  • Old senility: or myths about the disease

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    There is an opinion that in old age the human brain inevitably degrades and senility comes. Around the intellectual capabilities of older people in general there are many myths.

    Myth one: in old age the bad memory of

    For many years, scientists have claimed that after 50 years the human brain begins to lose neurons. Modern technologies prove that the death of neurons does not occur. The brain is comparable to a computer - it can have problems, but the information is preserved. With age, problems of abstract thinking based on analogies first arise. But the "procedural" memory based on motor skills - playing golf or riding a bicycle - does not depend on age.

    Myth of the second: with age, the brain works worse

    Harvard University psychologists are sure that the brain of an elderly person can absorb as much information as a young brain. The only difference is that the aging brain does it more slowly. A third of the aged people retain an amazing clarity of mind and a good memory. Others, although they lose some of the properties of the brain, but this fact does not affect the ability to cope with everyday affairs.

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    Myth three: bodily ailments affect brain function

    Another misconception. Even the most serious illnesses in old age do not contribute to the flawed thinking. Undoubtedly, diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases can have a detrimental effect on brain activity. However, even here the direct dependence is not proved. You can only talk about the lack of information because of the passive lifestyle of a sick person.

    Myth Four: the old lion will not learn the new tricks

    And this is just a myth! The brain of an old man is able not only to recover, but also to rejuvenate. Russian scientists conducted an experiment - they compared the work of the brain of the elderly and young people who solved the same problems.

    Surprisingly, the mindset of mature people in the face of difficulties begins to rebuild. If any neuron can not cope with the task, then the neighboring ones come to the rescue.

    Myth Five: To keep the mind, you need to train it

    And again - not quite right. Of course, the inactive mind will collapse sooner. More important is another - mental activity should be interesting and enjoyable. If favorable conditions for the brain are created, then it can show brilliant work in old age and be distinguished by excellent health.

    Of course, not all elderly people retain excellent memory and good brain activity. But even young people often degrade because of a wrong lifestyle and bad habits.

    What unites those who managed to keep the clarity of the mind to a very old age?

    • The factor of determination and interest in the world around us.
    • Higher education and mental occupations.
    • Complete quitting and switching to low-calorie food.

    Old age as a disease does not exist, but there are only incorrect internal settings. The soul and the inner potential of man do not have a limitation period.

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