
How to get rid of acne on the shoulders and back, shoulder blades, from the shoulder to the elbow

  • How to get rid of acne on the shoulders and back, shoulder blades, from the shoulder to the elbow

    From the appearance of acne is not insured by any person - be it a woman or a man. Even if you have a good heredity, a healthy diet and a good environment, at any time, red inflammations may appear. They cause considerable inconvenience, so today we will tell you how to get rid of acne on the shoulders and back easily and simply.

    Reasons for the appearance of

    The first reason is the excessive production of sebum. Pores are hammered and provoke the formation of inflammation. The skin stops breathing, it becomes favorable for the penetration of bacteria. Heredity also affects the violation of the functionality of the pores. Low-quality clothing does not allow the skin to breathe and leads to clogging of pores, disrupting heat and moisture exchange.

    Stress factors affect the work of hormones, which also leads to the appearance of acne. Sexual maturation and a lack of B vitamins are also among the main causes of inflammation.

    How to remove red rashes on the back?

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    Quickly cure acne on the back, shoulders and shoulder blades is almost impossible, because they are large, often very painful and difficult to treat. Why? It's simple, the skin is thicker than on the face, and constant contact with substandard tissues leads to constant inflammation. In such a situation it is better to turn to a specialist, he will prescribe strong remedies.

    But something can be done at home to help solve the problem as quickly as possible. After all, treatment should be complex both outside and inside the body.

    Observe several rules:

    1. You should try to wear clothes made from natural fabrics, refuse from rough straps, this can stop the appearance of purulent pimples.
    2. Very well help bath with the addition of potassium permanganate. The main thing - remember the dosage, so as not to burn the skin. A whole bath of warm water will need only a few crystals of potassium permanganate to make the water gently pink. Take ten to fifteen minutes a day every other day for two weeks.
    3. It is also recommended to avoid exposure to both sunlight and solarium, because the burnt skin will not help to be cured.
    4. Do not forget about beer yeast and vitamin complexes, better prescribed by a doctor.

    Recipes for proper care of affected areas of skin

    Regular treatment with hydrogen peroxide solution is necessary, preferably with a 3% solution. For daily care, salicylic acid is ideal. Baths with sea salt and decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, celandine, oak bark and string, increase elasticity and have anti-inflammatory effect. This is a great way to permanently get rid of skin problems in the area from the shoulder to the elbow, and also on the shoulder blades.

    Masks from algae, curative mud and clay, all this can be done independently at home. Rubbing acne pointwise tincture of calendula in the morning and evening( we already wrote about this on the link).A compulsory assistant in the fight against acne is a diet or a balanced diet: refusal of fatty, roasted, refined.

    Do not forget about fiber and fresh vegetables. Of the drugs you can use Skinoren-gel, Baziron, Cinovit( gel for washing) and Zineritom, but only after consulting a dermatologist. If skin peeling increases during treatment, it is better to use baby cream or baby milk for the body, which are suitable for frequent use.

    And do not forget about the recommendation not to squeeze pimples on the back. After all, the infection is carried under the skin and, subsequently, the problem will be much more difficult to solve. Individual recommendations can be obtained only after the delivery of tests and visits to doctors - dermatologist, gynecologist and endocrinologist. They will give advice on how to prevent the appearance of rashes and redness in the future.

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