How to get rid of pimples at home
Especially ugly looking traces of acne on the face. After all, these are spots of red-brown or purple, or scars, which are due to the fact that the person squeezed out several pimples. If there are such scars and stains, how to get rid of them? Scars and blemishes themselves will pass very slowly. Therefore, treatment will undoubtedly be required here.
In case of scarring, the best solution is to consult a specialist. With stains, you can, of course, undergo a course of special procedures in the beauty salon, paying a lot of money. And you can use proven folk methods and achieve the same result.
How to get rid of traces of acne if they appeared on the skin? There are several different ways: - peeling( the top layer of the skin peels off and it gradually becomes smooth);it is important not to damage the skin and not carry the infection;
- lotions and masks;
- compulsory treatment and healthy food( mainly vegetables, fruits and juices);
- special procedures in the beauty salon( mesotherapy, laser grinding, professional masks, peelings, creams and lotions).
What helps against red spots from acne
At home, you can find a lot of funds from traces after acne. It's easier, of course, to find a way to remove spots from acne.
- Small dark spots after squeezing pimples well removes the lemon juice diluted with water( if it is 1: 1) if they wipe damaged areas. Lemon juice can be mixed with egg white( 2 teaspoons per protein) - you get a great whitening mask, which is applied for 15 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.
- Honey mask( 1 teaspoon of honey and as much ground cinnamon) perfectly whitens the skin and at the same time will feed it. It is applied for 20 minutes and washed off.
- An ordinary cucumber, cut into slices, or cucumber juice, frozen in cubes, is an excellent remedy for staining the skin from acne. Especially good it removes red spots after acne.
- The decoction of parsley is also frozen in the form of cubes and rubs their face twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, which helps from the marks of acne.
How to remove scars from acne
The situation is more complicated if the skin does not form spots after acne, but scars. But even here there are effective means.
- Mask from traces of acne from green clay is on sale in pharmacies. In it add a little bit of vegetable oil and put on damaged by scars sites. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, lubricate the skin with a moisturizing cream. The procedure is carried out 4-5 times every other day.
- Natural apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy for traces of acne in the form of scars, if they have recently appeared. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of vinegar with three tablespoons of boiled water and wipe the skin. If the scars formed long ago, it is better to compress with the same solution for 30 minutes.
- Tincture of St. John's wort( 2 tablespoons of herbs per 100 ml of medical alcohol infused for 10 days) is used as a lotion in the morning and at bedtime for two weeks.
Popular drugs to combat traces of acne are considered drugs such as salicylic acid and hydrogen peroxide. The first you can wipe the face in the morning and in the evening, and with the second to do compresses twice a day for 5 minutes.
Mask from traces after acne
Mask from acne spots is an excellent tool that helps not only to remove spots from acne fast, but also to give the skin smoothness, elasticity and radiance. There are masks that help get rid of not only stains, but also of scars on the skin:
- mask of clay( which has already been mentioned) eliminates stains and scars on the skin;
- honey mask with cinnamon( also mentioned above) is a very effective remedy for acne spots;
- is a good way to remove stains after acne - a chocolate mask( melted black chocolate is mixed with two teaspoons of cream);the mixture is slightly cooled and applied to the skin, leaving for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Scientists have found out that chocolate masks are very nutritious and have fortifying properties.
Essential oils from facial spots after acne
Essential oils are often used in beauty salons. You can choose your choice. It is useful in this case to use a mixture of various oils: rosemary, tea tree, lavender, avocado, lemon. But you need to keep in mind that the amount of used oils should be extremely small, because in large doses they can weaken the nervous system and the body in general.
Scrubs from traces after acne
You can try to get rid of traces of acne with the help of scrubs prepared at home. The best of these are scrubs based on sea salt. How to cook and use them?
- Mix sea salt with olive oil( 1 tablespoon per 1 tablespoon) and a few drops of lemon juice.
- We clean the skin where we will use the scrub.
- Apply a hot compress to the skin or make a steam bath, this helps open the pores.
- Apply the prepared scrub in 5-10 minutes.
- Gently massage the skin and rinse with warm water.
- After scrubbing, we wash ourselves with ice cubes from chamomile infusion.
Procedure is done once a month.
Bodyworm from traces after acne
Bodygang is called a freshwater sponge. Powder from it is sold in pharmacies and is inexpensive. This tool is used to remove bruises, but even more successfully it is used to treat scarring and spots from acne.
Before use, apply a little squash from the body sponge to a small patch of skin to rule out an allergic reaction. Read more about the bodyguard on video.
How to dissolve the body from acne
Powder bojadi( 1 teaspoon) is diluted with 2% solution of boric acid( teaspoon per 100 ml of water) in a ratio of 1: 1.The effect will be stronger when the bodywort is diluted with olive oil. The skin is first cleaned, and then gently rub the prepared solution and leave for 15-20 minutes, after it is washed off. A normal reaction is a slight reddening and peeling, as well as tingling of the skin.
How to apply the
bodyguard You can also use the bodypack in another formula: baby powder - body powder( equal quantity) - half-capped tincture of marigold - half-cap of lotion for face. This product is rubbed into the skin, allowed to dry and cleaned with a dry towel. Nourishing cream is applied only after 12 hours.
It is advised to be cautious with a water sponge! It is better to carry out procedures on weekends, as they are painful and cause redness on the skin. Use the drug no more than 1-2 times a week, the improvement does not occur before 3-6 months.
Ointments and creams from traces after acne
There are special ointments and creams designed to remove traces of pimples and scars. More on the video.
A very effective remedy is the ointment from traces after Acne Metrogil. This gel has bactericidal properties and is able to fight acne. It can be used in complex therapy, because in addition to its ability to help with acne and their traces, it has immunomodulatory properties and does not cause harm to the skin.
Gel kontraktubeks is popular because it allows you to fight both acne and traces after them. You can buy it in a pharmacy without a prescription, but use skin problems at any stage of development.
It is based on the extract of onions, which is supplemented with sorbic acid and allantoin. In application it is simple: apply, hold for a while and wash off. This cream gives the result the next day.
Another effective cream is panthenol. It is applied to the affected areas of the skin with a thin layer.
Instruction for use
Any cream from traces after acne has instruction for use, but the principles of their use are approximately similar:
- cleanse the skin;
- some cream is applied to problem areas;
- keep about 20 minutes;
- wiping with a napkin( can be washed off with water, but for a deeper penetration it is better to wipe it off).
It is important to carry out these procedures regularly twice a day. Be sure to use creams should be combined with masks and other means that will help to speed up healing.
This article was presented with a story on how to remove acne spots. We hope that it will be useful to our readers.