  • Men's styling: 45 photos of the most popular options

    There is a common opinion that only women make hair styling. However, it is not. Modern male styling, the photos of which you can see below, make the representatives of the stronger sex very attractive. The type and method of laying depends on the desire of the client and his needs. A man is going to a restaurant with a lady or a business meeting - his hairdress depends on it.

    Tools for styling

    Men, like women, need tools for styling. Representatives of the stronger sex stylists recommend clay for hair. It does not create shine, and the hair does not stick together.

    It is easier to lay on middle hair than to short ones. Styling is popular, creating the effect of free hair arrangement on the head. This effect can be easily achieved on medium length hair. When laying back hair, it is better to use gel. The gel gives the hair a strong shine, they look wet. But for this laying this kind is appropriate. If you use wax instead of gel and give hair volume at the roots, you will get an image in retro style.

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    Traditional laying

    Traditional styling with an oblique parting will look fashionable at all times. Just divide the hair into two asymmetric parts and comb them in different directions. This laying is very easy to do on your own.

    You can comb all the hair forward, covering your forehead and even your eyebrows. To give an image of style, separate thin strands can be treated with gel.

    The hairstyle with small curls will be both strict and romantic. It should be worn with an oblique parting. Curls can be made with a curling iron, beautifully laid on the head and fastened.

    Haircuts for courageous: laying short hair

    Styling for short hair is also necessary, as for medium hair. The easiest way to create different images, if all the hair is the same length. For example, you can appear in front of your beloved decent and obedient, with hair that has been smoothed to one side and an oblique parting. But women are unlikely to like it, it's better to appear in this form before the boss.

    A brutal image can be created using a gel. Apply a few drops to the hair and spread, directing strands on the crown in different directions. Hair on the back of the head, brush down.

    Male character of short haircut

    Short haircuts have a sporty and courageous character. Care of these hairstyles is very simple, it requires very little time and attention. In this case, a man with this haircut is always a neat appearance.

    Huge space for styling creates hair length of five to ten centimeters and a short bangs. If the hair is slightly curled, they can be dried, pulling the strands up, and lay with your fingers.

    How to choose the

    styling Properly selected styling is combined not only with the type of face, but also with the color of the hair and skin. If you do not know which hairstyle to choose, consult a stylist or choose your classic.

    When applying styling products, try to make your hair look natural. This is especially true for men who have an average hair length or wear a long bang.

    Creativity pad

    Haircut "playground" is obtained when the hair on the vertex goes to the occipital area at a right angle, without rounding. Hair on the vertex about three centimeters long is directed upwards. This haircut must be fixed with varnish, and then with the help of a comb to give it the desired shape.

    Cardinally change their appearance can only teenagers, they need it for self-expression. Adult men do not fit radical changes in appearance. They do not dye their hair and most often do not grow them. But still, the image changes are necessary, and here the styling will come to the rescue. It is enough to slightly lift the hair at the roots, slightly ruffle them with your fingers and fix it - and your new image is ready.

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