  • Treatment of sore throats with folk remedies at home

    Angina is an inflammation of the tonsils, developing due to infection. The inflammatory process can affect not only the tonsils, it can also affect the nasopharynx, larynx and tongue. This disease occurs both from external infection, and as a complication of already existing diseases. Treatment of angina with folk remedies can give a very good effect.

    . Regardless of the reason for the disease, angina should be treated without fail. Rapid treatment guarantees less chance of negative consequences.

    Drug therapy is used on a par with folk medicine. Treatment with folk remedies is widely used in both adults and children. The main thing is not to forget that in any case, a specialist's consultation is mandatory!

    Folk remedies are very popular today - people increasingly began to pay attention to what methods of treatment nature tells us. With this disease, many effective tools are used that quickly and easily remove inflammation and lead to recovery.

    The most common traditional medicine for angina.

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    Treatment of sore throat

    To prepare the medicine you only need one head of garlic. It must be peeled and poured 1 liter of water. Wait until the water starts to boil and pour 1ch. L.baking soda.

    With this broth it is necessary to do inhalations - they will soften the throat and remove the pathogen of angina. Carry out inhalations 3 times a day for at least 2-3 days.

    You can also use a tincture of garlic. It is necessary to cut the garlic finely, so that it eventually turns out to be 100 g. Then pour a glass of 0.5 glass of warm water. Within 5 hours, insist. After this, drain and rinse your throat.

    Propolis will help!

    For the treatment of sore throat it is recommended to use a propolis based ointment. It can also be prepared at home. To do this, mix propolis with butter( 1:10).Ointment should be taken several times a day before meals. It is recommended to take the medicine with warmed milk.

    Propolis is also inhaled. Propolis and wax or petroleum jelly must be mixed in equal proportions. The container in which this mass is located is closed by a lid with a hole. Then the jar should be placed in a pot filled with water and boiled. The bank heats up, and there will be vapors that need to be inhaled. The procedure should be done 2 times a day for 10 minutes, in the morning and in the evening. In 2 days you can see an improvement in the patient's condition.

    Treated with lemon

    Foods rich in vitamin C, such as lemon and its juice, are very useful in treating inflammation of the tonsils. Special features of children's angina - treatment of the disease at an early age very often excludes the taking of serious medications. Treatment of sore throats with folk remedies is very actively used on the child.

    If the baby is not allergic to citrus, you can give him a day to drink lemon juice or eat slices of lemon. Lemon juice is prepared according to this recipe. Lemons need to be peeled off and put one by one in a gauze pouch. Squeeze into a glass of juice from the fruit. Due to the high concentration it is recommended to dilute it with mineral water( 1: 1 or 1: 2).Lemon juice can be consumed throughout the period of the disease, replacing them with water.

    Rinse with vodka

    You have been given this diagnosis - in adults, treatment is carried out according to a special scheme. Of folk remedies, you can use, for example, vodka.

    You need to take 100 grams of vodka and 4 slices of sugar refined sugar. Alcohol is poured into a container, then it is necessary to put sugar on the fork and set it on fire with a match. It is necessary to behave carefully, as the syrup, draining into vodka, can ignite. The bowl can be covered with a lid to extinguish the fire. The resulting mixture should gargle, slowly drinking vodka. After taking the medicine, it is recommended to wrap your throat with a warm scarf and immediately go to bed.

    Cumin treatment

    Infusion based on cumin seeds has analgesic and antibacterial properties. In addition, it stimulates immunity, weakened by the disease. To relieve discomfort and pain in the throat, you need to gargle with an infusion of cumin seeds every 2-3 hours. It can also be taken orally as a warming drink.

    To prepare the infusion, pour boiling water 2 tbsp.cumin seeds. Within 3-4 hours, let it brew. To improve the taste, you can add honey and lemon juice.

    All the data are excellent help to cope with poor health, sore throat and discomfort. But how to knock down the temperature with angina with the help of folk remedies, because this disease is always accompanied by its high rates?

    Among the traditional medicine used to reduce temperature, it is worth noting such as raspberries, anise, linden, leaves of mother-and-stepmother, peppermint leaves, willow bark, apple cider vinegar, etc. For these purposes, one can also rinse throat with a solutionhydrogen peroxide.

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