
Flowers from Foamiran: master class with photos and videos for beginners

  • Flowers from Foamiran: master class with photos and videos for beginners

    Flowers from Foamiran: master class for making peony, roses, asters and orchids

    The beauty of the flowers does not leave anyone indifferent. Apparently, it is for this reason that needlewomen find all new ways to recreate this natural beauty with the help of artificial materials. Today I would like to tell you how to make flowers from fameirana, the master class with your own hands of the created flowers is very simple.

    The softness and suppleness of this material, as well as the rich palette of flowers, will create truly unique flower compositions:

    Flowers by our own hands - master class

    Today we will learn how to make flowers from fameirana, the video master class will be a very good helper in this matter, especially for beginnersneedlewomen. As the first creation, I chose the peony flower.

    Due to the plastic properties of the material, and also due to its unique ability to easily take the desired shape with the help of light heating, the flowers from foamiran are very realistic.

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    So, before creating a unique peony beauty, let's prepare all the necessary tools.


    • foamedan pink shades( light to dark pink) and green
    • glue( preferably glue gun)
    • corrugated paper
    • iron
    • scissors
    • toothpicks
    • paints( acrylic or pastel)
    • wire( optional)

    Pattern of petals andleaves:

    Stages of work:

    So, first of all, cut the foiurane sheet into equal strips. It is thus easier to cut out the details of the petals.

    As a result, we should get these blanks:

    From the leaf of the green fameiran we cut out the leaves for the flower:

    Now we need to give the flower petals an invoice. To do this, we will need corrugated paper( color is not important).

    Turn 1 petal into a strip of corrugated paper and apply to the iron for a short period of time.

    Be careful not to burn your fingers.

    After this, the petal, wrapped in paper, folds the accordion and strongly twists.

    After we have expanded the workpiece, the peony petal will acquire the desired texture. In the photo it is very clearly visible:

    Now we give a little naturalness to the leaf of the flower. We also heat it and strongly twist it:

    When all the petals and leaves have undergone heat treatment and have taken the desired shape, we proceed to create the core of the flower.

    For this you can use either a ball of foam or make a ball of foil. If the flower is supposed to be put in a vase, then the core is attached to a piece of wire.

    Top with a piece of fonamir:

    Now one by one, we glue the petals to the core:

    Depending on the splendor of the flower, the number of petals can vary.

    Lastly, we glue the petals to the base of the flower and wrap the wire with green paper:

    The edges of the petals can be sunk with acrylic or pastel crayons.

    I demonstrated a step-by-step creation of a peony, but this is not the end of the variety of colors from the fameir.

    I suggest you try your hand at creating the following varieties of colors. For example, a rose.

    This royal flower can easily be repeated on its own, following a visual master class for beginners:

    I hope you have entered the taste and are not ready to stop because I offer you video lessons on creating other luxury flowers.

    Video tutorials on the production of different colors:

    Aster :

    Orchid :

    The beauty of the flowers does not leave anyone indifferent. Apparently, it is for this reason that needlewomen find all new ways to recreate this natural beauty with the help of artificial materials. Today I would like to tell you how to make flowers from fameirana, the master class with your own hands of the created flowers is very simple.

    The softness and suppleness of this material, as well as a rich palette of colors, will create truly unique flower compositions:

    Flowers by their own hands - master class

    Today we will learn how to make flowers from fameirana, the video master class will be a very good helper in this matter, especially for beginner needlewomen. As the first creation, I chose the peony flower.

    Due to the plastic properties of the material, and also due to its unique ability to easily take the desired shape with the help of light heating, the flowers from foamiran are very realistic.

    So, before creating a unique peony beauty, let's prepare all the necessary tools.


    • foamedan pink shades( light to dark pink) and green
    • glue( preferably glue gun)
    • corrugated paper
    • iron
    • scissors
    • toothpicks
    • paints( acrylic or pastel)
    • wire( optional)

    Pattern of petals andleaves:

    Stages of work:

    So, first of all we cut the foiurane sheet into equal strips. It is thus easier to cut out the details of the petals.

    As a result, we should get these blanks:

    From the leaf of the green fameiran we cut out the leaves for the flower:

    Now we need to give the flower petals an invoice. To do this, we will need corrugated paper( color is not important).

    Turn 1 petal into a strip of corrugated paper and apply to the iron for a short period of time.

    Be careful not to burn your fingers.

    After that, the petal, wrapped in paper, folds the accordion and strongly twists.

    After we have expanded the workpiece, the peony petal acquires the desired texture. In the photo it is very clearly visible:

    Now we give a little naturalness to the leaf of the flower. We also heat it and strongly twist it:

    When all the petals and leaves have been heat treated and have taken the desired shape, we proceed to create the core of the flower.

    For this you can use either a ball of foam or make a ball of foil. If the flower is supposed to be put in a vase, then the core is attached to a piece of wire.

    Top with a piece of foiurane:

    Now one by one, we glue the petals to the core:

    Depending on the splendor of the flower, the number of petals can vary.

    Lastly, we glue the petals to the base of the flower and wrap the wire with green paper:

    The edges of the petals can be sunk with acrylic or pastel crayons.

    I demonstrated a step-by-step creation of the peony, but this is not the end of the variety of colors from the fameir.

    I suggest you try your hand at creating the following varieties of flowers. For example, a rose.

    This royal flower can easily be repeated on its own, following a visual master class for beginners:

    I hope you have entered the taste and are not ready to stop, because I offer you video lessons on creating other luxury flowers.

    Video tutorials for manufacturing different colors:

    Astra :

    Orchid :