  • Coffee safe drink

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    For a long time it was believed that in the presence of heart problems( in particular, with atrial fibrillation), drinking coffee is contraindicated. But recent studies have shown that this drink in some cases can even be useful in this disease. In particular, the use of coffee in women with atrial fibrillation reduces the likelihood of its development, but at the same time, men under the influence of this drink increases the risk of arrhythmia.

    Studies on the effect of coffee on the health of the cardiovascular system were conducted at the University of Uppsala, Carolina. Swedish scientists conducted observations of 80 thousand people in Sweden and the United States and assessed their health for 12 years.

    During the study, the doctors monitored participants who asked about the frequency of coffee. Simultaneously with this, experts evaluated the work of the heart and blood vessels of all subjects. Of the people who took part in the study, about 7 thousand people( women and men) suffered from atrial fibrillation. This number was about 9% of all volunteers.

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    According to the results of the study, the scientists did not reveal the fact that the probability of developing atrial fibrillation increases with increased consumption of coffee. This allows to tell people suffering from this disease that they can drink this drink without any harm for health in moderate amounts.

    The effect of consuming large amounts of coffee on the risk of atrial fibrillation was studied. But even in large doses, this drink did not have any effect on the health of people. At the same time, participants who already had atrial fibrillation at the time of starting the study, and those who acquired the disease with time, were considered. To confirm their conclusions, the scientists did not limit themselves to one group of participants, but recruited new volunteers. In total, the study involved about 250 thousand people.

    During the repeated experiment, one more regularity was discovered. It deals with the different effects of coffee on male and female organisms. The use of coffee led to a slight increase in the risk of developing atrial fibrillation in men. As for women, this drink even reduced the likelihood of this disease. The exact information about what lies at the heart of this fact, scientists have not yet been revealed. If there was a disease at the time of the study, it was found that drinking coffee does not have any effect on health.

    The danger of atrial fibrillation is that it can cause blood clots and subsequent cardiac arrest. Because of a violation of atrial contraction, blood clots develop which can enter various organs and cause serious problems( for example, if a blood clot enters the brain, development of an ischemic stroke is possible).

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