered the Russian market not so long ago, but already managed to find its fans here. A distinctive feature of all the company's products is the orientation of all products on natural ingredients without dyes, parabens and perfumes.

    Lebel cosmetics can be safely used for hair care even for people with allergic reactions and during pregnancy.

    instagram viewer

    Not so long ago the company launched its program for the treatment of damaged hair "Absolute happiness for hair Lebel" in several networks of Russian beauty salons located in different cities.

    Reviews of women

    Already several thousand women have experienced the effect of cosmetics Lebel and left only rave reviews about it.

    Dema1 wrote:

    "Girls, recently I discovered a new makeup that just works wonders with hair! It is called Lebel and comes from Japan. They have a special program called "Happiness for Hair", which I decided to try. I am delighted!
    Did the procedure at home, ordering all the drugs by mail. And she did not regret! Believe me, it's much cheaper than going to the salon.
    So, the kit includes: 4 serums for hair, shampoo, cellular moisturizing mousse. The whole procedure is carried out in three stages: first the hair is washed with Cool Orange shampoo, then the moistening cell mousse is applied to the head, 4 serums( C, N, P, Fix) are divided into divided strands and gathered into ponytails.
    Then the hair is covered with a film and is removed under the cap. The composition lasts for 15-20 minutes. In the last, third stage, the hair is applied to: IAU Cell Fiber Protein Activator, Intensive Hair Firming Lotion IAU Cell Serum, IAU Cell Sealed Hair Seal, Intensive Hair Moisturizing Cream( or to strengthen hair), Fixing Oil forhair. That's all.
    The procedure itself is quite long, but the hair after it looks just gorgeous! "

    Twitty is also delighted with this procedure. The girl writes:

    "And I was doing the procedure" Absolute Happiness "in the cabin, and now I will describe( according to my feelings) what and how they did.
    The head was washed, a gel with a peeling effect was applied to the hair, a light head massage was done. The cleansing foam was applied and the head was massaged again. Washed everything.
    Remove the towel from his head, which covered his hair, and combed each strand. In turn, popshikali on a comb of three or four bottles with different serums and combed their hair. The fixing agent was applied simply with hands.
    We put a cellophane cap on my head, left me to sit with her for 10-15 minutes.
    Have removed a hat and have put on hair 4 more agents. Each time, the hair was neatly combed over the strands. Let hair soak for 5-10 minutes. Finally, they sent me to wash my hair.
    After washing, the nutrient oil or milk was applied to the hair to permanently fix the effect of the procedure.
    After the procedure, the hair looked just amazing - soft, shiny, smooth! »

    Fantagero wrote this review of the procedure:

    « I tried the procedure of molecular restoration and moisturizing hair «Absolute Happiness».Did her in the cabin and was very pleased. After a long process of washing the hair and feeding them with various serums my hair began to look completely different! There was brilliance, elasticity and radiance! "

    And here's what a woman writes under the nickname Irinika:

    "After giving birth, my hair began to fall out heavily. I decided to try to restore them with Japanese cosmetics under the program "Absolute happiness for the hair."

    The procedure itself is simple and it can be done at home. It only takes a couple of hours, but the effect lasts a long time. If we consider this procedure to get the "Wow!" Effect from the first application, it deserves ten points, but it could not completely restore and give new hair, at least in my case.
    Again, this system will most likely not be bought, t.the same effect can be obtained by more affordable means, and the cost of all the bubbles of this Japanese cosmetics for the course of procedures is quite expensive. "

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