
How to strengthen hair from falling out at home: 3 recipes

  • How to strengthen hair from falling out at home: 3 recipes

    Healthy, thick hair is the dream of every person. But for most people it can remain just a dream, if the hair is not provided with competent care. Someone is faced with the problem of dull and brittle hair, for someone a real nightmare is the problem of hair loss.

    Specialists came to the conclusion that only an integrated approach, including healthy food, vitamins and nourishing masks, will be most effective in solving the problem of hair loss.

    This article will discuss information on how to strengthen hair from falling out at home. It will be explained how to properly develop your daily menu, so that the roots of the hair receive the necessary amount of vitamins. Also, recipes for masks will be proposed, which help to strengthen the roots of the hair and stimulate the violent growth of the head of hear.

    Which products should I include in the menu?

    The problem of hair loss can be due to the fact that the roots do not get the right amount of vitamins. In order to solve this problem, it is desirable that in your daily menu there are the following products:

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    Nuts : Greek, cashew, almonds. Due to fatty acids, omega-3 and zinc, contained in nuts, your hair will become more shiny.
    Beans : beans, beans, lentils are the sources of protein, zinc and iron, which are so necessary for hair that they are no longer brittle.
    Dairy products and eggs , which are rich in vitamin B12, calcium and protein, will contribute to the fact that the roots of hair will strengthen and be more dense.
    Fatty fish , rich in fatty acids and omega-3, will have a positive effect on root strengthening and hair growth.
    To enhance the effect, you can also take a vitamin and mineral complex, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is designed specifically to saturate the roots of hair with vital energy and prevent hair loss.

    Recipes for home-made masks

    Strengthening the roots is the main task in solving the problem of hair loss. Below you will find recipes for masks, which can be made at home from quite affordable ingredients.

    1. For the first recipe, we will need burdock oil, yolk and lemon juice. It is necessary to mix one spoon with a table oil of burdock, one yolk and a few drops of lemon juice. A ready-made mask should be applied to the roots of the hair and scalp.

    It's best to walk around with this mask for about an hour, and then wash it off with cool water. The mask will moisturize the hair, prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth.

    2. Another mask recipe includes the following ingredients: a bunch of parsley, one tablespoon of castor oil. First a bunch of parsley should be chopped, and then mixed with a spoon of butter. Then the mask should be insisted for ten minutes.

    Then the mask should be applied to the scalp, hair for half an hour, then washed off. This procedure will help to solve the problem of brittle hair and split ends.

    3. Black chocolate is not only delicious, but also useful. If you connect a tile of dark chocolate with one spoon of a plant.oil and one yolk - you will get an excellent firming mask. First, chocolate should be melt, and then mixed with the rest of the ingredients. After the mask has cooled, it must be applied to the roots and scalp for an hour, and then washed off with warm water.


    Reviews and opinions that people share, suggests that hair loss is a problem that many people face. Judging by the feedback, the most effective solution to this problem is a correct, balanced diet and the application of home masks to the hair roots. Also, many people respond positively to those vitamin and mineral complexes that are sold in pharmacies, and they recommend that they periodically drink this course.

    Video compilation on the topic of the article

    Below is a compilation of videos, which will tell you about the mistakes that we allow in the care of hair, which leads to hair loss. And also recipes of masks will be offered, which will help to cope with this problem.