
Wafer tubules with condensed milk: prescription, step by step description and video

  • Wafer tubules with condensed milk: prescription, step by step description and video

    Wafer tubules with condensed milk are an excellent dessert, which is liked not only by children, but also by adults.

    In order to prepare this delicacy, you need to find a waffle iron in the pantry. The shape of the tubes itself calls for filling them. There are several options for the cream, but boiled condensed milk as a filler is the undisputed leader among them.

    Step 1: prepare the dough for the tubules

    First you need to make a dough for waffles. We will need the following ingredients. This is 200 g of margarine, 1 tbsp.sugar( in order not to stick, it is better to take powdered sugar), 250 grams of flour and 5 eggs.

    The oil needs to melt and cool a little. Add sugar and salt, stir. Separate yolks, add flour and beat well. Connect this mass with a mixture of sugar and oil.

    To make the tubes light and delicate, the whites should be beaten separately. And that the proteins are whipped well, it is important to add a pinch of salt, then the tubes will turn out to be ideal.

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    In the dough, add whipped proteins and you can fry. The consistency of the dough should resemble liquid sour cream. Waffle iron must be oiled to prevent the dough sticking. Pour the dough you need a tablespoon or ladle, but the baking tray is placed 1.5 st.spoons of dough. We press the waffle iron with both hands and, when the waffle gets brown, take it out. It takes no more than 6 seconds.

    Step 2: making the filling

    Wafer tubules can, of course, be without the filling, but with cream or condensed milk they will taste better. For our recipe we will boil condensed milk or buy ready-made boiled condensed milk in the store. You can add roasted walnuts to it.

    The cream can be prepared with the addition of butter, which is combined with boiled condensed milk, so the tubes will taste better.

    Hot wafer layers should be rolled up immediately because they quickly harden. Cream to fill tubules conveniently with a confectionery bag.

    Coffee cream

    And you can make an original coffee cream instead of condensed milk - get a very tasty coffee treat.

    For such a cream, you first need to brew natural coffee: make it in a Turk in the usual way, and then let it brew a little.

    Then pour into the warmed( but not boiled!) Pasteurized milk, here enter rubbed with flour and with sugar or powder eggs.

    Put mixture on not too strong fire and do not stop working with a spoon, otherwise it will "stick" to the bottom. In order not to form lumps, especially intensively mix the mass at the very end, when bubbles begin to appear on its surface.

    If you can not get into trouble and the cream will have small clots, use a little trick.

    Put the dishes with the finished mixture in a pan of ice water, one tablespoon of which you need to add to the cream. Now whisk the product intensively until the excess lumps dissolve.

    Frozen stuffing fill each tube using a special confectionery syringe. You can also make a cornet from parchment or paper for baking.

    And if you roll a hot waffle layer in the form of a cone, then you will get a wonderful ice cream parlor - you just have to buy a loose ice cream in the store and fill them with cooked cones, decorate with berries, chocolate or jam and treat your family or friends with this delicacy.

    Some tips to make your waffles turn out to be tender and crisp

    1. Do not be lazy to sift the flour - then the dough will rise well.

    2. Instead of granulated sugar you can use powder - you will spend much less time to "fight" with excess lumps.

    3. If possible, whip the products with a mixer or blender - the mass will come out lush and airy.

    Video recipes of different types of home wafers

    Very clear recipe for making tubes:

    Viennese wafers:

    Dutch wafers:

    Milk wafers without eggs: