
Crafts from matches with own hands: diagrams, photos and videos

  • Crafts from matches with own hands: diagrams, photos and videos

    Simple and affordable material for creativity - regular matches. Making of them man-made works develops assiduity, coordination of movements, accuracy and attentiveness. Souvenirs from matches can be made with or without glue, and the design will be kept by friction and tension inside. In the article we will give interesting examples and a master class on creating crafts from matches for the beginners;without glue work a little heavier than with it, so if you are not confident in your abilities, as well as to work with children - you can use it.

    Tips for working with matches

    1. Choose a place for creativity. A table, a chair or a piece of floor - this should be a place where it will be convenient to work, and you will not disturb others.
    2. Make a stock of matches. Often their required quantity exceeds expected.
    3. Sometimes, a schema is required for the job.
    4. For glue, select a small container, cover the working surface with an oilcloth;to wipe the excess it will suit a rag.
    5. instagram viewer
    6. Check the matches: only smooth and durable ones are used in the work.
    7. If you need to cut off the heads, make it a stationery knife.

    Children's crafts

    The easiest way for children to use matches in creativity is to make a picture on the cardboard with their use.

    You will need a cardboard, a pencil, glue, matches and any other materials that you deem fit.

    1. First you need to make a pencil sketch.

    2. After that decide which parts of the picture can be made from matches, glue them on the base.

    3. If necessary, color the drawing with paints, add elements from other materials.

    Matches can also be used to create anything. It is enough to show a little ingenuity and imagination. Experiment! And children's match patterns, which were obtained in this way, can also be pasted onto cardboard.

    The "fence" of matches can become part of a future large and voluminous craft, a stand for it or simply a fence for the house. Doing it, we paste the matches, alternating heads and "tails".

    For example, you can use a previous workpiece to make a table or a stool. In addition, it will take another 5 matches for the legs, which need to be glued together as in the photo.

    House of matches

    From simple to complex. We turn to the creation of crafts without glue. That's what the next master class is about.

    So, you will need:

    • 7 matchboxes( please store a lot - in matches there is often a marriage);
    • pair of coins;
    • drive box.

    1. We prepare the base, we have this usual box for the disc. We put a couple of matches on it in parallel, but at a distance.

    2. For these matches, put perpendicularly 8 base matches. The distance between them should be the same.

    3. On top of this, lay out another "layer".

    4. After that, out of the matches put the "perimeter".

    5. Repeating the last two paragraphs, we make 7 rows.

    6. 8 lay a row of matches so that the heads look in the opposite direction to the matches of the foundation.

    7. We continue to make a house. For 8 matches we lay 6 perpendicularly, and on top - a coin.

    8. Insert the matches into the holes in the corners. Gently hold the structure.

    9. Next, in each hole around the perimeter of the coin, insert a match.

    10. Correcting. Matches must be tightly held together.

    11. Add matches, completing the walls of the house.

    12. Next, we will tell you how to make the roof of the house. We start to insert matches into opposite walls.

    14. Alternate direction, insert matches perpendicularly.

    15. We stack on 2, then - on 4, further - on 6, and in central - on 8 matches.

    16. From the pieces we make the roof, the windows of the house, the doors and the pipe.

    This is the house you get. And another video lesson. Video compilation