
The norm of leukocytes in the blood: in women, men, children

  • The norm of leukocytes in the blood: in women, men, children

    Today, the most simple and reliable method of diagnosis is a blood test.

    This is a laboratory study that allows you to find out important blood indicators that characterize the state of the body. A clinical blood test evaluates the color marker, the content of erythrocytes, white blood cells, platelets and hemoglobin level.

    The transcript of the blood test reveals the presence of pathologies in the body. Abnormal abnormalities indicate a lesion, anemia, or blood diseases. The doctor always assesses health by blood indicators, while taking into account the age, gender and condition of the body.

    The most significant indicator of the normal functioning of any organism is the volume of leukocytes. What are the components of the blood called leukocytes? White bodies that move freely around the body and perform a protective and purifying role. They seek to rid our body of antibodies, antigens, viruses and microbes, thus performing a protective function.

    Leukocytes kill harmful micro-organisms and decay products, absorb them, break down, bind, thereby preventing intoxication. Colorless cells have an irregular rounded shape of 6-20 μm in size.
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    Benefits of leukocytes in the body

    Bloody white corpuscles - the main factor in protecting the body from the introduction of foreign cells. If the body is attacked by viruses, microbes, bacteria, then leukocytes create a barrier against diseases and pests. Leukocytes produce enzymes and antibodies, splits and binds them, removes the products of vital activity.

    Leukocyte functions:

    • protection from harmful microorganisms and foreign bodies;
    • removal from the body of antibodies and dead cells;
    • cleaning of decay products.
    The number of leukocytes varies, depending on many factors, and the deviation from the norm indicates a violation in the body. If the number of white blood cells is increased, the doctor prescribes additional studies to determine the pathology in the body.

    Most often, the increase in leukocytes is associated with an inflammatory process or a certain condition. For example, during pregnancy, a slight increase in the level of white blood cells is observed, as well as during menstruation in women( see the causes and treatment of elevated white blood cells in the blood).

    Lowering the level of leukocytes indicates a decrease in immunity or other diseases. Since leukocytes are involved in the process of killing microbes and purifying the body, they themselves die, thereby reducing the white blood cell count( see the causes and treatment of low blood cells in the blood).

    The norm of leukocytes in the blood of children, men, women

    There are many types of leukocytes. For example, granular granulocytes, segmented neutrophils, stab neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils. There are also monocytes and lymphocytes.

    All of them serve for different purposes, performing certain functions. Each type of leukocytes reacts in its own way to the pathological state of the organism, changing the number. An increase in the level of leukocytes is called leukocytosis, and a decrease in leukopenia( see the symptoms of leukopenia).

    The norm of white blood cells in the body of an adult male and female is the same and is approximately 4-9 × 109 liters. The number of erythrocytes in the blood exceeds the number of leukocytes by 1000 times.

    In children, the indicators are different and depend on age. Up to three years the level of leukocytes is 6-17 units. From three to six years, the rate is 5-12 units. At the age of 6-10 years the level of leukocytes in the blood is 6-11 units. At the age of 12 to 15 years, the white blood cell count is normally close to that of adults-4,2-9,5 units.

    If the number of white blood cells is slightly higher than normal, this indicates a mild or moderate disease. With catarrhal diseases and acute respiratory viral infection, the level of leukocytes is about 8-9 units.

    With prolonged infections, leukocytes penetrate the walls of the vessels, absorb foreign particles, digest them, but at the same time their number is reduced significantly. Cleansing the body of infection, the very same cells and die. Therefore, leukopenia is associated with diseases of the body or weakening of it.

    Factors influencing the white blood cell count

    The blood test is recommended for delivery on an empty stomach. After eating, the blood count may vary. Also affects the number of leukocytes during the day, the state of the body - fatigue, stress, overload, both mental and physical.

    It is not advisable to swim in a cold water body before taking blood or take a hot bath, exercise, exercise or eat a lot of spicy food. In addition, the use of certain medications, for example, immunomodulators may affect this analysis. Therefore, preparation for delivery of blood is necessary.

    The norm of leukocytes in the blood in women

    The norm of the level of leukocytes in women is 3.2-10.2 × 109 / liter, and depends on such factors as the menstrual cycle and the hormonal background. In this regard, in pregnant women, during childbirth and monthly, the level of leukocytes is increased.

    There are two types of changes in the leukocyte number: primary and secondary.

    Primary are associated with blood diseases, and secondary changes indicate damage to other organs and the presence of pathologies. An increase in the level of leukocytes indicates inflammation, a viral infection, and a decrease suggests the possibility of purulent diseases, bone marrow ailments, liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, and immunosuppression.

    After receiving the analysis, you do not need to make a diagnosis yourself. The doctor, considering the clinical manifestations of the symptoms, will advise further examination and possible treatment tactics.

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